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Posts posted by minisamus

  1. It was nothing short of astonishment how adaptable both the women and the men became as the proceedings went on inside the antechamber. Outside they were wanting drinks. What next, offering them a pair of slippers in the summer heat?


    Very well, Saline reckoned they all needed a beaker or three to take the situation in anyway, so as the youngest sister decided to pour some raw spirits topped with soda.


    For a hot drink, she set up a sidetable a charcoal burner, shaped from a shallow clay bowl with holes on the bottom. It was supported on the porous bottom by a cylindrical column with a small hole on the side facing her. She stacked the charcoal on top, slap some paper dipped in oil, and blew some wind through the holds so to keep the coals red hot after it lit up. A normal woodfire would not give the mulled wine enough texture.


    As the fire settled she took out the cups, clad in silver and served with mint elegance. The liquid in the pot started to froth as she rinsed the cups, each the size of a shotglass. It would be interesting what the men would make of it in contrast with a weaker wine, served traditionally in tall glasses and in large volume. She had no doubt they'd be thirsty enough to overcome any hesitation they had regarding any poisoning attempt, despite the dark amber mixture brewed, well, dipped (like a teabag) in honey.


    Performing the ceremony efficiently became a form of meditation, and soon she carried both the raw spirits and mulled wine out to the waiting guests, serving one or the other for each of them before tipping some sugar into her own cup. She sighed in satisfaction.


    It was a fantastic drink, and no wonder they adjusted quickly. Sitting on a cushion drinking with your enemies was practically an Aes Sedai tradition . . . male and female.


    Ooc: Sorry it took a while to get to this, been sick

  2. Remembering the disastrious time Rory tried to make a cake for Darienna Sedai Saline waved off the mess, smiling at Kasi's expression as she tried to make things aright.


    In the days that followed, the teacher-student pair set up a routine around mealtime. They were meet for two repasts a day, light one in the mornings with tea that Kasi learnt to heat up or cool down as was called for, and fresh rolls from the oven that were indeed made by Saline. Her culinary experiments, in fact, were what made her enough of a player in the Tar Valon kitchens to hobnob regularly with women like Laras and Rossa, and thus come to know the insides and outs of making tea so intimately. By the time she became an Aes Sedai she had somehow obtained seeds of the species grown in the southwest of the westlands, which were populated by the Amayar, or as Rory had once so bluntly put it, "pottery-making hippies". Whether Laras arrived in Tar Valon with the precious seeds in her pocket--bought in the westlands for a hefty price and preserved through travel--or whether she somehow obtained them from one fo the sailors who came and went from Tar Valon in the early years, she never let on. Nonetheless, landbound merchants had seen a wild demand for the tea grow in the recent years. An ounce of Tremalking tea nowadays was worth more than its weight in gold, and seeds were virtually nowhere to be found. The tea itself, drunk by Amayans in the place of water, was used largely for ceremonial purposes elsewhere.


    "You're ready. From now on, I am no longer your mentor but your friend, Kasi. As a token of my gratitude to to have spent time with you, I have gotten you a plant." Saline handed over the precious teaplant and said "remember my door will always be open for you."


    Another reason Laras and Saline had in common were the agricultural experiments they conducted in the fenced-in lands that belonged to the Tower.


    Ooc: Congrats! :)

  3. Laura Sedai's diary showed extraordinary workmanship when examined. Emobossed words stood out from the smooth leather of the cover, which disappeared in neat little tucks under the painted endpapers inside. The pages were thin enough to crinkle slightly when turned. Fine quality paper.


    Cracking the diary open with excessive care, Donna pored smilingly over the maps and illustrations scattered throughout. Laura's letters, so full of meaning to those who knew old tongue, were draped over the paleness like a  black net. Unsurprisingly, the archivist was not too pleased when a girl in white pulled her from her work. She made brief answers to the aspirant concerning her friend Lillian, who had been coming and going from the libraries at random hours ever since she was assigned to guard the secret storerooms underneath as a novice.


    Yet there was something off about Taei, something funny that tickled at Donna. Not the flowery scent from her as though she'd just scampered in with the daffodils, although Donna was allergic to pollen. But it would not be until another Aes Sedai brought Donna out of Laura's diary with her supper that her spoon would clatter on the tray in great astonishment at something that was not written in the diary.


