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A Walk through the halls (Atten: Kat)

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Rasheta stood behind Jaydena and Loraine watching the two other sisters talk to Kathleen. Rasheta was better at observing then the other two. She could tell Kathleen was resigned and that she would not let any prodding or obstacles get in her way. Loraine spoke of time and how a little time could turn into months or years. Rasheta watched Kathleens reaction and nearly smiled when the new Accepted seemed to just accept it. She hadn't changed much since Rasheta had saved her awhile back she was determined. Rasheta pushed off the wall and came around the table when Jaydena was done with her.


"Come Accepted." She said coolly she nodded to Jaydena and took the newest Green out of the room. She turned her head and said in the same cool voice. "We will go to your room first. It will be where you stay as an Accepted, when you are a full Green you will get a different room." Rasheta didn't give the girl a chance to say anything she just turned and walked on to the end of the quarters, her pace faster then strictly nessecary.


The tiles her feet landed on where white with green borders and green handled swords inlaid on them. Along the white and green walls were tapestries and paintings of famous battles and Sisters of the Ajah. She stopped in front of a door and opened it, inside were several recruits who were bringing Kathleens things in from her Accepted room.


"First we will go on the tour, then we will do Battleweaves." She paused briefly to stare at the recuits putting Kathleens things away. One of them gave her a look clearly hoping the rumors about Greens being interested in men were true. She made note of him to tell Dante about it later. It would give Dante something fun to do. She turned back to the Accepted.


"When you are ready you will be able to choose one Sister to do your Midnight vigil with. That night you will spend in contemplation of what it means to be Green. You will form your answers for the next day. At dawn you will go before the assembled Ajah members and they will either accept you or deny you entrance based on your answers. If you are denied you will continue training and then will go again before the ajah. The other intiates will move your things after we finish the tour, for they need to meet you as well, if anything is missing please let me know and I will take care of it. Although that has never happened before there is a first time for everything."


Rasheta glanced around the room to see if everything was in order, the room was much smaller than the Aes Sedai rooms Kathleen would move into when she was raised. The walls were white and bare, she had a fireplace with a screen and a supply of wood which would be replaced by the servants each day. A wardrobe for her clothes as well as a clothes rack were against one wall. A thick rug was laid on the floor to keep her feet warm, and a washstand with pitcher and bowl was on a small table nearby. Her Aes Sedai rooms would have a Master bedroom with it's own bath, enough rooms for several warders and a community bathroom, a dining room, kitchen, office, and living room that were all combined. It was basically like having your own house within the ajah quarters. Many Warders actually lived within the quarters to protect their Aes Sedai, though there were some that didn't. In fact she had personally had some that lived with her and some that didn't. It did lack a certain amount of privacy but it also was an added protection and these days the Tower wasn't exactly safe.


Rasheta turned back after she made sure it was clean and in order and spoke again, "Do you have any questions before we begin Kathleen?"

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When the conversation died down Rasheta called Kathleen out of the room to show her around. She had called her Accepted. Kathleen's heart tugged again and she was surprised she could feel more pain after what she had been through this day already. After all she had put herself through the night before she had not been sure if she would even make it to this point. That morning Kathleen had taken her Oaths. She was no longer an Accepted. She was an Aes Sedai, yet this woman that Kathleen still held in high regard was still calling her Accepted. Kathleen knew she was not yet a Green, but she was not an Accepted any longer, she was an Aes Sedai whether she was a member of an Ajah or not! She tried to curb her anger but it was getting harder and harder to hold her emotions back. She knew it wouldn't do to make a scene about it, and she reminded herself that they were only words. The woman could call her a duck and it wouldn't make her one. That thought calmed her temper, so long as she remembered who and what she was it didn't matter what anyone else said.


Kathleen had been in the Green Halls before, she had stopped to take in the magnificent tapestries and the decorative tiles, yet somehow today they seemed just a little more bright and comforting. She wasn't just walking through the Green Ajah Halls, she was walking through her halls. She may not be in her final room but these were the halls she would live in and call home until the day she died. They stopped at her temporary room and Kathleen was very pleased to see the luxuries she had. She knew it was far from the full ranking rooms but it was definitely a step up from the little Accepted room she had been in for so long. That fireplace and wardrobe were going to be wonderful! As the people continued to move the few things she had she hoped they would be gentle with it all. If they so much as wrinkled a paper she would she didn't know what she would do, but she was sure by the end of it they would wish they hadn't! Of course she wouldn't actually do anything, but she had to blow off some of this emotion so she let it out in her thoughts.


