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Posts posted by Sharaman

  1. The false DR could also be a woman.

    Mask of Mirrors is being used to conjure a figure of light and can easily conceal voice, etc.

    (What bothers me mildly (as I posted elsewhere) is that Masema didn't remark on the accent.

    As a lunatic who worships the DR, he would accept a glowing halo, a resplendent, resounding voice.

    But would he accept for example, an Ilianer accent, or Domani, Lugard, Seanchan, or AoL?

    He knew Rand pretty well as a West Andorman.)


  2. The Ogier at least. are natural beings - originally from another world.

    Steddings, one doesn't know.

    The Talisman of Growing was given to the Ogier by male channelers who were grateful for receiving shelter in the steddings during the Breaking. They'd already started the Ways and the ToG allows non-power-users to grow Ways.

    As far as we know that's all it does - Treesinging etc, long predates the Ways.

    We don't know for sure about the ter'angreal Avi read but it could be.


  3. The opening visible to anyone flexed along its edges, changing shape and even size continuously.

    That's everything about the actual unweaving of the Gateway. I've marked the part about the edges, and I don't understand it as implying the weave only consist of the frame of the Gateway (not that I can deduce it doesn't, as well).


    I assumed it meant she was picking at the edges. 


    Also negative evidence, Mat can walk through a Gate - the weaves don't melt.

    That means weaves aren't touching his foxhead medallion. Hence, no weaves in the middle.

    Yes, definitely, that would be a proof if our understanding of Mat's medallion was perfect. However, this whole issue was suggested as the reason why Mat was able to use Gateways, so I'd prefer something else to support the claim. Also, there's always the possibility that that one got past RJ.


    There's a lot of people saying "the weaves melt when they touch you" at various times to Mat.

    Incidents I can remember. 1) Elayne describing the effect on the gholam as similar to the effect on Mat 2) The time he spanks Joline 3) Tuon holding the a'dam on AS.

    So I'm assuming weaves melt if they touch the medal, at least when he's wearing it. Since he can walk through the Gate and it doesn't collapse, there are no weaves in the middle.


  4. I agree about that business in Far Snows (or whatever the episode was named).

    And about the expanding weave. But where does the rest (clear space, edges held by the weaves) come from?


    Just the description of how a Gate opens - it starts as a sort of point of light, then a vertical line that widens into a rectangle with shining edges.

    The edges are razor-sharp. In-between you have a hole in the air through which you can seen the destination.

    When Elayne is picking a Gate apart, (TPoD) she's pulling at the edges.

    The space in-between remains open - the Seanchan nearly come through and Avi keeps chucking fire, Brdget shoots arrows, etc.  

    Also negative evidence, Mat can walk through a Gate - the weaves don't melt.

    That means weaves aren't touching his foxhead medallion. Hence, no weaves in the middle.





  5. Trying to answer my own question

    Fel was killed in the LoC epilogue. Specifically, by a Gholam that slid under his door.

    That was in Carhein, in the same building where Barthanes was torn apart in TGH (offscreen and we dunno if Barthanes was actually done by a Gholam).

    "Mat's gholam" made its presence known in Ebou Dar in ACoS and it was still there in WH.

    After that, it seems to have followed him and the circus.


    Was the Carhein Gholam the same as the Ebou Dar?

    Timeline is difficult to work out.

    According to Steve Cooper (http://www.stevenac.net/wot/tl1000.htm)

    Fel is killed on Jan 3, 1000 NNE. Mat has been in Ebou Dar since Dec 4, 999.

    The Gholam surfaces in the Rahad around Jan 9. Could it have got from Carhein to Ebou Dar in six day if it cannot use a Gate or Skim? So are we looking at two Gholams?


  6. Average Ashaman like Grady can make Gates which two people can walk through simultaneously. (TGS - Grady's convo with Perrin)

    Lots of people can make Gates that can pass through a horse and rider.

    A Chosen like Sammael can make 9ftx 15 ft gates effortlessly

    You always have to keep a safe distance - anything that touches the edge of a Gate (Except maybe a Gholam) gets sliced.

    I don't think a Gate of the right size would be a problem since the G is an average sized man in appearance.



  7. Living constructs of the OP can't go through a Gate.

    They end up on the other side, outwardly undamaged but dead - there's a sort of explanation in KoD, Rand's conversation with Logain post the battle at the Algiarin Manor.

    So yeah, if the gholam is grabbed and passed through a Gate, it'll be dead or some approximation of dead.

    Maybe a channeller could grapple the gholam, open a Gate and roll through it, holding the Gholam.

    The medal isn't a living construct and if it's not touching the edges, it must be alright since he's done it so many times.

    Mat feels the medal going cold whenever OP is used in his proximity, very cold if it's directed at him.


