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Posts posted by Sharaman

  1. What happened to all the Trakands? We've only seen Morgase and Elayne.


    About the bubbles of evil. It seems odd to me that when they first are introduced we get a hole lot of them (by hearing odd rumors). But then for quite a wile they don't shot up at all. Is there a reason for that?


    Are there any darkfriends among the andoren nobels?


    Did Moridin ever talk to Demandred? If yes, when?

    Great theory: Demandred really is Moridin! *gasp*

    We've also seen Gawain Trakand.

    One Andoran noble who is definitely a DF is mentioned chatting to Rahvin in TFoH and then applauding Rand's sword practice in the early chapters of LoC.

    Demandred and Moridin are also present together at the Ansaline

  2. if two people balefire each other at the same time, then they both don't exist.


    person A releases balefire and hits person B, person B is gone from the pattern from before person A released balefire, so balefiring person A now can't effect anyone who was dead before A acted.


    Also Rand and Moridin (if it really was) didn't shoot each other's person, their weaves touched (what does that do? who knows...) so they couldn't have been removed from the pattern.


    Also one thread has only one body, one position, etc

    No they set up a make and break circuit where both flicker in and out of existence continuously. This continues until one of them gets tried or the writer gets bored and moves on with the plot.

  3. Did we ever figure what this dream of Eggy's was all about?


    tPoD "Stranger Written Law"

    Recently, all her dreams about Mat were pale and full of pain, like shadows cast by nightmares, almost as though Mat himself were not quite real.


    Is that just from his injuries in Ebou Dar or was there something more?

    At the time, Mat was injured. He was also wearing the foxhead. That "might" lead to the not quite real effect - we have no idea if it does funny things in "dreamspace".

    She doesn't specifically see a missing eye or strange locales so it probably isn't about his future visit to Finnland.

  4. 1) Can you enter someone's dream without being able to use TAR?

    2) Can you get hurt in someone else's dream?


    1. No. However, trained TAR users can enter, find, and observe anyone's dreams.


    2. Yes. Nightmares are regularly seen as very dangerous to TAR users.

    1. Once in a while non-TAR users end up entering TAR randomly. Do they also end up in nightmares randomly? It may be possible though we've seen no proof that I can recall.

    2. The WO explicitly warn that entering somebody's dreams can be dangerous - Melaine and Egwene had problems..

  5. He;s trying to clear the decks and apologise and explain his actions to everyone who's fought for him. He knows he's going to die and he wants to go with a clean conscience. The most obvious pointer to that is, his asking for Hurin. By analogy with AA, he's doing a 12-Step programme.

  6. Naeff is mentioned - he has an AS. So it's reasonable to expect that other Ashaman with AS are around. Edit: This is the group that came to Maradon with Bashere and Rand. Ituralde had 50 vanilla Ashaman with his force.


    No the AS mention comes well before Rand shows up. It is just after they are pulled inside the walls by the Saldeans. Can't imagine they wouldn't have been used in some manner. The situation was very grim and we get not even a thought from Ituralde about them.

    The AS are mentioned after Ituralde is rescued inside Maradon by Bashere's soldiers. They came with Bashere.

    Quote from memory (Ituralde's POV, Chapter: A Storm of Light) "It was strange to see soldiers with clean uniforms. Bashere had swept in with large numbers of Ashaman and AS and cleared the city."

  7. Slayer couldn't heal his own injury (arrow wound: TSR) taken in TAR either, apparently. He was there in the flesh. He was hurt, instead of healing himself, he came out of TAR as Lord Luc with the wound and ran for it, still carrying the wound.

    Maybe he learned whatever the method was, later.

    Or, he was lying when he spoke to Perrin.

    Moggy knows a lot about TAR but not very much about Healing apparently. She may not have known this specific trick, if it exists.

  8. is there a list of the weaves we have seen? and who can perform them?


    And if Nynaeve can heal the madness, if she tried to do it to someone who was a darkfriend, would she see a reduced/no dark thorns in their head?

    No single list that I know of.

    The second question is speculative - doesn't have a simple answer.

    But there's no reason why a DF Ashaman's madness would look different, assuming the GLoD wasn't protecting him - in that case he wouldn't be mad and she'd see nothing.

  9. Is there a basis for assuming that Min would have seen the viewing and told Moiraine about it, prior to her going to the TR?

    That would imply that Min not only saw the viewing but that she either saw Moi+ Thom together in real life and hence, could say "Hey, Mss! You're going to marry that gleeman."

    Or that Min not only knew who Thom was, she could describe him in enough detail for Moiraine to know Thom's id.


    Also given Moi's two decades worth of hunting, would she have deviated from her search in order to follow Thom to the TR?

    If she was passing through Baerlon, she was probably headed for the TR anyways.

    Seems much more likely that Min's vision was sparked after they fled the TR since she did see Moi + Thom together at that stage.

  10. If Moiraine was channeling on her own before she went to the Tower, why was she never referred to as a wilder by the other Aes Sedai? It seems like something that should have come up at least in NS when she and Siuan learn about the AS hierarchy, which places wilders a little lower than their actual strength in the Power. Yet Moiraine was never called a wilder or given any indication in her thoughts that it was something she'd kept secret from the other Aes Sedai.