Kathleen listened as Rasheta explained the Midnight Vigil and how Kathleen would be interviewed again and made to ask for acceptance into the Ajah again at that time. They could say no. After going through all the trials of today, and then the trials of however long this Initiate time would take, and she could still be turned away! She tried not to think of it. Instead her thoughts went back to her new status. She was no longer Accepted, despite what Rasheta had said, and she was not a Green Sister yet. She knew how Accepteds were to present themselves, but how was she to act now? She had called Jaydena 'Sister' as an Aes Sedai would, but is that what she was supposed to do? Accepteds curtsied to all Aes Sedai. She knew she was supposed to come across to others in the Tower as an equal Green, so she knew not to curtsy to them, or to Greens in public, but how was she to hold herself with in these new walls? Jaydena had asked her if she understood her position and all that was expected of her, and at the time she had thought she did, but as it all sunk it more and more the questions came to her. As she walked the halls to meet the other Green Aes Sedai Kathleen brought the questions to conversation in hopes that the woman who had once helped her out of a life or death situation would be willing once more to help her out with the answers.

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She knew how Accepteds were to present themselves, but how was she to act now? She had called Jaydena 'Sister' as an Aes Sedai would, but is that what she was supposed to do? Accepteds curtsied to all Aes Sedai. She knew she was supposed to come across to others in the Tower as an equal Green, so she knew not to curtsy to them, or to Greens in public, but how was she to hold herself with in these new walls?


Rasheta eyed Kathleen for a moment and had to stop herself from smiling. She had asked Jaydena the same question when she had been an Accepted. It seemed to be a common question. She responded. "You no longer have to curtsy, that is something only tower Accepted do. You have passed your tests you ARE and Aes Sedai within the Tower now. You will be given money monthly from the tower and you are free, when you are not training, to leave the White Tower or the city of Tar Valon. You can address us any way you like. Jaydena is the Ajah head but no one outside these halls knows that. So be careful what you say." She paused realizing she hadn't really answered Kathleens questions so she tried again.


"Call us by our first names its easier and shows a good sense of familiarity but till you are fully accepted "sister" would not be wise." She turned then and said "now come Kathleen your tour is just starting."



Rasheta led Kathleen down the halls till she stopped in front of the Green Ajah's Vault she remembered the words Jaydena had used when she had shown Rasheta around and so Rasheta used the same words as she opened the door to show Kathleen. "This is the Green Ajah Vault, probably one of the most sacred areas of our Ajah."


She led the way into the main sunken seating area, around the deep seated couches were glass walls. Inside the walls were cubbys, inside each cubby was a portrait of the deceased or missing battle sister and a few of her prized possessions, including pictures of her gaidin. Leading back into the hallways were large portraits of Sisters. The room had the silence of a graveyard, it was in a sense. Rasheta came in here to be alone and speak to Adrian. The room rarely saw laughter or jokes. She spoke quietly now to Kathleen.


"The Vault is a place were we come in contemplation of those we have lost in this battle against the Shadow. Sisters of the Battle Ajah rarely die in their sleep. We will all die and if we are lucky we will do so fighting for the greater good such as these women did. When we die we earn a place within the Vault." Rasheta paused then and motioned Kathleen to follow her some ways into the hall. She stopped in front of the the cubby that would one day hold something of hers but currently held a sword and a few odds and ends that reminded her of Adrian. She knelt down and said to Kathleen in a quiet voice.


