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Posts posted by Sharaman

  1. http://www.theorylan...hread.php?t=372

    Q: Can Moridin use a male angreal if he channels the True Power?

    RJ: No.


    AFAIK the balefire cross is the only time we've seen a mixing of OP and TP. If I could remember a clear example, I would have cited it.


    But it is not a male angreal, it's a 'mixed' angreal


    No, it is a male sa'angreal. It has absolutely zero effect on how much saidar one can channel. It's just not safe to use unless you link with two women. There's no such thing as "mixed" angreal or sa'angreal. They may be possible, but none has ever appeared nor has anyone in the series shown any indication of knowing of such a thing.


    Sorry, I'm getting my angreals and sa'angreals mixed up, and I'm not making myself clear either.

    My point is that this is one of a kind, or perhaps the one surviving example. Cadsuane knows that there is a piece of information she missed about Callandor. We'll just have to wait and see what it turns out to be.


    Cadsuane's info pertains to its potential use in prophesy.

    It's a male s'angreal - which means it can only handle saidin.

    It has a manufacturing flaw, which makes it dangerous to use unless the man concerned is buffered by the user being linked to women.

    As far as we know, there are no TP angreal.

    There is also spoilerish info to infer that

    female angreal cannot be used to channel TP.


  2. Callandor is not a TP angreal and, if we go by the balefire cross TP and OP don't mix.



    Ok, I've had a glass of wine and I'm in an argumentative mood...

    Maybe balefire streams don't mix, but where is the evidence that OP and TP can not be used together? (I'm feeling argumentative, not belligirent, so if there is any I'd be glad to read it)

    Callandor is not an ordinary angreal. We know that, Rand using it by himself caused no end of trouble. A circle of three (inc. saidin and saidar) managed to flatten a hilltop. But maybe it can go up another notch?

    In In TGS (ch 48) there is a whole section devoted to how there's something about Callandor... Even Cadsuane who told Rand about Callandor's 'flaw' admits we don't have the whole story yet -

    " "Cadsuane," she said. "This is still wrong. There's more here. Something we havn't discovered." "About Callandor?" the woman asked. Min nodded. "I suspect as well," Cadsuane replied."

    Now, I just want to know how hw's going to use it...



    Q: Can Moridin use a male angreal if he channels the True Power?

    RJ: No.


    AFAIK the balefire cross is the only time we've seen a mixing of OP and TP. If I could remember a clear example, I would have cited it.

  3. I'd speculate that if something has to touch the DO, and he is able to taint it, then he'd better use True Power for the job and not Choedan Kal.


    So...make the Dark One touch himself?





    OK, while I was mostly just indulging in cheap innuendo, there is a serious point: what good does it do to touch the DO with the DO? How would you make him hold himself back? It makes no sense. Why would you be able to use him to "close the gap" when he's the very thing coming through that gap in the first place?



    Lewd thoughts aside...

    I was originally thinking of double negatives and how TP is finite, maybe you could channel TP until used up completely?

    Knife of Dreams book tour 13 October 2005, Harvard Coop - basri...@gmail.com reporting "[One Power] It is never used up, and so it is like an infinite resevour of power. The True power is not like this at all. The TP comes from the dark one of course."


    Then I had a night's sleep, did a little more reading, thought about your comment, found this thread and came across the answer to my first question

    The Gathering Storm Book Tour, Borders, Washington DC 4 November 2009 - mrc1ark reporting "Sanderson said Rand realized that he did not need the Choedan Kal for the Last Battle. Brandon also said that Rand was not at a point where he needed the Choedan Kal for anything he wanted to do."


    So there was some sort of revelation, (I still think you need the three powers to use Callandor to full effect though)

    Callandor is not a TP angreal and, if we go by the balefire cross TP and OP don't mix.

  4. Most everyone seems to know about Shadar Logoth. The Ogier, the Dark, the AS. Moiraine herself ,and the circle of AS who healed Mat also knew in theory, how to deal with it, and I'm betting those are not the same weaves that heal a broken arm. So there must be previous experiences or Brown Ajah lore written up in Tar Valon. My guess would be treasure-hunters who landed up infected.


    Yeah, but knowing how to contain the corruption or heal the damage it does aren't what I'm curious about. There are tons of ways that information could have been gained, including just going there during the day and checking the place out (which I'm sure at least some AS did). Same goes for the existence of Mordeth: plenty of potential channels for that info. My point is how do you learn about this guy being capable of devouring souls and taking over human bodies unless he's either done it, dropped a ton of hints to that effect over the years, or just outright told someone? It's not like possession is a common phenomenon in WOTLand. Mordeth is basically unique. Yeah, the DO can relocate souls and Machin Shin can eat them, but Mordeth does both and could apparently have done so to anybody at pretty much anytime. I don't see how studying infected treasure hunters would allow one to deduce the existence of this more or less unheard of ability.


