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Graendals favourite

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Posts posted by Graendals favourite

  1. I'll be dissappointed if it fizzles down to a teen drama. Instead, as if I had power, I insist on penises, a glimpse of all male characters will do, therefore it is sure too that there must be things to interest non-teen audience. If that bit, penises, shocked teen audiences, well I would be more interested on how adult audiences saw it.


    I want it shown true, not a pc-riddled thing. Or sugar-coated to so strange view. Honest and shocking where its due, and start with having the penises from start. They need not be close-ups.

  2. I hope you continue. I rarely make a presence these days on the book pages, since I know so much, but I have greatly enjoyed your accounts of reading it. Almost like reading it for myself the first time, though we must be dissimilar. I hope, continue!


    (I've had a decade or more on this, the last thing anyone wants is a know-it-all coming to say what's what. It's a treasure people newer to the series are talking about it.)

  3. It depends on how you want to go with it. The Aiel being fair-skinned is completely illogical after 3,400 years living in what is effectively a desert, so do you go with RJ's literary description or do you go with what makes more scientific sense and will scan better to an audience? But then you go have to figure in Rand's appearance being unusual in the Two Rivers so some kind of distinctive element is still required. Then you have the somewhat unclear descriptions of Two Rivers folk, with fans apparently generally believing they're fair-skinned Europeans but the descriptions making a lot of references to "dark" colouring and artwork (official and not) being all over the place in depicting them, from quite fair-skinned to quite northern Mediterranean (Italian/Spanish/Greek).


    Then you have the issue that you start casting and pretty quickly the homegenity is going to become a limiting factor. You have an awesome actor for Mat and an awesome actress for Egwene, but they're from different ethnic backgrounds. Do you potentially lose an actor for an inferior one for the sake of homegenity or do you just go with the best actors and rationalise it (or just ignore it)? WoT does have the explanation that in the Age of Legends the entire human race in all its creeds and colours had been thrown and mixed together, and then jumbled up in the Breaking, so you can adopt colour-blind casting if you really wanted to. But would that be disrespectful to the books? Or if Robert Jordan was still here would he be laughing his head off and saying it really doesn't matter as long as the actors are the best?


    What happens then if the production decides to film in, say, New Zealand for costs? You can fly in the main actors from wherever, but your entire secondary cast on down is going to be pretty much either white or Maori, with very few other options available (Shannara has this situation to deal with). Do you ignore that or rationalise it somehow in the story?


    That's why saying, "It's got to be like the books 100%" is highly unrealistic. Depending on budget, filming location and the size of the available acting pool they're going to have to make some changes to that side of things.

    I actually don't think evolution work that fast. The Aiel came to the waste with the genetic pool they had, minimal interaction with outsiders, I don't think 3+ thousand years is enough to change the colour particularly with the Wise Ones developing as healers.

  4. I might translate that, it goes:

    "Kuka keksi rakkauden? (Who Invented Love?)


    On the bridge of sorrows I saw

    the dark waves swimming out to sea.

    They brought my sorrow to the surface

    and the seaguls they screeched, must be escaped from Hitchcock's birds.

    My longing takes wing

    Who invented love?


    I got to see off the bridge of sorrows

    thousands of stars on the city ceiling

    One left and descended

    it flew across the sky and went astray from its route

    I posed the question to it

    Who invented love?


    The night was so white

    As the bellows of love blew

    I guess as a shooting star

    you came to me and made my life more beautiful

    Someone is hiding the question

    who invented love

    Who made it happen


    It also travels the bridge of sorrows

    cannot be killed no matter what

    As stardust it floats

    and starts aflame on its own accord

    Someone invented love


    If you did not remain

    I neither could remain here

    and my grief would not remain here

    Like a star I would fly faraway and slowly wither

    I am content with the answer

    Someone invented love

    And you brought it to me."

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZ7q6gqV-Wc

    Normaalien maihinnousu, The Disembarkation of the Normals

    How the reaper knew our apartment building, that I'll hardly find out

    It the life of my father's took first then I flew to the street, I too went to the window

    At the once the flagships came to the harbour. Farther, those normals, they arrived

    and with lanterns in their cars, they set to sweep the streets.


    When the strange man came to the house I was set to strange light

    for he was the head of the normals.

    with his strange powers I guess he took over everyone, now no-one hears

    or understands else.


    So did Mother also go to their boat

    I and the coffin went to see them off


    No longer did she long back home

    as she found a friend with the normals


    Father, if only you could live yet, I often wonder how it goes

    with you, in the land of the dead, did you get eternal rest?

    or do the rules govern, of the normals?


    They loudly bang the doors as the purges

    reign at nights as you can't walk out,

    that which last week might have been normal

    is now worse than death

    And so the new reign makes new rules

    they demand us to adapt

    they put the normal's marks on our sleeves

    and come to ravish our yards.


    To be a normal among the normals

    life is an endless dream

    and i guess then one can abide by this but how can one know

    what might be normal tomorrow?