"Here is all that remains to me of Adrian, you were able to save him and I was not. If you had not chosen Green and had died in battle for another Ajah I would have remembered you here." She looked up at Kathleen and smiled "Did you think I forgot the service you had done me? I have not, but you must be tested the Green Ajah is the strongest Ajah in the tower and we fight more often then the others we need to know you will not break." She stood slowly and said


"If you like you may come in here and remember Adrian or simply sit in silence with the long dead. I have done that many times. After we leave here though do not expect me to treat you any different then another Accepted to the Ajah. Do you have any questions?" Rasheta would allow Kathleen this one time to ask her anything else about the vault before they moved on. It would probably give the girl something to cling to.

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Kathleen took in the answers Rasheta so kindly gave, she knew the woman didn't have to tell her anything, and so she was greatful for what answers she did receive. When they stopped outside the Vault Kathleen had no idea what to expect inside and when she entered it she was shocked at what she saw. As she stepped into the lowered space she began to eye the many cubbies with curiosity. As they walked deeper into the Vault Rasheta explained its purpose, stopping just in front a cubby with a sword and few other things. "Here is all that remains to me of Adrian, you were able to save him and I was not. If you had not chosen Green and had died in battle for another Ajah I would have remembered you here.Did you think I forgot the service you had done me? I have not, but you must be tested the Green Ajah is the strongest Ajah in the tower and we fight more often then the others we need to know you will not break."


Kathleen did not know what do say, there were no words. How could Rasheta possibly think that Kathleen had saved him? If it wasn't for Kathleen Adrian never would have been in danger that day in the first place. Kathleen had thought she had caused his death that day when she was being carried away and he didn't follow, and seeing his sword laid out in the cubby in the Vault those feelings of loss for Adrian came rushing back. All she could do was stare at it. After a quiet moment she tried to speak, it was hard to ask the question, but she needed to know, "How? How did..how?" It was all she could get out, but she knew that Rasheta knew what she wanted to know. She couldn't take her eyes off the sword and the cubby and the she felt the heat off the tears sliding down her face. She didn't want to cry today, but if anything was to bring her to tears today in public, the loss of Adrian was something she knew was more than worth the weakness others would perceive from her tear stained cheeks. Kathleen knew there were times when crying was not an option and a time when they were justified. She would pull herself together before leaving the vault and carrying on, but she felt no remorse in crying for Adrian, without him she would never been standing in this Vault in the first place.

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Kathleen took Rasheta's comment about Adrien and asked

"How? How did..how?" Then Kathleen started to cry. Rasheta didn't say anything Kathleen had known him and to grieve was good. Rasheta hugged the girl long enough to allow her to get her grief under control then she spoke.


"We went to the Blight, this was not our first time there, we were attempting to fight some of the Trolloc parties that were hiding there." She sighed. "We attracted the wrong kind of attention and Adrien sent me and the rest of the wounded borderlanders ahead. I felt him die sometime later. He must have put up quite a fight, after that I do not remember much. He had told me he always knew I would outlive him." She paused and took a deep breath to study herself least she start crying. If that happened Dante would appear. He hated it when she cried, he always felt like he wasn't doing his job. She continued speaking after a moment in a quiet voice. "There isn't a day that goes by that I do not miss him. Even now that I have found a love again."


She tossed her braids over her shoulder and continued. "You will meet my two new Warders soon, they are not him but Dante makes me smile and Visar is a good man. Both would give there lives for me and Dante I find I love very much." She smiled a bit sadly at Kathleen and added quietly. "But my heart finds itself here sometimes. Be careful who you love child it is never easy to watch or feel a warder die if you love them it is that much worse." She drew herself up and said back in control.


"Come now we must go and get your walkthrough done. Follow me." Rasheta led Kathleen away and came to the first door in a row she knew it was Loraine's room. She knocked and waited till Loraine answered and when she did Rasheta said. "This is Kathleen she is not yet one of us but she is sealed to us." Rasheta stepped back and allowed the two to talk.

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Kathleen snuggled into the Green's shoulder for a short while and then quickly pulled herself together. He had done his job, and he had died in the way any warder hopes to die, he had given his life in battle to save Rasheta's and Kathleen knew there was honour in that. When Rasheta said, "be careful who you love child it is never easy to watch or feel a warder die if you love them it is that much worse,"Kathleen knew the words would stay with her. She dried her tears as best she could and left the Vault to continue learning about her new living space and the people she would be sharing it with, the people she needed prove herself too.


