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Everything posted by LilyElizabeth

  1. Mat Cauthon - 6 Perrin Aybara - 8 Egwene al'Vere - 15 (+1) Nynaeve al'Meara - 6 Lan Mandragoran - 6 Thom Merrilin - 2 Min Farshaw - 14 Loial - 8 Padan Fain - 7 (-1) Logain Ablar - 8 Ba'alzamon (Ishamael) - 12 Out Alviarin Freidhen Moiraine Damodred Rand al'Thor Alanna Mosvani Leane Sharif Tam al'Thor Siuan Sanche
  2. *Stabs Eirik's stabby hand*
  3. I changed my mind. It's not financially worth the debt I would go into for the few years I have left to work. It would cost me more than I would make. So, no grad school.
  4. That's an interesting question, Cross. I'll bet it's a good percentage.
  5. (BT) - 9 (WT) - 59 (SG) - 56 (S) - 62 (BT) Arie - 7 (BT) LZM - 2 (WT) Arie - 4 (WT) WD - 17 (WT) CaddySedai - 3 (WT) Heavy - 35 (SG) Arie - 35 (SG) Lily - 21 (S) SD - 62
  6. (BT) - 8 (WT) - 59 (SG) - 55 (S) - 62 (BT) Arie - 7 (BT) LZM - 1 (WT) Arie - 4 (WT) WD - 17 (WT) CaddySedai - 3 (WT) Heavy - 35 (SG) Arie - 35 (SG) Lily - 20 (S) SD - 62
  7. I haven't read anything by Brandon, but I would think it would be better. It has to be hard to write in someone else's universe and with someone else's storyline.
  8. Does our winner want to run the next one? @EirikDaude
  9. I like this new one. He's cheeky.
  10. I have diabetes, and my guilty pleasure is carbs. I eat way too many of them. In fact, I went grocery shopping today and bought way too much Halloween candy that was half price. Its now sitting in my bedroom closet, hidden from the family. How's that for guilty?
  11. (BT) - 7 (WT) - 45 (SG) - 53 (S) - 49 (BT) Arie - 7 (WT) Arie - 4 (WT) WD - 17 (WT) CaddySedai - 3 (WT) Heavy - 21 (SG) Arie - 34 (SG) Lily - 19 (S) SD - 49
  12. You're right! That's it! Well done!
  13. You are always welcome. Our way of greeting here is to stab each other, so *stabs*
  14. That sounds good right now. A treat, please.
  15. There is one P and one C. _ E L C O _ E T O T H E _ A _ _ O N E ' S P L A _ _ _ O _ N _.
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