    Taei Mirel died years ago . . .

  4. At first she said nothing. It was the diplomatic way, to begin with a meaningful silence. Her late father used this tactic. She had used it as a seventeen year old visitor into the Tuatha'an campfire, come to escape his reach. She would use it again in memory of him at the funeral, whose surviving sons after her father's death would. Perhaps she used the time to think, to sort out what she knew, to pray. Perhaps she was merely waiting for the others to grow silent and wait upon her words. For Saline's silences were never self-effacing; they were always preliminary to a rush of speech.


    So it had been in the past, and so it was now.


    For days she proceeded on such a venture performing her duties as an attendant. When Saline stepped off the carriage into dismal-looking sandy dirt that the townspeople created by stripping the land, she could no longer pretend to herself that it was all a product of wishful thinking. She caught snatches of conversation as their guard gave way ceremoniously.


    The Lady's arrival was not a quiet, unnoticed event. People gazed in wonder. They had wanted some sort of a royal presence, and even that of a minor noble was exciting. The casual spectator could pick out a bracelet flashing in the sun, displaying for all to see her house symbols.


    A brilliant performance. What a shame Rory was not with her as they had been the first time she visited. They had laid around in hay sharing a sack of apples. Things were simpler then. She remembered the town's three streets, still laid out in a triangle, surrounding the open area where the market and the farmhouse was. The houses looked different now, and the inn was here.


    Captain Mitya gave them a tour of the inn, escorted every minute of the way from the kitchen, which provided an excellent repast to Elisar's room. The mercenary then suggested that the women take a nap in the room, so he and his men can relax in the commons. But Saline did not sleep. She soon reappeared and told the Tower Guard his sister the Lady wanted to be gone.


    But it was simply an excuse to keep him by Lavinya Sedai's side when Saline goes to smoke Beatrice out from the underbushes.


    Ooc: Right, feel free to go over the last few days of travelling and anything in the tavern or together whilst Saline gathers our informant, a WT E&E.

  5. Agreed. It's also not fair when people tell you "well you only think so because you're a woman . . . because you're on the rag etc" whereas for men there is nothing meant when you reply "you say so because you're a man"


    The statement should be said because it is true (although existence of such a Truth is for another day).

  6. Guidelines are there, yes. To take it or not (if not we'll face IC consequences). At the same time each AS is trusted with individual space once she's reached the Shawl just as Accepted are given more privileges (larger rooms, choice of study, yard training, and questioning the AS, as well as the expectation that they start fending for themselves). The question here is, would another AS have questioned or intervened with an AS taking two novices out on an errand or a chore? Unless there is reason not to trust the AS with the novices (in which case individual Sisters running lessons would be questioned), and in her home City besides, I do think such guidelines such as curfew should be noted, but not a set rule for RPing AS's "normal" behavior.


    It would be as though to claim all Whites ignore emotion (Lillian for one embraces hers as a philosophy). I know some AS who were former members of the GGG who've even participated in pranks with OOC permission from the MoN, and it was great fun even when the Novices were caught (and punished) but the AS escaped without anybody telling on her although the MoN had her suspicions.


    Point is, even AS are human :)

  7. In the books Elaida questions Nynaeve and Egwene about their disappearance but they told her Liandrin sent them which they couldn't refuse (and weren't punished) since she was an Aes Sedai and the initiates had to obey AS, although Nynaeve was picked on slightly for not questioning the AS as an Accepted. Yet the novices Egwene and Elayne would have had no choice but to jump when Liandrin ordered them to jump (or help). :)


    Siuan then sent them out again on her authority. Now I may be mistaken, maybe these are just AS breaking the strongly recommended traditions, but it does seem were such circumstances to arise quite pausible for two novices to be asked to go into the city and buy a pouch of tea for a Sister chore-wise, it wouldn't be rule-breaking on their parts (might seem a touch of an overstep from the Sister). Better yet if they're accompanied by a Sister in the City of Tar Valon to carry her luggage or somesuch, or help out with a soup kitchen, or just enjoy a freeday outside with supervision . . .



  8. Point. OOC guidelines dictate Novices are not permitted to leave the Tower (without prior permission from the MoN I'd imagine.)