They hadn't walked too far when Rasheta stopped and knocked on a door. When the woman opened the door Rasheta spoke, "This is Kathleen she is not yet one of us but she is sealed to us." and then she stepped back and Kathleen nodded to the woman who had questioned her staying ability in the office just a little while earlier.

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Loraine had settled into a chair to await Kathleen's tour starting. At least, she had after she'd found Kynwric and explained a few things. She hadn't made it in time for the poor trainee he'd been training, but surely the boy would learn not to verbally spar with Kyn after today. The thought lifted the corner of her lips and she shook her head at the book in her lap. The poor man was cooped up here enough. She really needed to get him out of the Tower for a little bit. He was always less stressed after a vacation.


The knock brought her attention to the doorway and she stood, smoothing her skirts absent-mindedly as she made her way to the door. She opened it with a smile on her lips, listening to Rasheta's formal introduction. She turned her eyes to Kathleen, seeing the slight redness in the girl's cheeks and ringing her eyes. Something had finally pushed her over the edge, huh? Good, now that that was out of the way, the real fun could start.


"I am very pleased to meet you," she said calmly, holding Kathleen's gaze. "I am glad to see you're holding up so well. Truth be known, I was expecting to have to replace furniture in Jade's office today." She let the humor glitter in her eyes when she said it. It was rare for anyone outside of the Green Halls to see her sense of humor and the poor girl had been through enough torture for one day. "That's always very trying, since the closest we've come to being able to get the splinters out of the cushions usually results in our having a Yellow pick them out of our backsides for a month or so. My posterior truly appreciates your restraint."


She laid a hand on the girl's shoulder, her lips tilting slightly upward. "Everyone in these halls have been where you are. We've all shed tears of loss, frustration and pain in the same planks of wood you'll be surrounded by for a little while. Perhaps it feels cruel now, but, in time, you'll understand the why of it. Just keep your chin up and clutch that stubborn determination close. You'll need every drop of it very soon. My door is always open if you need to rant. Just know that you'll have to drink tea in order to do it." She grinned at Rasheta over Kathleen's shoulder.




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When Loraine opened the door she greeted Kathleen, "I am very pleased to meet you," she said calmly, holding Kathleen's gaze. "I am glad to see you're holding up so well. Truth be known, I was expecting to have to replace furniture in Jade's office today.That's always very trying, since the closest we've come to being able to get the splinters out of the cushions usually results in our having a Yellow pick them out of our backsides for a month or so. My posterior truly appreciates your restraint." Kathleen could see the humor in the woman's face and Kathleen smiled. Part of her wished she had done just that just to see the scene Loraine was depicting. "Well, I think I only held it together that much from the shock of it all. If I had been in there when I got passed that shock I can't imagine what shape would the room could have been in."



Loraine continued, "Everyone in these halls have been where you are. We've all shed tears of loss, frustration and pain in the same planks of wood you'll be surrounded by for a little while. Perhaps it feels cruel now, but, in time, you'll understand the why of it. Just keep your chin up and clutch that stubborn determination close. You'll need every drop of it very soon. My door is always open if you need to rant. Just know that you'll have to drink tea in order to do it." Kathleen was glad to hear this. She did not have any real expectations as to what the welcome of Aes Sedai to a newly raised woman who was choosing to join the same Ajah usually was, but she had been expecting just a little more happiness and welcoming spirit than the response she had first had.


These were the woman she would spend her years being closest with, and it was nice to know that they did have a sense of humor and that they would be there to support her emotionally. She had hoped for years that the relationship of Aes Sedai to Aes Sedai, at least of the same Ajah, was closer behind the closed doors of the Ajah Halls then what had been seen and experienced as a Novice or Accepted looking in. She knew that she was expected to act a certain way as Accepted in public view, and she had hoped that the Aes Sedai had the same expectations of upholding their appearance and that they weren't all as drab as they seemed, even when they had been in the company of others. She wasn't about to have a race through the halls for fun, or anything like that, but it was nice to know that there were real emotions, and that they did let the joyous and jovial moments show.


