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Elegant Eldest

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Bad News (Attn Greenie Field Trip Troop)

« on: August 17, 2010, 05:16:31 AM »


OOC: This is the lead up to our trip out of the Tower, so it will mostly be Rasheta, Jade and I. I wouldn't be opposed to the tail end of this RP bringing in the Warders for a discussion about making the trip, though.



Loraine paced her study, three reports from Amadicia clutched in her hands as she read them over and over again. These three reports were almost identical, which was frightening enough. What made them worse was that they documented the movement of a small band of White Cloaks moving through Amadicia. So far, her contacts couldn't figure out what the purpose of the movement was, and Light knows that small bands of White Cloaks moving in Amadicia is not big news. The problem was where they were heading. She paced to a map she'd hung on the wall farthest from the door, her fingers tracing a line between the capital, Amador, to Bellon and then on to Sienda. They were steadily moving East, closer and closer to the one place the Green Ajah didn't want them anywhere near; Marcedin.


She pulled a quill from its hiding place, tucked in the elaborate bun on the back of her head and dipped it in the small ink well on the desk under the map, tracing the line and measuring the distance between each town. She cross referenced the dates on the letters in her hand and closed her eyes, sinking into a chair heavily. She had no time. At best, if she left right now, they'd still beat her to Mardecin by a solid day. That was if she could get Kynwric to the stables fast enough and override his tendency to try to force her to rest while they were on the road.


Deciding he'd probably take a risk with a headache and bash her on the head with a rock to make her sleep, she pushed herself out of her chair. There was no time to lose and if a rescue party was being sent to Mardecin, then more than she needed to know about it. She tucked the quill back into her hair and swiped the missives off her desk on her way out the door. It only took a moment for her to reach the Captain General's study and knock. She tried to hold on to the sense of decorum that she hung around her like a security blanket, but there was little time for that. She sighed as she noticed the ink stains on her hands while waiting on Jade to answer. She'd be lucky if her friend didn't send her to the infirmary straightaway! She doubted if Jade had ever seen her skirts dotted with ink or her hands stained with it. Perhaps it would drive home the urgency...


...just in case Jaydena didn't remember what they'd hidden in Mardecin...



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Sig by Torrie! Bonded to Kynwric

RP Bios, etc RP: OOC Green Ajah Head/Tower Guard/Freelander Social: MoN/Eldest


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Re: Bad News (Attn Greenie Field Trip Troop)

« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2010, 01:03:32 AM »

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Her eyes lit on the room around her, everything was in it's place, which meant nothing was out of it's place. Seiaman was expected to call on her today and it wouldn't do for her quarters to be out of sorts. It was the first time since they had been together that Seia had come to visit and she was obsessing about it. Fluffing the pillows one more time she moved over to the buffet and checked the cheese, crackers, and fruit tray that she had prepared. The fact that she had taken the time to slice cheese and fruit would have shown anyone how nervous she was. With a sigh she turned away and pushed all the thoughts away, she was done stressing out about this. For an Aes Sedai to let something like this control her was beyond the scope of imagination. They didn't let anything bother them, or rather they didn't let it show to anyone. She turned back and glanced back at the cheese but her thoughts were quickly erased from her head when a knock sounded at her door.


She walked steadily over to the door and opened it to find Loraine standing in the threshold. Only this Loraine looked flustered, something that she had never seen on her face before. To add to it her hands were stained with ink and she looked like she was about to jump out of her skin in impatience. Jade eyed the woman and motioned for her to come in before she fell down. Loraine walked into the room and Jaydena spoke, "Alright dear, what is wrong. I can't say I have ever seen that particular look on your face. What happened and who needs to die because of it?" She arched an eyebrow and walked to the couch, "Do we need tea for this by the way? I don't have any warm water currently but I can order some." She sat down on the couch with her legs under her skirt and waited for the other Green to tell her what was bothering her...