    Well, this is all outside the thread scope since it's speculative.


    Apparently sensing changes in the soul, or lack of soul, etc., can be done even without OP (Verin in the stedding, Perrin's smell thing with Slayer). May be the Mordeth manifestation leaves signs that show up, on delving or otherwise, - Fain was delved by Moiraine in EotW and TGH. It's possible other earlier infected persons were also delved. The other thing is the switches in PoV - Fain claims to be Ordeith, etc., and in a sense, his earlier brainwashing (soul washing) gives him some protection. Maybe earlier infected persons directly claimed to be Mordeth and displayed knowledge they couldn't have otherwise had - so yes, almost directly telling people.


    Also if the dagger shows up as infected (as it does) to practically any AS and FS, probably other artefacts from SL also feel evil to every channeler/ sensitive. Bit like the Nynaeve reaction to the Seals and Domination Band.

  5. On the other hand, I've never quite understood why Mordeth so desparately craved that dagger. Supposedly, anything from SL would be tainted and corrupting, so how could the dagger be necessary? But then again we have RJ saying Mat wasn't contagious...so who the hell knows?


    The dagger in of itself is nothing special other than the fact it's from Shadar Logath and it has already been carried out of the city. What stops him, or did stop him should I say considering the city is one big pit now, from returning and replacing his Precious with a rock on the ground is that the Mordeth part of Fain fears becoming trapped in the city again. If, say, Perrin took one of those jeweled axes from all the way back in TEotW with him, Fain would be just as content with that as he would the dagger.


    I had wondered this myself until I accidentally stumbled upon the answer myself while going back through some of the earlier books. Unfortunately I don't have a book and chapter number on hand so you'll have to take my word for it until I find the quote.


    Right, OK. I know what you're talking about. Still, it was kinda strange that he just had to have any object. It made him feel "whole", but why should it be able to do that? The suggestion in tFoH is that he really does need some physical object with the corruption in it, but it's not at all clear why he needs one. I don't know: maybe it's some sort of "anchor" for the Mordeth part of him, somewhat in the way he was tied to the city. Makes me wonder if the Mordeth part actually needs it to survive now, since he obviously became something very much other than human, given that he somehow lived the death of Aridhol and became seemingly immortal in the process. Here's the relevant line in tFoH (bolding mine):

    He was whole again, one with what had bound him so long ago, one with what had in a very real way given him life.


    Still, there's another consequence to the idea of the dagger not being special in and of itself: it makes an outstanding question even more difficult to answer than it already was. That question being: why did Mordeth cease his attack on the Ta'veren Trio? He was doing his whole weird routine where he swelled and filled the room and he had them dead to rights, but immediately after Mat grabbed the dagger from the treasure pile, he shrieks and they see him cowering in the corner. Then he makes some threats, yowls some more and bails. Why? Nothing indicates that Rand channeled there, and it certainly wasn't Perrin so...what? RJ makes a point of letting us know Mat grabbed the dagger there, so clearly something was going on with it and Mordeth (this is what made me believe the dagger really was special in the first place), but that doesn't make sense if it was just a dagger. If Mat had snagged a corrupted toilet plunger instead, would Mordeth have still fled? How does that even work?


    On a very slightly different subject, I always wondered how Moiraine knew Mordeth was capable of escaping if he possessed someone. I can only guess that Aes Sedai had pieced together enough from the stories of those who encountered him to notice that he often tried talking people into leaving with him, but that still seems like a bit of leap from that to "He'll swallow your soul!" I have trouble imagining he'd escaped before, mostly because I can't see how you'd ever manage to find and then put him back if he did.


    Most everyone seems to know about Shadar Logoth. The Ogier, the Dark, the AS. Moiraine herself ,and the circle of AS who healed Mat also knew in theory, how to deal with it, and I'm betting those are not the same weaves that heal a broken arm. So there must be previous experiences or Brown Ajah lore written up in Tar Valon. My guess would be treasure-hunters who landed up infected.

  6. I've only just finished reading the series for the first time so I'm probably missing the obvious, but, why did Rand destroy the Choedan Kal?

    I mean, is he not being a little rash?

    Is it just a temper tantrum? Or has he worked out the entire game plan?

    Is he now going to go everywhere accompanied by two others just so he can use Callandor?

    Or is he going to hug the baddies to death?


    Ok, I'm being flippant, but what have I missed?


    Partly I think he destroyed it because it was too tempting to use it to solve problems.