  8. Knife of Dreams Chapter 13



    Where Elayne throws a hissy fit and Avi says " I don't think I want kids, if this is what happens to pregnant women"? I don't think Avi is necessarily ignorant of Min's vision or lying at that stage. She's just saying that, given a choice, she'd rather not go through the mood-swings of childbirth. Definitely not proof that she doesn't already know about Min's vision.



  9. When did Aviendha find out about her also having Rand's babies?  I would guess sometime after Min's arrival at Arad Doman.

    What exactly was she told about that Viewing?  For sure about she having the babies.



    Just to make sure, the Aes Sedia drilled Min just about Rand's Viewings or did they drill her about other people's also?


    Min's likely to have told her when they got drunk together with Brigitte during WH. As far as I can recall, Min was wondering if she should tell Aviendha and that was just before they got drunk.

    Avi tells Amys only that Min had a viewing about her children by Rand. So we don't know what exactly Min told her.

    Min's PoV only talks about Cadsuane asking for Rand-specific viewings.




       Are there more Hawkwing's descendants except Tuon and Berelain? I mean are there other potential kings or queens of "Hawkwing's blood"?

       Other Paendrag except Seanchan's Blood and Mayene's First?


    Not that we know of, but there may well be. While it's cool for the Empress to ascend to the Crystal Throne via assassination of her siblings, there's no saying that it always works that way. So there may have been siblings of previous Empresses, who are uncles, aunts, cousins, grand-uncles, etc. of Tuon and hence, Hawkwing's descendants.


  11. http://13depository.blogspot.com/2002/03/prohecies-of-dragon.html has a nice section

    There's a quote "The Prophecies of the Dragon had been known in Seanchan even before Luthair Paendrag began the Consolidation. In corrupted form, it was said, much different from the pure version Luthair Paendrag brought. Miraj had seen several volumes of The Karaethon Cycle printed in these lands, and they were corrupted too - not one of them mentioned him serving the Crystal Throne! - but the Prophecies held men's minds and hearts still."


    Nice analysis showing why Ishamel was probably responsible.



  12. There's a PoV when a Seanchan guy thinks that the prophesies in Randland have been corrupted because they don't mention the DR kneeling before the Crystal Throne. (WH perhaps?) as the "pure" prophesies of Luthair Hawkwing do.

    We know that Ishamel tampered with the Seanchan prophesies.

    So this is probably RJ being ironic and letting readers know that the Seanchan prophesies are corrupted.

    The other possibility is that this is a genuine Dark Prophesy that Elan mixed into the Seanchan version.




    Who has sent Shadowspawn after Rand at Algarin's manor in Tear?



    No simple answer is available.

    Here's what we do know:

    1) The orders were given by one of the Chosen (because Shadowspawn can recognise Chosen and the SS obeyed orders).

    2) It isn't Halima-Balthamiel-Aran'gar because we get his-her PoV while Moridin is talking about it.

    3) Moridin asks the Chosen to try and figure out what the orders for the raid are.


    That's it.

    It could even have been Moridin - if he's dissembling knowledge of the incident.




  14. Perrin doesn't have any Dreamwalkers - Bair, Amys and Melaine are all with/ near Rand.

    It should be possible for a DW to connect to an Aiel WO (There are several with Perrin) and leave a msg with her in her dreams.

    (Technique Egwene used).

    But that would be one-way contact - the non-dreamwalking WO would not be able to contact the DW at her initiation and she may not have enough control to coherently describe a place that's unfamiliar.



  15. What's holding the Blight in Seanchan lands? There is  no WT and yet they don't even believe in Trolocs.

    What's holding the Blight anywhere?


    It seems to advance and retreat depending on how hungover the DO is feeling that particular day. I guess he doesn't really have any vested interests in Seanchan at the moment, so he has no reason to spread out his efforts.


    The Blight exists in Seanchan but Seanchan Shadowspawn were wiped almost immediately after the breaking. All those exotic animals - lorm, grolm, raken - were imported from other worlds and along with ogier and sredit, used to wipe out trollocs, etc. So the Blight's just been a dead spot in the North of Seanchan for nearly 3000 years. Also Seanchan is much further from Shayol Ghul so, the effect of the Blight is not so severe as in Randland.



  16. OP can be used as a weapon so long as the sister doesn't think it's a weapon!

    Rand and Egwene were being "punished" - there was no "intention" to cause lasting harm.

    Similarly Suian was being interrogated - the Oaths don't bar torture via OP.

    There is Tower Law regarding the treatment of prisoners - we saw that with Vandene-Adeleas- Ispan and with Egwene, Leane.

    so long as the Tower law is not violated, it's cool.

    Elaida incidentally came very close to crossing the line, which is why she was being censured by the Hall.


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