Jaydena Mckanthur


Loraine moved as soon as Jade bade her to enter, her steps short and hurried as she paced into the Head's quarters. She waited until the door was closed and took a deep breath. "I'm afraid tea will have to wait, Jade. I've just read the last of a series of very disturbing reports from Amadacia. It seems the Children are moving about, a small band of them, perhaps twenty men. They're systematically moving from one small town to another, scouring it and then moving on to the next." She stopped pacing and turned towards Jaydena. "Jade, they're on a path that will take them directly to Mardecin. Our contact there is getting a little frazzled, hearing the rumors. She fears being able to protect what she's been tasked to hide."


Loraine turned and paced to a window, then back again, handing the reports she'd brought with her to her friend. "There's precious little time, as the dates on these missives range from a month ago to early last week. The last one is from a contact just a score of miles away from Mardecin. We may already be too late..."


She paused, her hands curling at her sides to keep from fidgeting. She felt a hair slip free of her knot and irritably pushed it back in place. She paced away, giving Jade time to read the collection of information she'd just thrust into her hands. She muttered inwardly about only receiving this fist full of messages in the last few days, buried in a stack of others that had taken her a full day to sort through. She noted things as she paced, the thickness of the pillows, as if they hadn't been pressed in by someone laying on them. The neat array of knickknacks that seemed to shine with a brightness she hadn't noticed in a while. It wasn't that Jade's rooms were ever messy. It just looked like a little extra care had been taken to make everything shine. Her brow furrowed and she looked over her shoulder. "I'm sorry to barge in," she said quietly. "I didn't think about much of anything after reading the last of those notes. I'm sorry if this disrupts your plans for the afternoon..."



  • 4 weeks later...

The other woman took a deep calming breath and Jaydena's eyes shot to her forehead when she saw that. Loraine was a master of the game of houses and she didn't show her emotions like this. "I'm afraid tea will have to wait, Jade. I've just read the last of a series of very disturbing reports from Amadacia. It seems the Children are moving about, a small band of them, perhaps twenty men. They're systematically moving from one small town to another, scouring it and then moving on to the next." Jade felt her heart stop for a moment at those words, ohhh this wouldn't do at all, this couldn't happen. Those infernal idiots must not be allowed to find Rashima's hidden items. "Jade, they're on a path that will take them directly to Mardecin. Our contact there is getting a little frazzled, hearing the rumors. She fears being able to protect what she's been tasked to hide." She almost laughed, things had just gotten worse, but considering how things had been going lately it wasn't a surprise at all.


Lor started to pace back and forth as she handed a sheath of papers to her, "There's precious little time, as the dates on these missives range from a month ago to early last week. The last one is from a contact just a score of miles away from Mardecin. We may already be too late..." The other woman pushed hair out of her face with hurried movements and Jaydena felt her tension rise even more. This situation was worse than she fears if the other woman was this irritated with it all. Jade turned her face away from Lor, looked down at the first report and began to read. She finished the pages and turned to look back at Loraine who was looking around the room in concentration, the other woman looked up and spoke, "I'm sorry to barge in, I didn't think about much of anything after reading the last of those notes. I'm sorry if this disrupts your plans for the afternoon..." Jade waved her hand, "That is of no importance right now, we must act and act soon. I suggest we make our way there and retrieve our items. This situation is much to serious to ignore. What do you think?"

Jaydena Mckanthur


Rasheta was checking over the note she had received again. This couldn't be right could it? She reread the note again and frowned. Visar looked at her curiously she waved him away. She'd probably have need of him later, she needed to leave the tower and soon if her eyes and ears were correct. She gave Visar a calculating look, he was still a little melencoly but since there talk he seemed to be working harder. Which was good for where they were going she'd need him to be strong.


She stood up and paced back and forth thinking. She needed to leave the tower maybe more then one of the sisters needed to go, but who else would agree to leave? Jaydena could and probably would order them to go but to such a place? Whatever the case she needed to tell the news to Jaydena, she grabbed her shawl in passing and walked out of the room. Waving to Visar to stay where he was. She walked as quick as she could the short distance to Jaydena's room and opened the door without knocking. She noticed Loraine was already there and Jade was saying


"That is of no importance right now, we must act and act soon. I suggest we make our way there and retrieve our items. This situation is much to serious to ignore. What do you think?"


