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Posts posted by Sharaman


    Just after he got his memories back he asked someone, i think Lan about people he had been in the past, and i think it was mat who said he had been known as the gambler, not 100% sure tho.

    I would really like to know what you're referring to. I have no recollection of us ever learning who Mat was in past lives. We do know that he's currently known for being somewhat of a gambler (and I don't mean by his friends. That's a given). We have an example of that when the Aelfinn call him Gambler.


    Check through The Shadow Rising after Mat and Rand get back from Rhuidian, altho the gambler part might have just been i myself affixed to him however, last time i read it was too far ago, it's all a bit hazy but i definately remember mention of past lives.


    I don't think we have any clear reference to who/ what Mat was in previous lives, though the Finns called him Gambler, Trickster and Son of Battle. We know he had a Manetheren connection due to his habit of spouting Old Tongue under stress. We also know that the implanted memories were of other people.


    Another quick question  ;D


    What the hell happened to all of those ter'angreal, sa'angreal, and angreal that Moiraine loaded up in rhuidean?  I've completely forgotten, and dont feel like going back and reading TFoH


    Rand left them in a warded warehouse in Carhein. They're probably still there.


  2. There are several cultures (in terms of population far larger than North America-Europe) where it's unusual for members of the same clan / family to have the same name. India, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Central Asia, Indonesia, some of the Chinese. We find the whole concept of "Bill Jnr", "John III" weird as well.



    So you're saying in those cultures every single person in each of those countries has names no one else has?

    I'm not saying relatives should have the same name, I'm saying that if Rand is such a common name, why haven't we met any other characters with the same name?


    Why with over 2000 characters is there only 1 instance of two people having the same name?


    No, of course not.

    But you will find extended families of 1000s, without a name-repeat.

    And, if you've got a highly culturally mixed society with a lot of names and very few people - as is the case with the Third Age, there's less chance of names repeating.

    Think of it this way - you have a gazillion names coming down from AoL; you have populations that have shrunk. If you also have traditions of avoiding repeating names, you have more names to go around than people and you'll rarely repeat names.

    About the BF question, didn't RJ reply "Go get a life!" or something cruder when he was asked that (some variation involving a mirror)? 




  3. so were the two Herid's the first people in the story that share a name?


    I can't stand how no one in Randland share a name. This especially drives me crazy when Rand thinks about how his name is too plain for him to be a king.

    That and a giant Tower (seen as an engineering marvel), which was created by Ogier who were too short-sighted to realize the need for an elevator system.


    Those two things drive me crazy.


    WoT has the wheel, they have ropes, ergo they have pulley systems (in fact, they may well have them in the tower for food, etc, like dumbwaiters). Nothing stopping the White/ Brown Ajah, who like maths arcana and research obsessively, from building lifts that can be powered by teams of novices/AS, who get in a little practice at using OP as well.  


    There are several cultures (in terms of population far larger than North America-Europe) where it's unusual for members of the same clan / family to have the same name. India, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Central Asia, Indonesia, some of the Chinese. We find the whole concept of "Bill Jnr", "John III" weird as well.


  4. Brigitte isn't alive in the "normal" sense of being reborn as a baby - she was between lives and ripped from TAR.

    Also she's a Hero ot H and rules are different from them.

    Min has never viewed a HotH in-between lives.


    Besides, those multitudes of images and auras flashed by too quickly for her to make out

    any clearly, but she was certain they indicated more adventures than a woman could have in one lifetime.

    Strangely, some were connected to an ugly man who was older than she, and others to an ugly man who

    was much younger, yet somehow Min knew they were the same man.



    Min herself assumes that she's seeing more than one lifetime and she's clear that the guy she's seeing in sometimes younger and sometimes older.


  5. so that strongly suggests Mesaana isnt either

    That's hardly convincing evidence. I take Graenal's assertion that Mesaana was to be more reliable than similarities between the behavior of other Forsaken (it's important to note that those Forsaken had no real reason to change their apperences, while Mesaana certainly does).


    She has to be disguised unless the person she's impersonating is her identical twin. Alvi finds the unmasked Messi tantalisingly familiar but doesn't quite recognise her. Suggests that Mesaana is using a Mask of Mirrors that is close to her real appearance (maybe just adding the ageless skin-tightening to her basis appearance).


    Do you think it's possible that Birgitte will 'slow' along with Elayne?


    Min does see many lifetimes of adventure in Birgitte's aura; much more than one woman could possibly have.

