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Posts posted by minisamus

  1. Saline Wastrel (Minisamus) – Red Aes Sedai:


    North (DR) > The Best Laid Plans

    Players: Eqwina, Sieve, Tai'Dashan, Saline Wastrel

    Timeline: 1000 NE (current)


    Saline embarks on a preliminary search party with her scouts MoT Thera, Perivar Gaidin and trainee D'Ashan to a camp in the Fal Dara


    East (DR) > The White Tower (DR) > A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (attn: Devrion)

    Players: Saline Wastrel, novice Devrion Olgeer

    Timeline: N&A Retro


    Saline gives a chore to Devrion and is in turn pranked upon her return


    East (DR) > The White Tower (DR) > Eyes On Me - Attn: Devrion

    Players: Saline Wastrel, novice Devrion Olgeer

    Timeline: N&A Retro


    Devrion learns about control


    East (DR) > Tar Valon (DR) > A Time To "Go"

    Players: Tai'Dashan, Saline Wastrel

    Timeline: 1000 NE (current)


    When her scouts return home Saline challenges trainee D'Ashan to game of Stones one particular free day


    East (DR) > The White Tower (DR) > Words to A Lonely Song [Retro RP] attn: Echoes of Past Decry

    Players: Maegan Ryanne (Aubrey) and Saline Wastrel

    Timeline: 945 NE (retro)


    Saline returns north to the Tower and finds her friends gone, physically. She is helped by Maegan Sedai in gathering more information regarding her friends possible whereabouts

  2. Carly? Welcome back! It's me, Amber Mantle from Mirrors (Azure Sedai's laughing somewhere I know it)! Oh how I've missed you  ;D


    Edit: Missed your writing too. We should catch up on MSN sometime, about your beautiful boy etc. :D

  3. It's almost Saturday. Just realised I could advance to another WS with this RP so I'm definitely interested, yep. ;)


    WS5-WS6: The Open Road - Aes Sedai organized an RP in a hostile (to AS) area. A conflict occurs to which the Aes Sedai must choose to battle either with OP (and reveal herself), with a weapon or try to find a more peaceful way out of the situation. How well does the Aes Sedai handle this situation?

    ** Must encounter 2 PCs from another division.

    ** Min 16 posts for the entire RP.

  4. Saline


    North> Current>The Best Laid Plans> in which Saline embarks on an outing with her scouts Thera, Perivar and D'Ashan> http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,44352.0.html> Pending


    East> White Tower> Current> A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing> in which Saline gives a chore to Devrion and is in turn pranked upon her return> http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,44559.0.html> Complete


    East> Tar Valon> Current> A Time To "Go"> in which Saline challenges trainee D'Ashan to game of Stones on a free day> http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,44562.0.html> Complete


    East> White Tower> Current> Eyes On Me - Attn: Devrion> in which Devrion learns about control> http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,44704.0.html> Done

  5. Conflicts - You will encounter two other members of the White Tower or the Warders Divsion. A conflict will arise and you will be challenged to resolve the conflict. The conflict may be between the two other PC characters or between yourself and 1 other PC with the third PC being the moderator. 7 posts minimum


    Ooh, pick me, me, me! If you do not mind a WT member, that is. I can imagine it now, you won't be able to see the ageless face and assume you've stumbled upon the latrines . . .  ;)

  6. Blind trainee? Wow, if only Damian could see you (he couldn't since he was blind too). It's great to see some creative approaches though *bookmarks the thread* 8)


    Too bad I owe one post or I'd be tempted to join in the fun. :(

  7. When she noticed Gianna standing outside their door in the nude as though she were posing for a painting, Saline blinked-once. Twice. Three times.


    "You do be staring."


    Saline's eyes danced as Rory Sedai, her best friend, companion, and love, strode forward. Wearing only their sheet since she could not find her robe, Rory had followed her lover to the door from whence all the commotion came.


    Knowing how modest the other was (Rory had protested the Tower's choice of underthings!) Saline leaned into Rory, her breath tickling the other as she tiptoed to whisper in her ear. "You're blushing 'dear.' Wonder what's going on . . ."


    They peered together at the newly raised Blue, unmoving. "Remember when Rossa be . . .?"


    "Ahh." It dawned on Saline, who turned her attention. "You're soooo pretty." Her own face burnt.


    "Come to bed, you charmer," Rory replied smilingly, then hissed when Saline almost forgot to close the door "it be cold!"

  8. Looking up once again, Saline noticed the strain working with Saidar had on the girl. With every attempt Devrion exerted more control over the one power, although Devrion had taken much longer to grapple with the polish weave than she had with water. It was not altogether surprising considering how little aptitude most women had for earth. The Aes Sedai examined the gems smilingly before turning to the novice, "nice work Devrion these are yours to keep. I'm happy you released the source immediately after setting your weave successfully this time. You're beginning to understand discipline. However, there is a time for weaves, and a time not for studying weaves." She needed not labor the point: "I often find a night's sleep can do wonders in solving problems, which you'll be tackling to-morrow. Why don't we end here for to-day and pick it up on the morrow?"


    That said, Saline rose and gathering about her slim shoulders the burgandy shawl which she had put on as a protection against the evening draft, she wished the novice plentiful rest, leaving the other alone motionless in the room.


    The tapping on her door rouse her. It grew louder, and more persistant with each passing moment. What sort of rot was Mabelline planning? She knew Saline was not to be up and thinking before noon.


    Tap. TAP. TAP!


    "Alright" she said, at length. "Give me a minute to get ready." Throwing some items, mostly parchment and half-formed stitchwork into her basket Saline dashed some water on her face and dried her hands on her dress. Peering outside her window she perceived there was a marked twittering of birds in the ivy.


    "Your breakfast, ma'am" Mabelline said, setting the tray of toast with a much needed brew of tea for Saline to sip. Saline however waved it away, claiming she needed to wake up properly. Truth be told she wanted another approach for the new day.


    Saline's maid had the aspect of a hired assassin who had paused to think things over. But she desisted (very good, Mabelline responded curteously) when Saline instructed. "Please send young Devrion to me in Vera's gardens whenever she drops by."


    Sunlight gilded across the courtyard as she strolled into the private gardens which as novices Rossa, Syara and she had helped create in conjunction with Vera Sedai for a former mentee of the Gray. She was sitting on a bench near some primroses when Devrion arrived. "Good morning Devrion" smiling Saline held up a piece of paper, "I hope you slept well last night, there's a lot of work lined up for you. Watch." A strand of blue, for Saline, gently cushioned beneath the paper as it levitated in the air. "I would be very careful tampering with the natural weather, such as altering a storm or creating a whirlpool; however, you may spin breezes amongst themselves in a measured manner." The blue strand was soon joined by another as they wound around and, the paper spun relatively fast above a miniature whirlwind. Saline tied off the weave with a strand of green, "feeding some water near its base will check its progress. Now, you try!"


    Ooc: Looks good!

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