Rasheta wondered about that comment but spoke quickly shutting the door after herself. "I'm sorry to have barged in. There is a problem, one of my Eyes and Ears in Amadacia tells me the children are on the move. The Journal is in danger we must go and quickly. I offer myself and Visar to go we can be ready very quickly."


Loraine opened her mouth to say that she agreed and that they should've left yesterday, but stopped just short of sound when the door burst open. She turned towards it, repressing the knee jerk weave that was her usual reaction to such an interruption. It was a relatively close thing and she was glad of it as she noted who was standing there.


"I'm sorry to have barged in. There is a problem, one of my Eyes and Ears in Amadacia tells me the children are on the move. The Journal is in danger we must go and quickly. I offer myself and Visar to go we can be ready very quickly." If Rasheta's contacts were reporting the same things...


Loraine turned her eyes back to Jaydena and took a deep breath. "We need to mobilize...and quickly. Only the three of us know what is there, Jade, and we need to keep that secret to ourselves. Sending anyone else would only undermine the need to hide those things there in the first place." She moved her eyes back to Rasheta, mentally calculating how far they had to go and how heavy a force they could take with them. Numbers don't lie. They'd move faster in a smaller group. Another reason not to involve anyone else.


She took a deep breath and sank onto a chair. "Olmena is Amadacian, as is Kynwric. I believe we need them both, if we're to navigate our way to Mardecin without running into too many issues." Kynwric wouldn't go without her, though he'd be almost unbearable until they were back on soil that wouldn't get them all killed. Olmena was hardly the freshest Green in the Tower, but she'd only just come back from the Borderlands a few months ago and was still jumping at shadows. She sent Jade a look, saying plainly how she felt about needing the poor girl's assistance, but there was no help for it. They needed the intel more than they could afford to cushion their Sister. "Worse, still," she said quietly, raising her eyes to Jade. "The exact location of the Journal is information only the Captain General is privy to. Which means either you break the Code and tell us where it is so we can find it before the White Cloaks or..."


She didn't have to finish that sentence. Jade couldn't break the Code. It meant that the three of them would be heading into enemy territory with a large target painted on their back and dragging a jumpy cat along with them for the ride. Light, but taking the top three Greens out of the Tower, with the very likely potential that they wouldn't be returning...




  • 3 weeks later...

"The exact location of the Journal is information only the Captain General is privy to. Which means either you break the Code and tell us where it is so we can find it before the White Cloaks or..."


Rasheta looked at Jade and then glanced back at Loraine. Such news was not good, the three of them were the most important people within the Ajah currently. They couldn't ALL go, especially since the Hall was voting on an important policy soon, someone would have to stay and it would have to be Jade. She was needed to keep track of the Ajah and see to it that the policy went the way they wanted it. Jade was going to speak when Rasheta spoke over her.


"Forgive me, but you cannot go Jaydena, we need you here you have to make sure the Hall doesn't vote against the new policy as well as the very possible likelihood that we won't return you will need to keep the Ajah together. I know the code is something generally only told to the Ajah heads but maybe this once you can tell either me or Loraine." She paused and said "Why don't you tell us both that way if one of us does not make it the other will know the code and can get the journal." She waited and then after they were told the code Rasheta cursed.


"what are we going to do with Kathleen we will need to take her with us and teach her the battle weaves along the way. I hope she's ready for it. I will go and let her know." Rasheta nodded to both sisters and left the room to prepare.


Loraine memorized everything coming out of Jade's mouth, praying she wouldn't forget it. She blinked as Rasheta erupted in curses. Oh Light, Kathleen! She glanced at Jade and closed her eyes. Rasheta disappeared and Loraine breathed deeply.