    An interesting notion, and I don't think anyone can have an answer for you on that one. Min's viewing, however, is more likely just about Birgitte's future lives (the fact that Gaidal appears in them as both younger and older than her seems to suggest just that).


    Must be future lives, yeah - since Min's viewing are always about the future and in this "life" Gaidal must be younger than her. So the older Gaidal must be from a future life.


  6. Quick random question I think I may have missed when I was reading:


    When an Aes Sedai is collared, what happens to their Warders?  I don't really remember an Aes Sedai with Warders having been collared yet except Joline, but that was only for about a minute.  Is there any indication thus far what happens to the Warder long-term if their Aes Sedai is leashed?


    At least one AS in Falme had her warder killed when she was collared.

    Also some of the AS taken in the WT raid must have had warders.

    But we haven't seen IIRC any warders hanging around with collared AS.

    In theory, it shouldn't make much difference because the a'dam is a link and warders are unaffected by linking. But in practice, damane are treated harshly to bring them into line and most of them would be unhappy.

    So the warders would be upset and in pain during that phase.


  7. Something i completely missed is there seems to be multiple domination bands besides the one from tanchico. How did this hapen


    The original DB was handed over by Domon-Egeanin to Suroth when Domon's ship was boarded while it was being taken off to be chucked into the ocean. Suroth gave it to Semirhage who had copies made. Those copies were captured by Rand & co. along with Semirhage. One DB was destroyed when Semirhage was balefired. The other copies are with some AS friends of Cadsuane who are supposedly conducting experiments with them.



  8. Tuon doesn't know about the Domination Band IIRC.

    Semirhage did and had apparently experimented with it since she knew exactly how it worked.

    (Small mystery there in terms of who she found to volunteer for the male subject.)

    Suroth (who was a DF) was probably the only senior Seanchan blood who knew about the DB.

    Egeanin knew, of course.

    Semi wasn't (apparently) intending to hand Rand over to the Seanchan.

    The double teaming of women channelers is necessary to prevent them eventually being driven nuts by the taint - and even then, according to Moggy in TSR, it doesn't work because the guy can take control in the long run.

    One woman saidar channeler can use a DB for short periods to effectively control a saidin channeler.

    Semi was intending to use Elza (or another Black Ajah "volunteer" if required) to control Rand for as long as it would take to torture him to her satisfaction and then, to present him to GLoD.





  9. My answer to the Halima question would be Egwene doesn't want to.  Remember people saying Halima does alotta stuff.  Someone, I forget who, says that Halima brokes a man's arm and rather than investigate Egwene thinks, oh well he must've deserved it.  When Mogedien escapes someone says they think they saw Halima come out but rather than investigate the disappearance of a foresaken on a flimsy claim or not, Egwene just dismisses. 


    Egwene knows that a saidin channeler removed Moggy's adam - she felt the shock and pain since she was wearing the bracelet at the time.

    Therefore she and everyone else in the camp are looking for a male channeler.

    Halima is also smart in making sure that everybody realises that Anaiya and Kairen were killed with saidin.

    That again, leads them to look for  male channeler.

    As to being slutty, what's the big deal?




  10. Spit-dogs were common in pre-electric eras. Animals trained to keep turning a spit (on which something was being roasted) by moving around.


    Yes, sanding is to dry ink. Pour sand on the parchment and shake it off. It can be reused or chucked away.


    Arrowslit depends on what they use for arrows - 1/2 the width of a human head, say around a hand-widths - usually slits are placed obliquely. Variations include cross-slits. The inner width is always (often) more than the outer.


    Peach pits do contain cyanide - the WoTland peach has mutated and become wholly poisonous.

    Incidentally chocolate can also poison a dog or horse (it's an illegal stimulant in dog/horse racing)


    A dulcimer which is played by hitting with hammers rather than plucked.


    AFAIK a bittern is a bird.



  11. Nobody (except Logain) in the Salidar camp would suspect a woman of being capable of killing with saidin, which is precisely why she left the bodies out as misdirection.

    Anaiaya and Kairen weren't asking questions - she pre-empted that by doing them first.

    Halima was also trying to kill Logain for precisely the reason that he was the one person in the camp who could have realised she could use saidin.

    It took Narishma's testimony that a woman could use saidin to lead Romanda to the right conclusions.


  12. It was actually CoT that the killings happened IIRC - Halima-Aran'gar only appears in LoC and Semirhage tortures Cabriana in LoC as well.

