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Posts posted by Sharaman

  1. Any mentions in BWB or elsewhere of the Forsaken having children?
    Good question! That would be interesting, wouldn't it?


    I don't remember that it specifically states one way or another, but I imagine that in AoL, no one reproduces unless they want to(with advanced science and OP use being what it is). If the Forsaken are anything, they're selfish. Since parenting is an unselfish act involving sacrifice and dedication, I don't think any of the Forsaken would have even considered it.

    Actually, even parents can be selfish.

    Not sure about the ones that want to being the only ones that reproduced in Age of Legends.


    I guess the poster was asking whether any of the Forsaken gave birth to children. There might have been some chance for each of them; either before or after they turned to the Shadow.

    Slight chance of any of them raising the children (after turning to the Shadow). Though Mesaana might have been most likely of the females; and Ishamael of the males.


    They were all channelers, in early middle age for channelers, when the Bore was broken by Meiryn.

    Ample time for them to have had many kids before the bore opened and before going to the GLod.

    The bore-war of OP period lasted roughly 100 years.

    Again ample time for them to have kids if they wanted.

    Many of them were respectable three namers before they turned. I'm just curious if they did have families or not.

    To recap from what we know, none of them seemed to have aversions to having children and most seem well within sexual norms in terms of kiddie production.

    Any references from BWB or elsewhere?

  2. I wanted some clarifications on saidin channeling and detection.

    We know male channelers can't sense each others' ability to channel, They can only sense if somebody is holding saidin and there is a sense of strain when the channeler is close to the personal limit in terms of holding.saidin. So a male channeler judges another male channeler's ability by the amount of saidin he uses in a specific weave and by the sense of strain.

    However male channelers appear unable to mask their ability (ala Mesaana when she's chatting to Alviarin or Graendal at the Cleansing) when they're holding saidin or channeling? Is this true? I'm guessing it is because Halima was genuinely scared of Logain detecting her and also she was detected at the Cleansing by Eben.If she could mask this would not have happened.

    Also can male channelers "throttle back" like Mesaana did when she was pretending to be Danelle? That is, Mesaana when pretending to be Danelle was displaying only saidar channeling ability to the extent that Danelle had. Can a strong male channeler fake the sense of strain when he is holding saidin to make others think he's weaker than he actually is?

    Also can a male channeler deliberately "fail" the resonance test Taim used?

    Wondering if there are clear answers to the above anywhere?

  3. Given that Moggy could get into Eg's dreams earlier (before she was a'dam-ed) and set up the trap involving Gawain, she has far more innate ability at this than A'rangar. Her own PoVs and comfort with TAR also suggests that.

    That she apparently didn't use TAR while A'damed (and also that Egwene. who was admittedly clueless, in TGH didn't while held) and that the other Chosen didn't communicate with Moggy via TAR during her captivity suggests that the A'dam has some sort of blocking effect.

    But I dunno if an absence of TAR/ Dream usage is enough for proof that the a'dam interferes with access to Tar.

  4. Verin said in TGS she'd met Mesaana in the WT. Since she left the WT before TSR and didn't return until her last night there i TGS, we can assume Messi was already there. Hence, Danelle has indeed already been replaced by TSR.


    Except that Mesaana might well have been posing as someone else early on. We have other reasons to believe that Mesaana was already Danelle at that time, but your logic doesn't work.


    Any reason to assume she's imitating multiple people?

  5. Ishamael was apparently never fully-held in the Bore and he seemed to have approx 40 year periods when he could wander around.

    He was around post-sealing when he "Healed" LTT and watched him die,

    He was definitely around on Earth during the Trolloc Wars and during Hawkwing's time and also just after the Aiel War.

    But we don't have an explanatory mechanism for his ability to be physically outside the Bore and why he was dragged back inside (if he was held inside the Bore, at all).

    Maybe he needed to be "refreshed and oiled and serviced" by the GLoD every so often when his machinery broke down through TP overdosing?

  6. Presumably over the years, there are enough women like Setalle who have suffered accidental burn out/ stilling for some reason.

    To use her as an example, Setalle has no need to conceal the fact that the three Oaths no longer hold. Over the decades, she must have had to lie (even if it was white lies for say, missing a social engagement).

    But yeah, the AS avoid dealing with stilled/ burntout women as far as possible.


    Different question:

    Do we have any idea whether somebody can access TAR while, 1) in a stedding 2) SG and the Blight 3) Finnland.

    We know that if TAR is accessed normally (either Dreams/ in the flesh) from other locales, it isn't possible to enter the above places in TAR.Supposedly this is because they are out of phase with Randland reality.