    I believe the connotation of "Wilder" is not a definition of someone who channles before becoming Aes Sedai, but rather a definition of someone who has channeled long enough to train themselves how to channel the OP without killing themselves. Basically, a "Wilder" is of the level of Accepted (if not full Aes Sedai in potential and skill), which is why Nyneve was raised to Accepted right away. I don't recall anyone thinking it was particularly odd that this was done with her, which leads me to believe that it had been done in the past with other "Wilders."

    I agree - every sparker isn't a wilder. A wilder would be a channeler with "some" control who isn't Tower-trained - she may/ may not be a sparker.

    Many of the stronger AS would have been sparkers but just touching the source unaided isn't enough to qualify them as "wilders" in AS terminology.

    OTOH the other channeling sororities like the Kin, the Aiel and the Athan Miere may have many members who have been taught to channel (not sparkers) and the AS would consider all of them wilders.

  11. @kasheem I've subscribed to the theory that the bond was broken due to Moiraine being in another dimension, and when the passage back was destroyed (the doorway melting) it severed her bond. It explains why it was not severed when she went into the other doorway in the Stone of Tear. The doorway acts as an anchor in her reality (or something).


    This is just me coming up with answers on the spot, so bear with me cuz I just finished reading the series within the hour. From what I understood there were multiple doorways to that dimension, one in each spire along with the Tower of Ghenjei itself. That to me means the connection to that realm was not cut off.


    I can't quite find the way to put it so I hope someone just gets what I mean with this part. Other times in the book I recall people traveling in alternate dimensions, such as waygates. Were there any warder bonds present then and if so were both participants on the same side?

    Moiraine herself went through the Tear doorway alone and no, the bond didn't snap but of course, the door remained open.

    Apart from the closing of that direct link between dimensions when the Rhuedean door burnt down, here could be several other explanations. The ToGhenjei is a link between dimensions but it's a portal placed between the two Finn realms and the world. So it may not have been enough to keep the bond.

    Also Moiraine may have deliberately, or otherwise, let the bond pass in a couple of ways (this may be possible but controversial - I don't want to amplify in case of spoilers). She could have asked for this as a wish for example.

    Or it may have been something else to do what exactly happened to Moiraine after the door burnt down.

    No definite explanation really.

  12. Can Masuri travel pre Caemlyn trip?

    "the snakebiites from the bubble of evil had affected the two of them and Masuri--- the only one of the Aes Sedai who had been bitten --- worse than the others."


    I just cant see that throwing in Masuri among the two asha man who can definately travel as getting sicker then the rest being accidental


    Pretty sure she can't. Perrin's timeline, logistics problems and isolation work precisely because only the two Ashaman can Travel. It's true that some of the WO were taught the Travel weave by Egwene. But the ones who went with Perrin didn't know it. So Masuri cannot Travel.

    Maybe the point to the quote you gave is that channelers get hit harder?

  13. Like ToG, SL would have attracted adventurous travellers.

    It might even be that Mordeth did get out a couple of times,earlier. Then after the body, which he possessed died, his spirit/ essence "jumped" back into SL?

    All the rumours about SL suggest that Mordeth did get out and do some damage at some stage.

    Moiraine wasn't quoting the spirt of Mordeth taking over as a legend, she "knew" it could happen.

    Her actions with Mat afterwards and the fact that the AS did a linked healing for Mat suggest that possession had not only happened earlier, AS had to deal with it and developed some method to handle it.

  14. I am sorry if it has already been discussed elsewhere. Also it is hardly a simple question, but maybe somebody will come up with a simple answer :tongue:


    Is the DO the source of all evil in WOT, or is evil somehow independent from him and he is simply the most powerful evil being?Im most tales about good v. evil conflict that I know the heroes are always cautioned that they cannot defeat evil using its own methods, that they would only make it stronger. To quote Ged from U. Le Guin's masterpiece "A wizard of Earthsea": "It is light that defeats the dark".


    How come Fain can succesfully fight DO and his creatures with hate and madness? Or maybe he really doesn't?


    Related to that: how exactly did Mashadar come into being? Even in WOT, human hate and parania alone are unable to create an evil mass-murdering fog :tongue:

    I have read some very ambigous quotes from Brandon that Mardeth brought something to Aridhol. What was that? Was it related to DO and how? If not, from where came its power? Maybe somebody has some good ideas, because I'm clueless...

    I'm just re-reading the Eye of The World now and I'm not sure on most of this, but I do know it says mashadar is a different kind of evil separate from the dark one. Fain uses this different kind of evil against the dark one's evil.

    We see a lot of evil characters who aren't Darkfriends. The GLoD isn;t the only evil or the only source of evil in WoTland.

  15. I don't know if it's possible to ward somebody else's dreams.


    Moiranne offered to ward the boy's dreams pretty much through the first half of EotW


    She didn't actually do it and we don't know that she actually could.

    EotW depicts Moiraine displaying a lot of powers that are contradicted in later books - she blasts out a Waygate, unweaves, etc.

    RJ worked out his "rules of OP" more carefully after EoTW and TGH. I'd be wary of accepting an EoTW reference without confirmation from later books / RJ quotes.

    The supergirls using Moggy's own power to ward her off is an interesting suggestion - but it's never mentioned at all.

    Not even a reference, from Moggy's PoV when has her repeated dream of rescue and abuse.

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