    When the great leader decreed that red

    it must be dyed everyone's head

    I resolved now I'll go, maybe something like a rowboat you'll see ashore

    You can in your usual way carry on

    I will beyond them make my way.


    Where the foul cries of the normals do not ring

    where one can be abnormal


    Where the foul cries of the normals do not ring

    where one can be abnormal


    Father, if only you could live yet, I often wonder how it goes

    with you, in the land of the dead, did you get eternal rest?

    or do the rules govern, of the normals?

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNW7Whl1uLM

    The smallest of paradise

    small of bosom and bearded

    think as small the bereaved

    the bereaved, and the ones beclaimed


    be reaved you girl, fallen of breast,

    the boy ancient of dick

    in the sweat you boil

    happiness swelt in the town of life


    the life's measure a fathom fortune

    as dew upon the screen

    in the pictures, images as a damnawful drain of dirt

    as a fault in the the colouring lights




    In your good lands, in your places of virtue

    the man of worth portrayes himself

    shows himself good of half the face

    the face of half dippled


    The bird of bad air, the bird of shit

    the mind crooked, the one who craves harm

    will drink a stone of reindeer piss

    reindeer piss very well


    Capital in Helsinki blasphemes

    Their strength is oiled off office

    In the diary a coloured reed

    at the place of the day of judgement!


    And the final dance tune

    is danced at the very edges

    below the arctic sky

    and the antarctic ice pack,


    D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-Disco Inferno.

  7. Enkelinhöyheniä ikkunalaudalla (Angel's Feathers on the Windowsill)


    Let an angel fly,

    glide into your dreams.

    One can believe in such, can't one?

    Maybe you would manage

    to take hold of a wing

    and alike a feather to waft to the ground.


    Like a friend,

    that can console you and help you in life,

    at a time of need,

    as a strenght and a safety in the dark


    Let an angel fly,

    glide into your dreams.

    One can believe in such, can't one?

    Maybe you would manage

    to take hold of a wing

    and alike a feather to waft to the ground.


    When you go wrong,

    or in the dark you stray from the right path

    and when you do not know,

    if you will find your way out anymore from there alone.


    Let an angel fly,

    glide into your dreams.

    One can believe in such, can't one?

    Maybe you would manage

    to take hold of a wing

    and alike a feather to waft to the ground.

  8. Leevi and the Leavings



    You bade me a wonder,

    that I guess I never hoped for

    dearest Miranda


    Like a stone you fell to the ground

    when you let your grip loosen

    dearest Miranda


    the streets of the small town

    full of people

    watching you in silence


    your long hair tangled

    like of an angel's

    swinging in the wind


    The safety ropes

    they were found afterward on the ground

    they were not then either



    and now neither the soft walls

    nor the bars

    will ever anguish you

    no longer



    all the strange clothes

    and those strange ideas

    that you held in your head, I wish to forget


    as the messy make-up,

    and those mindless games

    that you did


    Of those fairytales

    not one became true

    dearest Miranda


    there never arrived the white stallion

    the knight in his armour

    dearest Miranda


    the streets of the small town

    full of people

    watching you in silence


    your long hair tangled

    like of an angel's

    swinging in the wind


    The safety ropes

    they were found afterward on the ground

    they were not then either



    and now neither the soft walls

    nor the bars

    will ever anguish you

    no longer



    all the strange clothes

    and those strange ideas

    that you held in your head, I wish to forget


    as the messy make-up,

    and those mindless games

    that you did


    Rest in peace

    dearest Miranda


    Rest in peace

    circus princess.

  9. Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus


    Lintu(A Bird)

    I hardly know him but still

    I came to meet him

    He is still so very beautiful

    as he turns to regard me

    "This night is the last one for me"

    I hear him say

    "I am sick and a tired person

    and thus I wish to depart

    You already know something of life,

    some of that do I know too

    when you but dare stay your fears

    you shall regain your paradise"


    he yet continues, tears in his eyes,

    emphasising each word

    he holds my hand tightly with his hand

    and says, looking into my eyes,


    "I do not regret any of those, who I embraced

    I at least loved them

    I mourn all of those, who I bypassed

    who I evaded and fled from


    "For ever when I let a person up close

    I got close to a person myself

    but if I spared and safe-guarded myself

    I but got lost and cold"


    His gaze fades away, he sighs

    his grip loosens

    and at that same instant my eyes are dazzled by light

    and the room's window opens


    when I gaze him again, he has transformed

    he has to a bird, in front of me

    and it is a bird's shining white wing

    that I now hold in my hand


    The bird rises and takes awing

    I remain there alone

    the shape departs to the high skies

    the room rings with emptiness


    I sit in quietude still and recollect

    his last words

    half uttering, I repeat them

    as he has gone his way.


    "I do not regret any of those, who I embraced

    I at least loved them

    I mourn all of those, who I bypassed

    who I evaded and fled from


    "For ever when I let a person up close

    I got close to a person myself

    but if I spared and safe-guarded myself

    I but got lost and cold"



    Ah, Finnish has no distiction between him and her, the pronouns, so either could be chosen there.

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