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The Dark One is the Creator


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The Dark One (DO from now on) could very well be the "Creator"


The biggest theme in the WoT series is that legend/myth are often misconceptions from true events. Robert Jordan says this in numerous interviews (I recall his interview at the end of any Audio book from Audible).


What we know about the Wheel of Time

1) Time in this series is circular, the wheel of time sees that ages come to pass, then will come again later

2) The DO is bound outside the wheel, and is no longer able to touch it, because IF he is able to touch the world, then he can stop the Wheel of Time

3) Without the DO's influence, the Wheel of Time will ensure that certain events happen so time can be repeated


What we know about the DO

1) The DO can create life (Trollocs, Mydrall, etc...) *I'm retarded, sorry. Forget this.

2) He is the closest thing to a god present in the WoT series. The forsaken are awed in his presence.

3) He has the power to completely reshape the world if he is able to break into the WoT


What do we know about the Creator?

1) He created the world

2) He bound the DO upon the moment of creation outside the WoT

3) If he is an entity, he has not been shown in the series




So my theory is the DO created the world and the WoT, but since the WoT cannot be changed he was banished from it. He now constantly tries to get back to his creation and make sure it would no longer exclude him


The theory applies to all of the above "facts" we know about the DO and the Creator. If men knew this, knew their creator now means to destroy them, it makes sense that eventually they would come to separate them as separate entities, when in fact they are the same.


What does everyone else think?


interesting theory,but i cannot see it as yet

u could tweak it some by saying the DO is actually the Creator's negative emotions ..his hate/anger/jealousy . and the Creator sealed it in the world.

could explain how the DO can know whats going on outside his prison with great detail sometimes and his lack of knowledge on others ( the whole yin an yang thing on a godly scale )


and another thing the DO didnt create life, Trollocs/Mydrall/draghkar/ect...

were created by forsaken

1) The DO can create life (Trollocs, Mydrall, etc...)
Well, they were made by Aginor.


3) If he is an entity, he has not been shown in the series
Except for that time that he spoke in EotW.


What does everyone else think?
No. Just no.


u could tweak it some by saying the DO is actually the Creator's negative emotions ..his hate/anger/jealousy . and the Creator sealed it in the world.
That would be worse. Much, much worse. And it's yin, not ying.

rofl mr fail, want to be picky? it's 陰 not yin.


translated names/words really doesn't matter how you spell it as long as you get the point across, if you want to be so pedantic you should be using the original language instead of making a fool out of yourself pretending to be accurate.


u could tweak it some by saying the DO is actually the Creator's negative emotions ..his hate/anger/jealousy . and the Creator sealed it in the world.



Yeah, I actually think that that could improve my theory. Maybe the DO split himself upon the creation of the wheel of time. The part of him that wants to control people was locked outside the WoT, since that part needed to to be locked outside in order for the wheel of time to be locked


the way I see it, it is actually old testiment style god

1) he is very helpful and kind to humanity (creationism stuff)

2) Mankind disobeys becomes very angry and punishes man repeatedly, but at the same time helps out his favourites/champions



or the creator could be bipolar lol with him having the destructive tendancies most the time with times of extreme benevolence

it's 陰 not yin.


translated names/words really doesn't matter how you spell it as long as you get the point across.

Well, my keyboard is limited in only having the letters used in english, the Latin alphabet, and I cannot type in Chinese, nor speak or write it (and I doubt I am alone on these boards in the regard. On the other hand, there are quite a lot of English speakers here, native or otherwise, so the English transliteration is readable and typeable where the correct Chinese characters would not be). However, the transliteration is yin, not ying, and that is based on the approximate phonetic pronunciation. I meant nothing malicious in correcting Phariah, simply pointing out a minor error, even if it wasn't exactly phrased in the most friendly way. You can claim no such high ground. Not to mention that using the pinyin is a lot easier than expecting everyone to familiarise themselves with Mandarin.


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