    But can a Dreamer / Channeler who is physically located in these places either go to sleep/ open a Gate and enter TAR either in dreams or in the Flesh ?

    For example, could Perrin get to the Wolf Dream if he slept in a stedding.

    Or can Cynane Dream her way into TAR from SG?

    It should be possible if the theory that every place carries its own TAR shadow-reflection is true.

  7. Or Verin simply doesn't want to show the Weave to three women whose allegiance is uncertain. By the time she meets Mat, she's into her endgame and she may not want three AS being able to move out quick from Mat's camp and carry news of her t anyone. She also does know inversion is possible at least - she was surprised when she led the Circle that fought Graendal and given her intellectual curiousity she would probably have worked at figuring it out.

  8. Well, nobody outside the FS knows about the TP and you require different shields for both. Rand has that ace-in-a-hole if he really needs it to break an OP shield. But I think his total confidence in the WT is something to do with ta'veren nature and his "one with the land". .

    Alternatively - he can continuously hold the Source aft6er VoG - except that Cadsuane doesn't comment on this in ToM.- and it's much more difficult to shield someone who's already holding.

  9. Why did Moridin not appear at the cleansing and trying to stop it? Part of his plan?

    We don't have a definitive answer for that but it is something Demandred took note of when Moridin gave the orders about it in chapter 13.


    Who would have thought that 5 of the "Chosen" would fail at stopping Rand cleansing Saidin?


    But I wonder if the timeline for the cleansing corresponds with the events in Seanchan and the slaughter of the Imperial family. I am under the impression that Semirhage wasn't at the cleansing as well. So, I think she and Moridin were doing their thing in Seanchan while Rand was removing the taint.



    Think this may have happened while Semi was at sea coming to Ebou Dar from Seanchan. Travel would be difficult if not impossible.

  10. Semirhage said nothing about wanting to collar LTT. She simply calls Rand Lews Therin, and she said she was waiting to collar him. As in, ever since Egenin gave them that first DB to duplicate. At least, that's the simplest explanation (so until someone who read the BWB comes here with a different answer, I see no reason to assume she had knowledge of it before the Breaking. Remember, Rand didn't know them in KoD's A Plain Wooden Box; Nynaeve had to tell him what they were).


    Now, LTT's voice said "That's impossible! We can't use it! Cast it away! That is death we hold, death and betrayal. It is HIM." Does that sound like memories of familiarity with the TP? To me, it sounds like someone who's aware of the existence of the TP, but has never touched it, and never would had he the opportunity. The same way that I knew exactly what it was before LTT suggested it, before Semirhage's reaction could confirm it. A third reservoir, neither saidin nor saidar? What else could it be?


    Whoops, seems you are right about the Domination Band. Jeez I am getting rusty with this, too much time away from the forums and haven't read the books in a while.



    How did Moghedien know about sad bracelets [Domination Band]? Semirhage said in The Gathering Storm that they were made after the Forsaken were imprisoned.


    I believe Moghedien said she'd been doing some research about the Breaking and had learned about them.


    As to LTT reaction, fair enough, it makes sense, although he could be referring to the fact that it was possibly accessed through Moridin, which is pretty unique and "impossible". However, I think that the point is moot really. Your point is valid, until we get more information, there is not much more to say about it.


    Same with the possibility of the DO acting differently towards Rand. It does make sense what you say, and I am inclined to agree with your point, however, we simply don't know enough about it to even make any reasonable assumption. (I also include my theory in this as well)


    There's an earlier reference in TGS to LTT thinking of the "so-called True Power" in connection with Moridin (and IIRC, the Shadar Logoth meeting) . So he certainly knows what it is, in theory. Hardly surprising, given the AoL War. This doesn't mean he's ever accessed it though he may have heard descriptions of what it felt like. The DB is referenced several times as a tool created during the Breaking - in Moggy's convo with Nyn. It makes sense anyway, why would you need to make it until saidin had been tainted? Moggy had to research it post-escape and so presumably did Semi, given her explanation of how it worked to Rand.(Sidelight: did she recruit "volunteers" from the BT or is there another group of non-FS, DF saidin-users?) .

  11. Technically Aginor killed himself by drawing too much trying to take control of the Eye from Rand, and Lanfear was killed by the Finns--or so they claim.


    I wondered about Lanfear and the Finns killing her. I think they most likely did kill her because she was reincarnated in another body. If she wasn't dead; then the DO - Shadar Haran killed her after taking her out of the Finns realm.


    What little we know about the Finns also suggests that, like the faerie they're based on, (and like AS), they don't directly lie. They keep the letter of their bargains.. So, if they said to Moiraine that they'd killed Lanfear, they did so.

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