"I will bring them back, safely," she said quietly. "I know you'll be chomping at the bit until we're back, but I promise, I will bring them back." She stood slowly, dipping a curtsy to her Head as she ducked out of the room and made her way to her rooms. That was not going to be an easy promise to keep, but by the Light, taking two Sitters, a skitish warder-less Aes Sedai and the newest Green in the Tower just sounded like a recipe for disaster. First, she had to find Kynwric. It was always a good idea to warn your husband before you drug him out of the house to chase some book across the country, right?



  • 2 weeks later...

Kyn was sitting where he usually did in the evenings, by the fire with a book propped on his lap. He hadn't turned a page in an hour however, he could feel the building anxiety in his wife. He also knew that anytime there was that much worry it meant a trip away from the tower. Finally he set aside the book and marked his place before rising from his chair and padded into the bedroom to begin to pack their saddle bags. He had Lor's riding dresses laid out on the bed to be rolled when he heard the door open and by the time she was in the bedroom he had her sword out was checking it for nicks and rust. He turned to look at her as she came in and asked simply "Where to?"


Loraine stopped just inside the door, a smile hovering on her lips for the first time in days. "Am I so predictable, then?" She moved deeper into the room and sank onto the bed next to where he'd laid out what needed to be packed. She reached for his hands and pulled him close. She couldn't even look him in the eye, knowing his reaction before she uttered the words. "Amadicia," she said softly, tracing her thumbs over the pulse in his wrist. "We're going to Mardecin in Amadicia."


She held her breath, waiting on his response, her body tensing. Would he try to talk her out of it? Would he just accept it? She was talking about walking into the lion's den wearing raw steak. This was not going to go smoothly...




“Years of practice my love, you’ve always got the same feel to you when we’re leaving in a hurry.” He smiled as she took his hands and moved as she directed. He felt her thumbs pass over his wrist as she breathed out where they were heading. Kyn closed his eyes and exhaled slowly, “As you say Aes Sedai…” those words and his tone let his feelings be known on the subject, less than pleased would sum it up nicely. There was no need to argue the point, he knew she had already made her mind up and it would not change. He could however make sure she returned safely, he would make sure she returned safely.


Loraine felt something in her chest twist at the tone of his voice. Light, but she'd spent every minute of her days in a shawl avoiding that country, even fighting with Kynwric about it when they found out she was carrying his child. And now?



Now she was trapped and there wasn't anything she could do about it. "We're after a relic, Kyn, I can't let that get into the wrong hands. I wish I could tell you more, and I know you trust me..." She sighed and leaned her forehead on his shoulder. "We may as well hand them the keys to the Green Halls if they find it. I can't let it stay there..."



  • 3 weeks later...

Kyn raised an eyebrow and shook his head all at once, "Then it will be as you say. However, whomever put this relic within reach of the Children and then left it there all these years better be having a very tender time sitting down." He turned back to the packing and then turned his head back over his shoulder having had another thought. "Who else is going? if it is Ajah business they wouldn't have left it to just us."


Loraine sighed deeply. She didn't answer his unspoken question about who would hide a relic like this one in such a troublesome place. It had been done long before she was born, she was sure. She folded her hands in her lap, instead. "Rasheta will be going, which means at least Visar will be going, too. I don't think Dante is back, yet." She paused and looked up at him again. "And Olmena will be going..."


She waited for his reaction to that announcement. They'd spoken often about Olmena's problem and how she was dealing with the death of her warder. It wasn't pretty...




  • 3 weeks later...

Kyn's eyebrow raised at the mention of Olmena, he took a deep breath and sighed before speaking. "Is she ready for this? It has not been that long..." He turned his gaze back to Lor, he could count as well as she. Three Sisters and two warders, that was too many by three or too few by many. "And who else... I can count love."


