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Black Tower - The 1st Hunger Games **Game Over!**

Ithillian Turambar

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It got dark suddenly. In the Night everyone was alone ... Kill or be killed. That was the only way to win.


BTHungerlogo.gifIt is now NIGHT 5.


You have just less than 24 hours to send in your actions. I will post a countdown in a bit.



Countdown: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20120926T21&p0=136&msg=End+of+Night+5

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It seemed no-one was interested in receiving this gift and it hoevered motionless for some time, before lazily circling around the Gamezone. It passed through a wooded area and the camera's tracked to the other side. It never emerged. An empty contained was all that remained when they finally located it.



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With so few left, casualties had been inevitable. The survivors had become even more skilled and hard as the Days and Nights passed. Now they sense that it might actually be them who lived. They might have a chance. They might survive this. Just before dawn, the sound of the cannons firing twice proved that for two of them this was not to be.


It was a frenzied attack as they threw themselves at each other, knowing that if they had to kill to survive. Lolguy and Dice struggled for some time, Dice still had his axe-like blade and Lolguy had acquired a lethal edged katana. They seem equally matched - move for move, hit for hit. The ratings went through the roof and they battle for supremacy. It was not to last - Cyan dropped down from a tree close by and spiralled into the mix.


She moved in low and cut Lol deep on the back of his leg, causing him to go down. Seeing the weakness Dice surged forwards, perhaps recklessly so and pushed his blade deep into Lol's chest. It was only after that he felt to cold burning pain and looked down to see that Lol had pushed up with his katana at the same time, impaling him on the blade. They fell down together, a fitting end to such an epic combat. Wanting to make sure that he would not survive - Cyan used her skill with a blade to sever Lol's artery and watched the life drain out of his eyes. She looked at Dice, but then the sound of running footsteps made her back away and turn and run. She was not willing to take an unecessary chance, not when she was so close.


Eddie came into the clearing and saw the carnage. Dice was will still breathing ... he would have to do something about that. Taking Dice's weapon, he hefted it a bit from hand to hand, testing the balance. Finally he shrugged, before swinging it around hard and fast to land directly on Dice's skull. Dice had no chance of avoiding that blow. The deed done, Eddie wiped his face and dropped the weapon on the floor. It wasn't really what he was looking for. Perhaps he would find something better the following day.


Two had Died. Three Still Survived.


The Dead may not post in this Threa - not even a Bah Post. Please Block the Dead from all PMs or start new ones. The Living may not communicate with the Dead in anyway. You have been warned.


BTHungerlogo.gifIt is now Day 6


Countdown: http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20120927T21&p0=136&msg=End+of+Day+6

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