"Thank for the offer, I should hope that invitation would be open for times other than ranting as well, or any chance of a proper relationship budding will be slim. I can't imagine you thinking all I want to come by for is to complain. And I hope you have a large supply of tea." Kathleen smiled and offered, "You are more than welcome to stop by my room for a chat anytime, but I understand if you'd rather not find yourself back in the smaller rooms." Kathleen hoped she wasn't being too forward but she was still feeling out how to interact with the Aes Sedai, she was glad things seemed to be at least a little more casual now.

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Loraine felt her lips twitch and shook her head. "I'm Cairhienin to my teeth. The day you find me without a proper tea is the day they'll be spreading my ashes over the garden! As for the invitation, it's open whenever you're in need of it. Just beware of the barrel shaped warder with a permanent growl on his face. He bites."


She laughed and nodded to them both. "It's been a pleasure meeting you, Kathleen. Until we meet again..."




;) Congrats, again, and welcome aboard!

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Rasheta didn't have to wait long for the two to chat. Loraine offered Kathleen a chance to come and see her for tea whenever the new Accepted needed her. Rasheta's lips twitched, she rememberd the various times she had come to Loraine for tea and talks of warders. Kathleen of course, wouldn't be discussing warders but it would provide her the chance to get to know a sister better outside of training or the walkthrough.


Rasheta waited till Loraine dismissed them, and Rasheta said as they walked to the next room. "Loraine is a good person to see if you are feeling overwhelmed her tea is good." She smiled briefly and added. "Although I like the beer better." Rasheta came to the next room then and knocked on the door. This room belonged to Jaydena the current Ajah head for the Greens. She held a positen of much respect within the Ajah and she was treated with such. Kathleen would find this meeting different then the one before. The door opened and Rasheta spoke "This is Kathleen she is not one of us yet but she is sealed to us." Rasheta stepped back and allowed the two to chat.

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Jaydena lifted her head from the desk and stood up, it didn't matter how much her heart hurt, she had to get up. Rasheta and Kathleen could arrive at her quarters at any time, it all depended on who was currently in the Tower and where her room lay in relation to Kathleen's. She stood up, smoothed her skirt down, and headed back to her rooms. With a quick weave she closed her office off from intrusion and walked down the hallway. With quick strides she reached her room and removed the weave from her rooms. A part of her wanted to walk slowly back to her rooms as she felt like she had no energy left, however doing that would only cause her Greens to think something was wrong with her. They were used to her ground eating strides and graceful movements, if she altered her behavior the ones in the Hall would notice. If they didn't the warders standing in the Halls would notice and report it either to their Aes Sedai or to her Warder. Either way it would come back to her and she would be bombarded with questions about how she was feeling. How did they think she was feeling? She had just denied another lovely lady, the world was going down hill, the last battle was coming for sure, and her heart was broken and unmendable.


She swung her door open and stepped inside, her eyes roamed around the room. Everything was clean and in good order. The night before she had polished all the swords and daggers till they gleamed. There was no dust thanks to their servants and it all looked in good order. Moving from her door she closed it and strode over to her couch, she plumped the pillows, and looked with lounging at the couch. Right now she would like nothing more than to lie down and close her eyes. That couldn't happen of course because any moment she would have a young lady and much tradition prodding her to do the right thing, to follow what needed to be done to the T. With a sigh she turned away and rang for a servant, when he arrived she had him stoke the fire, and sent him off for a fresh pot of tea. She knew he would come back with a tray of cakes and some cheese and crackers. Laras was sure to be there today and the woman was sure that she was going to waste away as she almost had once before. Jade smiled fondly at the thought of the woman and turned as a knock sounded at the door. With a deep breath she opened the door to Rasheta and Kathleen, "This is Kathleen she is not one of us yet but she is sealed to us." Jade nodded to the young woman, "Well we find ourselves in this position again my sister. Only this time you are no longer an Accepted, now you wear that ring on your finger, a symbol it is but a very important one. How are you fairing with that symbol?" She folded her hands at her waist to waited for the woman to speak...