    Partly I think he destroyed it for fear that some other saidin channeler, possibly one that owed allegiance to the GLoD, would get hold of it. That could have happened if Semirhage, Shaidar and co. had bothered.

  7. Speaking of Mat's Finnland prophecies, one that's always seemed odd to me is the "dying and living again as part of what was" (forget the exact line) one.


    Marrying the Daughter of the Nine Moons is a significant event in his life. Giving up half the light of the world will apparently be a significant event in his life. Getting killed and then balefired back to life seems to be pretty irrelevant. It really plays no part in the story at all. It just seems to be totally unrelated to the other two in terms of being relevant enough to include.


    It was "To die and live again, and live once more a part of what was!" The first bit's got two options: when the Foxes hung him from Avendesora and Rand had to CPR him, or, as you've interpreted it, when Rahvin nailed him with lightning and killed him, after which Rand resurrected him via balefire. The second bit refers to the memories ("part of what was") he receives which he then often finds himself suddenly reliving as if he were truly there ("live once more"). The way the two are tied together in one answer suggests that it was actually the hanging incident that fulfilled "To die and live again" and not the balefire deal.


    RJ confirmed it was the balefire incident. Mat wasnt dead when he was hung, just very close to it.


    I was thinking the same thing the other day Tom; Mat being killed and then coming back via balefire seems to serve no purpose. In fact, he basically did nothing in that fight as far as I can tell. He could have not even gone which was the original plan and nothing would have changed. Even during the Moiraine/Lanfear fight prior to that Mat didn't do anything.

    The impact of dying and living again could be on his status as the Hornblower.

    Is he still tied to the Horn of Valere or not?

  8. Also, Egwene might be right in suspecting that someone was trying to foil her plans to block Northharbor and Southharbor. Those two were her best cuendillar makers.

    Romanda works it out exactly that way - thereby proving that she's actually a smarter cookie than most.

    Hmm. She had a lot of help. What stopped others from putting it together was the use of sai'din. Romanda was told about the connection not 30 minutes before Jahar told her of a sai'din weilding female Forsaken.

    True but she does realise that the two AS killed with saidin were friends of Cabriana and makes the connection to Halima.

  9. I am re-reading CoT and I can't remember - do we know why Aran'gar killed the the two Blues in the rebel camp?


    Cabrianna Mercendes (If I spelt that correctly) and her warder were tortured and killed by Semirhage earlier in the series. Halima arrived in Salidar claiming to be sent by Cabrianna, and that she died in a fall from her horse (or something like that). The two blues in the camp, Kairen and Anaiya (I think) were Cabrianna's best friends from Novice right through to Aes Sedai. So guessing they were killed by Halima in case Cabriannas death was questioned too closely, or was already being questioned by the two.


    Apologies about spelling, not read those books for a few months and dont have them near me to reference chapters etc

    That's the most likely possibility (I believe Egwene thinks to herself that the only strong connection between Anaiya and Kairen was Cabriana).


    However, one amendment I'd make is that Halima was not just worried about the circumstances of Cabriana's death being questioned. She was worried that she'd be suspected of never having known Cabriana in the first place.

    Romanda works it out exactly that way - thereby proving that she's actually a smarter cookie than most.

  10. There are some things you can't question. Like how come there are so many trollocs, or how come the Aiel warriors all know each other, or how come there's so much gold, or how come towns and cities are so big without suffering from tuberculosis or other epidemics, or who cleans the horse dung in Caemlyn, so on and so forth.

    I think there's been at least one, probably several threads on the logistics of the blight, gazillions of trollocs, etc.

  11. hey i just had a crazy thought and i figured id throw it out there.

    could rand hearing lews therin's voice be to him what the dice are to matt? like a "warning" of something to come?

    No, they're different. Unless you think Mat's soul was previously several sets of dice.


    hmm idk. it just seemed like the voice disappears for a while hear and there. kinda like the dice. i realize that the voice actually seems to be lews therin, but it seems that maybe its also a form of that. the 'warning' seems to take the characteristics of things that the person relates to. mat-dice or gambling. nynaeve- the weather. rand- his reborn soul... just some ideas but idk im not too worried about it.


    but i do have another question thats been bothering me-

    how did the elefin or alefin (sp?) harvest those other memories from the generals that they stuff into mat if the doorways were basically inaccessible. i mean the one in tear i realize has had a loose "guard" on it, but the one in rhuidean was on virtual lock down.


    The dice-LTT conjecture is a theory - maybe you should post it in a new thread.

    About the Finns, RJ said that in earlier times, adventurers had regularly wandered into the Tower of Ghenjei, which was better-known.

  12. Can anyone tell me if it was ever revealed what made handling sadin near Ebou'dar difficult in a Path of Daggers? Thanks guys.