    But ICly can't Novices go to TV if ordered to by the AS or accompanied by one? It's rare but I do remember taking classes when we were accompanied by an AS teaching outside the Tower itself, in gardens or even in bathhouses around the City. So if, say, on a freeday they were asked to buy something for a Sister and come back, it's believeable enough.

  9. To be fair actually wikia or tower laws is probably a bad place to look for a DM-specific answer.


    Try as we might we have a chance to correct some of the things in RJ universe when we RP. The WoT books were never meant or written for roleplay forums, so abiding by all its rules or remaining flexible depends on the writing forum itself (Mirrors, for example, would have allowed you) but I'm unsure on DM's take  ;D

  10. Ahead of time for August  :)


    Saline Wastrel (Minisamus) – Red Aes Sedai:


    East(DR)> Warder's Yard >Settling in to a New Life (Open to All)

    Players: Aiolus, Sandre, Corin, Adela, D'Ashan, Saline Wastrel

    Timeline: Current (1000 NE)


    Aiolus is new to the Yard . . . Why is everybody bugging him? Does he smell? : D


    East(DR)> Tar Valon >The cold hearted (Open for anyone)

    Players: Jozan, Saline Wastrel

    Timeline: Current (1000 NE)


    Saline and Mina encountering a bar brawl between an old man and two fighters


    East(DR)> Warder's Yard> Glade of Remembrance, and new beginnings

    Players: D'Ashan, Cetaile, Edana, Thera, Saline Wastrel

    Timeline: Current (1000 NE)


    Present for D'Ashan's raising ceremony and ensuing party


    East (DR)>White Tower> While Your Lips Are Still Red

    Players: Kasi Duvel (Taei), Saline Wastrel

    Timeline: N&A Retro


    Kasi's intro to saidar


    East(DR)> White Tower> Does this look like a face that would cause trouble?

    Players: Evanen, Rochel, Saline Wastrel

    Timeline: N&A Retro


    Two novices are caught channelling without permission


    East(DR)> White Tower> An Adventure Begins (ATTN: MoN)

    Players: Kasi, Claire, Saline Wastrel

    Timeline: N&A Retro


    Kasi's arrival at the WT causes a stir in the WT


    East(DR)> Warder's Yard> Advance forward~ attention: Eqwina

    Players: Jozen, Thera Gaidar, Saline Wastrel

    Timeline: Current (1000 NE)


    Studying advanced sword forms


    West (DR)>Land Beneath the Sky (Lavinya & Corin)

    Players: Lavinya Sedai, Corin, Saline Wastrel

    Timeline: 945NE Retro


    Cont. from An Exchanging of Words, and Words to a Lonely Song RP . . . Saline, Lavinya Sedai, Corin and their guard embark on their journey after a month of preparation


    Also Portia Larisen Red NSW in the intra-Ajah/BT thread.

  11. "Oh you're still here?"


    So Lavinya Sedai's little guardsman was this amusing to tease! No wonder others found it easy to spar verbally. Almost too easy.


    Tut-tut, why did she have fun at others' expense? At least the man had initiative. She could respect a man who liked thinking for himself.


    Although Corin's last comment brought a bite she found hard to resist. 'Run along, kiddo' was her initial response considering her age compared to his, which she luckily did not say. Saline had not been utterly oblivious to the worried glances he shot the girl. No amount of fun and games short of actually winning Rory back could induce her to alienate one of the few people who was willing to accompany her. Folks could forgive you for a personal upbraiding in private, but a public burning even if it appealed to the wisdom of others was hard to get over. Besides, humiliation was not her intention. And the spirit was in form of celebration for D'Ashan's raising after all, and Saline could show some restraint.


    She mustered as much sincerity as possible into her smile. "Good idea, dear thank you. I'd love to hear your assessment of Captain Mitya's crew at the party. As well as Lavinya Sedai's."


    Yes, it was definitely too easy.

  12. Smooth as the dew rolling from leaves had been the carriage’s progression through the City and smooth were the brows on its occupants: the smiling lady with her cool cheeks veiled from exposure to the sun and her serving girl soaking in the rays with a gleeful tongue.


    “Lady Elisar, your Lord Brother seems very taken with that chestnut. Our guard looks sharp and is currently six men strong.”