    The AS killed (Anaiaya, Kairen) had been friends of Cabriana - Romanda made the key connection in KoD.

    It wasn't as complicated as Halima= Cabriana, in fact, given that they were friends of Cabriana, it's absurd.

    Also the physical descriptions don't match.

    It was simply that Halima's cover story of being befriended by Cabriana who died in an accident might have been questioned by friends of Cabriana who may have found holes in the story.



  13. We do know that Cyndane must have healed by a woman due to the time factor. She was healed and mind-trapped before moggy arrived at Moridin's doorstep. Moggy escaped before Dumai's Well. The first male healer of stilling learnt how to do only after Dumai's Wells. We also know that women healing women doesn't mean 100 per cent strength recovery.

    Is there any evidence at all that Dashiva was weaker than Aginor?

    Or Halima than Balthamiel?




  14. The following is a mixture of speculation and fact - the facts are marked #.

    #The Dragon is an instrument of the Pattern - he is born when the Pattern is in danger.

    Whether that's because the seals had started going, or whether GLoD accelerated his escape attempt when the Dragon was born we don't know.


    #GLoD's prison is in a different universe - outside the Pattern.

    #The Bore is not a physical thing - it is present everywhere though most easily perceived at SG where the walls between the Pattern and the Prison are thinnest.


    One could describe the Bore as a sort of wormhole between universes.


    #The physical seals are scattered all over the place.


    Let's say, they are each implanted with some sort of OP weave (Saidin) that maintains a barrier making the Bore impassible for GLoD.


    #Over three millennia, the weaves have worn down in effective strength, presumably with help from GLoD.

    As each seal's weave is nullified, it becomes fragile and breakable and essentially useless.


    #The chosen have managed to break out.

    Presumably because enough of the seals have lost effectiveness.


    #GLoD can already Touch the Pattern more effectively.

    Once the last seal is gone, GLoD will be able to enlarge the Bore at will.


    #However, the Bore existed for 110 years before it was sealed.


    So we don't really know how long it would take for GLoD to completely smash through.

    One suspects that it would take a longish time because otherwise, the Shadow could just wait it out and let GLoD beaver away at breaking seals rather than provoke a violent conflict. The Shadow must be afraid that he will be resealed before he can bust out.

    It you wish to debate this, take it to a new thread I guess?


  15. For sure Semi wouldn't have killed him, she had far too much imagination and style for something so crude.

    But Mat would have ended up wishing she had.

    Obviously Tylin didn't really crack her teeth to use an RJ-ism about Mat to any of the Seanchan.

    The odd thing is, nobody else did, since a lot of people in the Tarasin Palace knew who he was.

    But then WoT-land works the way it does on consistent lack of communication. 


    There's no real reason why anyone in the Palace with the ear of the High Lady's Truthspeaker would consider Mat as anything of consequence to be remarked upon. He was just the queen's emasculated toy -- and one who wasn't up to doing much after the Return, since he'd had a wall dropped on him. Tuon wasn't able to discern anything of his true identity while in Ebou Dar, and she took an immediate interest in him after seeing his ring. Perhaps it was an effect of his ta'veren nature that prevented his full name from reaching Semirhage's ears.


    Moridin gave his order a few books too late, consistent with WOT-land lack of communication (especially among the Shadow, which was an intended theme from the get-go).


    The Truth speaker herself was smart enough to know that her unruly charge found Tylin's Toy strangely interestingsince she was present at their first meeting. So she could have asked around just out of curiosity to find out why Tuon found him interesting. In which case, at minimum, from the servants, she'd have learnt his name (which may have been enough by itself since it's known to even lower-level Darkfriends) and maybe that he consorted with AS on a regular basis and treated them with disrespect. Very odd thing for a gigolo to do.


    Did she not know the Lidia foretelling? Probably not. Did she not notice the ring with the foxes and ravens? Perhaps not - and if she didn't know the foretelling, the ring wouldn't tell her much.

    So Mat's luck presumably had something to do with it.

  16. For sure Semi wouldn't have killed him, she had far too much imagination and style for something so crude.

    But Mat would have ended up wishing she had.

    Obviously Tylin didn't really crack her teeth to use an RJ-ism about Mat to any of the Seanchan.

    The odd thing is, nobody else did, since a lot of people in the Tarasin Palace knew who he was.

    But then WoT-land works the way it does on consistent lack of communication. 


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