    Yeah. Essentially what caused it was that the Bowl of the Winds was only designed to control the weather over a small area. The Windfinders used their superior knowledge of weaving the winds to push it to fix the weather for the entire world, which overstressed the ter'angreal, causing the affect. The same thing also occured along the 'spokes' that radiated out from Ebou Dar.


    This was confirmed by RJ.


    ??? That was confirmed by RJ? I'll take your word for it Luckers, but I was always convinced it was because of how Aviendha dismantled that Waygate, and the subsequent explosion and 'Aes Sedai weapon'. Guess I was wrong.

    I'm assuming you meant Elayne's botched unravelling of the Waygate at the Ebou Dar farm? Aviendha unpicked her Waygate job at the Tarasin Palace without any problems.

    Luckers is right - quite apart from RJ's confirmation, the internal evidence shows that the cause is the Bowl. Saidin was also behaving strangely close to Ebou Dar - Dashiva had a confrontation with Rand about that, with a clear description. There is no way that either Aviendha or Elayne's actions would have affected saidin. OTOH, the description of how the Bowl worked shows that it did draw saidin.

  13. could be because moraine had to come and they always go places together. Plus during the waste times Lan and Rhuarc really stepped up rands training in fighting arts

    Also could be because he helped create tactics against couladin


    Not to mention Lan is Moiraine's warder. There were some attacks in the waste, Lan would be there to protect her. If he did not come, she could have been killed by a Trolloc or Myrddraal or Drakghar.

    All true but the Aiel didn't even know that Lan was Moiraine's warder. It's also rare for RJ to have written in a detail like prophesy without a specific onscreen incident.

  14. Are there any group of people that are immune to being a Darkfriend?

    Darkfriends exist in every society and at every level of society. I think the reason we haven't seen any Ogier darkfriends is because we simply havent seen that many Ogier.

    I strongly disagree. Following the Shadow is a human affair. I'd be shocked to discover an Ogier DF.



    Q: Why can't Ogier channel the One Power?

    RJ: Why can't fish sing? Why can't sparrows do the tango? Why can't I figure my own income tax? I'd really like to know the answer to that last one!

    Q: Can they be Darkfriends?

    RJ: Of course.

  15. We've never seen Elyas in the Wolf dream but it's a reasonable assumption that he can enter it.

    It's an interesting point, one that I haven't thought of before. I always took it for granted that access to tel'aran'rhiod was a natural part of being a wolfbrother but Elyas is never connected to dreaming in any way. Maybe Perrin is a male Dreamer as well as being a wolfbrother and his 'wolf dreams' are a result of the combination.

    Perrin only develops that talent after he becomes a wolfbrother and Moiraine (who doesn't really know much about it) seems to think the two are connected. The wolves also seem to think it normal. Very likely that "Long tooth" can also wolf-dream - but no particular reason for that to have featured in the plot. Anyhow we have no proof either way that I can think of about Elyas's ability.

  16. Are Bair and Perrin the only non-channelers (excluding Slayer) who can enter T'A'R?

    The late Seana was also a non-channeler DreamWalker - there could be others, since people can randomly do it once in a while.


    I always thought that Elyas could enter T'A'R, but now that I think about it, has he ever been mentioned in conjunction with T'A'R? I just assumed the Elyas could enter the Wolf Dreams as well.

    To the best of my knowledge, no. As no, we never seen him in TAR or hear about him and TAR.

    We've never seen Elyas in the Wolf dream but it's a reasonable assumption that he can enter it.

  17. How come the Rebel Aes Sedai do not use their far superior knowledge of the power to spy, steal, kidnap, even take the tower? Is there any excuse of that?


    They have:

    - traveling

    - can invert there weaves

    - can hide their ability to channel


    and much more, I suppose - but only with those three they can do whatever they wish to. Most of the things even repeatedly.


    Taking Elaida, Taking the ter'angreal/angreal stash, Spy on anything they wish, Contact the ferrets, Use them for whatever they want to, Go in and take any amount of sisters prisoner.

    They wanted to try and avoid open conflict because that would result in sisters killing sisters or at the least, fighting sisters. Even after the Seanchan raid, Egwene was reluctant to invade.

  18. Does anyone remember which one of the female forsaken is able to burst into a flame? I have a wild tiny theory that the "Flame of Tar Valon" title of the Amyrlin could be connected to that power.

    I've never heard of such a thing (in WoT), do you have a source?

    Do you mean Semirhage using Mask of Mirrors to appear as a flaming (literally not in the sense Mat uses it) woman? AFAIK, nobody in WoT has the ability to "burst into flame" (and stay alive).

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