Loraine sighed and rubbed her eyes. "Kathleen," she said quietly. "The newest Green. Rasheta is her mentor and we can't leave her here without guidance." She said it quietly, holding her breath. They weren't in public and she vowed if his lips uttered 'yes, Aes Sedai,' one more time she was going to remind him of it. This was a trip set for disaster and his calm acceptance of that was driving her insane. "Outside of that I don't know who else will show up in the stables tomorrow. Jade didn't mention anyone else and I can't think of any reason to drag anyone else into it."




Kyn tossed the last garment into the travelling chest and slammed the lid before turning around. "What in the LIght's name is Jade up to? Is she flaming working for the Children?" He fell back into his childhood habit of calling them by their preferred term. Throwing his hands up in disgust. "I know she's the Captain bloody General Lor, but honestly, saddling us with a grieving Aes Sedai and a trumped up Accepted? We'd be better off on our own. If it weren't for the fact this is so bloody important I'd tell you were weren't going... its a disaster waiting to happen."


Loraine nodded, finally getting the reaction she needed from him. "It is a disaster. It is that important. If we're not overly vigilant, someone is going to die." She looked away from him, studying a map hanging on the wall. It was very old, one of the first she'd collected when she'd earned her shawl. Some of the borders had changed and Light knew some of the ink smeared as if accommodating those changes. The fear she'd always associated with Kynwric's homeland was still there, however, even gleaming from a framed map.


"I just wish there was a way to accomplish this without putting so many fragile lives at stake. Rasheta can handle herself and I don't worry about Visar. Olmena may well break and Kathleen is just an unknown that I don't know what do think about. She seems to be steely enough, but how long will that last when the White Cloaks are bearing down on us and we're leaving a trail of blood a mile wide to give us away?" She shook her head and her shoulders slumped a little. "I don't know what else is going to get thrown our way, Kynwric, but I'm afraid of what I know already. There's little choice about this collection of people and the timing is, unfortunately, out of our hands. If we could wait a year, we would. As it is, we barely have weeks."


She pushed herself off the bed and paced to the far wall to look out the window. "The reports are there, on my desk, if you want to see the urgency for yourself. The White Cloaks are after something and I'll be a Light-blinded fool if I can think of what it is. We simply can't take the chance that this relic will land in the wrong hands. It's far too valuable and far too...destructive..." No, the book wouldn't destroy anything, per se, but the information contained in that journal in the White Cloaks' hands spelled disaster for every Green Shawl wearing Aes Sedai who stood against them. It was the next best thing to shooting an arrow at their hearts. She watched people milling around the courtyard below the Greens' Tower absently. They were little more than insects from this high, anyway. Would she see those little bugs again after they left this place?




"I fear love that no matter how vigilant we are someone will die. It still bothers me that we are going in force rather than in secret. No matter how you make it look, 3 Aes Sedai with the look and only 2 Warders? That is not normal anywhere in the world, let alone Amadacia. We will draw attention like snow in summer." He closed the last of the baggage and turned to face his wife. "I'll say again, this is a bad idea... it will end in a minor disaster if not a major one..." he took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "But, just as it has always been, my honor to serve Aes Sedai. I am your sword."


Loraine sighed and shook her head at him. "I have my own sword, my love, what I have ever needed is someone to swing his own and well you know it! A minor catastrophe is the best I can hope for, but I'm still aiming for a miracle. I simply can't accept anything less. We will take this troop into Amadacia. We will return with our prize and we will not die going or coming." She took a deep breath.


"And damn your honor, if that's the only reason you're packing that bag."




Kyn smirked. "I am packing the bag because you haven't had the time and I would like to have clean drawers for the trip. Or at least part of it"


Loraine stalked to the bed and threw a pillow at him. "Clean drawers, indeed..."


She sighed and dropped onto the bed again, staring at her hands as if the way to guarantee their safe passage were written there. Light, but she wished it were so easy...




Kyn just looked at her as she flopped onto the bed, having caught the pillow against his chest. After a few moments he settled him self on the bed beside her and lay a hand on her leg. "We'll make it..." He didn't add the somehow to the end of the sentence.

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