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Graendals favourite

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Posts posted by Graendals favourite

  1. New Spring is completely stand alone, that is you don't need to have read the others books to understand it. I think it is better to read most of the main books before New Spring, that way New Spring will also give more to the reader as you already understand what is to come. I think it can be read after PoD without too much fear of things being revealed before time, but it is a simple matter of preference at that point, NS is like a break from the main series.

  2. I have not read SoT since it's pretty much obvious there's no point. I have read some of the interviews/summaries etc, and I have to say in my opinion the whole existence of the series is annoying. First Goodkind borrows half of everything from RJ, and then he makes a mockery of WoT by turning everything on its head. Where RJ puts his characters into difficult situations where they must choose between right and wrong etc, Goodkind has everything resolve itself by the main character's flawlessness. Where RJ puts out discussion without any clear answers, Goodkind forcefeeds his own philosophy as a law of the universe. It just seems like SoT is WoT turned to the Shadow, where there was substance there is naive and superficial drivel. Obviously I'm not planning to read it  ;).

  3. It probably is from the crossing of the balefires, but do you think this could play a part? I was looking at tEotW, and at Flight Down the Arinelle there's:


    He found himself staring at the reflection of his own face, pale and shivering in the knife-edge cold. Ba'alzamon's image grew behind his, staring at him; not seeing, but staring still. In every mirror, the flames of Ba'alzamon's face raged behind him, enveloping, consuming, merging. He wanted to scream, but his throat was frozen. There was only one face in those endless mirrors. His own face. Ba'alzamon's face. One face.


    Moghedien said some things are actually stronger when done in Tel'aran'rhiod.

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