Jaydena Mckanthur

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When Jaydena opened her doors and Rasheta recited the proper introduction Kathleen smiled as her eyes me the Captain General's. Kathleen waited for Jaydena to speak. It wasn't a long wait as the woman quickly looked her over and said, "Well we find ourselves in this position again my sister. Only this time you are no longer an Accepted, now you wear that ring on your finger, a symbol it is but a very important one. How are you fairing with that symbol?" As the woman folder her arms in conclusion of her question Kathleen replied, "Today has been very different day than any I have had before. The symbol itself is such a simple thing on the surface, and even with all the preparation I have had for this day, I know the depths of what this day means has only just begun to sink in. You study for years to get to this point, but truly this is just the beginning, and there is no amount of studying that could truly prepare me for the reality of it all." Kathleen paused and then quickly added, "It is still a most joyful experience and I know there is much more joy to come as it truly all sinks in."

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"Today has been very different day than any I have had before. The symbol itself is such a simple thing on the surface, and even with all the preparation I have had for this day, I know the depths of what this day means has only just begun to sink in. You study for years to get to this point, but truly this is just the beginning, and there is no amount of studying that could truly prepare me for the reality of it all. It is still a most joyful experience and I know there is much more joy to come as it truly all sinks in." Jade nodded at Kathleen's words and replied, "I think it's very positive that you are able to look at it in such a manner my dear. It shows the strength of your character and such an attitude will be looked on favorably by the other Aes Sedai in this Ajah when it comes time for you to go before them. We see so many girls who are whining and we understand as we went through it at one point too but sometimes it becomes to much. So thank you for being so strong and joyful about all of this my dear. Do you have any questions for me?" She smiled softly at the other woman and waited for her to respond...


Jaydena Mckanthur

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When asked if she had any questions for the Head Kathleen was unsure of how formal she was meant to be. She knew this tour was part of ceremony, though she had broken down in the vault. Who wouldn't have though, under those circumstances? She pushed the thoughts of Adrian out of her head. So many things she wanted to know; why had Jaydena joined the Green? How had she reacted when she was told she not a full Green when she petitioned? What sorts of missions has she been on? How did she deal with the feeling of not being accepted and having to live a lie in the face of the other Aes Sedai after vowing to never tell a lie? She wanted to ask of all the things that were silently eating away at her from either the excitement of a brand new life, or the realization that she was still not much more than Accepted to these women and that life she dreamed of living was still a reach. She wanted to burst to have these answers, but she wasn't sure what kind of things were appropriate to ask during the ceremonial tour of the Halls and she wasn't sure what sorts of questions were appropriate to ask of the Ajah Head.


She politely smiled and replied, "There is no other productive way to be. I see no gain in throwing a fit, and if it won't do any good I feel it would only be a waste of energy. I am not a child, and I will do my best not to act as one. I'm an not the first to be in this position, and this time will pass. Even if I were the first I can not always control the obstacles in my way. I can only find a way to deal with them." Kathleen smiled at the woman, she hated sounding so depressing, and she wasn't even trying to. Light, but she hated having to walk on eggshells keeping up with expectations and ideals of how to act and speak. She was more than used to it by now, but she always felt that she was forcing every sentence and censoring every word of it.

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"There is no other productive way to be. I see no gain in throwing a fit, and if it won't do any good I feel it would only be a waste of energy. I am not a child, and I will do my best not to act as one. I'm an not the first to be in this position, and this time will pass. Even if I were the first I can not always control the obstacles in my way. I can only find a way to deal with them." Jade returned the other woman's smile and spoke again, "You are wiser than you years my dear, I think that you will make fast work of being raised to full sister and very soon indeed you will wear the green fringed shawl with pride. I look forward to seeing how you progress and how your battle weaves go. I wish you the best of luck dear, please know that my door is always open to anyone who needs a open ear or a bit of sense talked into them. Being a confidant and advisor to my Sisters is often one of the biggest parts of my duties. So please know that though you are a recruit, it is no different for you. I will wish you farewell and good luck." She bowed her head slightly to the woman, a sign of respect and turned to Rasheta, "Fare well Sister. Thank you." Smiling one last time she waited for the other woman to say farewell and than closed the door as they turned away. Time would tell how Kathleen turned out but she had a feeling this one would do very well indeed...


Jaydena Mckanthur

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