    Letting the curtain fall freely shading the cushiony recesses within Saline altered the tone of her report, speaking quietly. They hadn’t the benefit of a ward against eavesdropping, which would invite more questions than needed if Lady Elisar was indeed a noble from the South back from a consultation with the Aes Sedai regarding her impending marriage matches.


    Some noticeable snatches of Saline’s conversation in this more subdued note was as followed.


    “Breaking camp in five or so hours, I’d expect. Rest and feed for the horses mostly. It would appear odd to anybody tracking us otherwise, and I shain’t count myself safe until I’m at least two days’ ride away from any Eyes and Ears in the City. Ah I tell you, it feels so good to be out of Tar Valon. It’s frustrating when I am unable to follow Rory’s tracks but, at least we’re moving somewhere now.”


    “May I be frank? I never understood why you’re helping me, Lavinya Sedai. It’s pretty obvious from the fascination with which Corin Danveer looks at you why he volunteered . . . Domani dresses sure are something huh? Exotic, sheer, different—physically attractive, to say the least. I reckon it’s the strangeness we tend to associate with interest.”


    “For some reason Corin reminds me of that chestnut. I suspect he’s unsure around people, just as a horse would run from a stranger but remain tethered to the periphery. Startle it and the horse would bound away to be sure  . . . leave it be, and you’ll find it’s intrigued by your scent, and will observe you closely if it thinks you are ignoring its existence. We love that which is familiar, but it is finding a deeper understanding of the stranger that we are piqued by. In any case, it would have to take a real lot of work to motivate him, although I’d fear for the world once he has found his true purpose. It will be his quest, and I hope he finds a friend to provide lasting sympathy along the way, even if it be from a horse.


    “But you’re different from Corin. It’s not as though you’re being drafted to help me. And I think it is an extraordinary thing for you to help me when others refused, although you may not think yourself unique in any way. It must be wonderful not to be self-serving.”


    “Rory is very important to me. She is my waking, living dream. I have done wrong by her, and I am very likely the detriment to her present ruin, but I will not be able to live with myself if harm befell her when I swore I’d be together with her. The amount of effort I’ve already expended to fulfill my dream means nothing. I will keep my word; it is only right for me to set the record straight.”


    “You, me, Corin, that horse, we all are heroes of our stories and therefore have good reasons for doing these things, yes?“


    Saline Wastrel ~In Awe We're Actually Moving!~

  13. Got to it.


    Maybe Jerinia can be on patrol that evening, catch you walking about after dark, and escort you to the MoN's to ensure your honesty. Could be funny seeing how Jerinia saw the Asha'man. Then a pair of novices who would strangely want to walk to the MoN's after dark. 'Specially if they be too embarrassed to admit it. ZOMG the world's gone mad! :)

  14. Even now, as Lillian encountered a rough bit, she dabbed at the stone and it responded under her careful touch.


    “You loved her, didn’t you?”


    “Of course I did. Now stop asking about it.”


    Not crying over her losses was more in keeping with the credo of the Aes Sedai, yet it made Saline very curious to know Kasi wore the face of someone Lillian loved. Lillian would not speak of Taei but, even without the White’s reputation preceding her, Saline could feel her affection for the young woman who looked like Taei.


    Taking her fixed necklace from the White Sister after bading the other a pleasant evening, she acted on her sympathy for Lillian’s suffering by stopping over the corner where Kasi and Devrion’s rooms were joint. As a matter of principle she would not have interfered with the novices’ space but there was her interest in keeping Kasi safe given Lillian’s current troubled state. On the one hand Lillian wanted to be protective but knew her emotions to be illogical, her attachments selective. The White always acted on what was right, and must now still be wondering if leaving the child alone was better. Well, Saline had no such reservations to give Kasi her space. She was not about to let her friend be hurt more, even if she would act almost obsessive regarding her protection of Kasi.


    When Saidar reached her senses Saline flinched. Devrion had promised Saline she would not channel without permission again. The novice seemed to wither like a wilted plant the only time Saline had expressed her anger with Devrion. And if something untoward happened to Kasi . . .


    The door to Kasi’s room only took a thread of air to wrench from its hinge and a moment later saw Saline peering through the thin haze of smoke at the cramp interior and novices within. She knew them to be Kasi’s roommates, one of which was a Domani by her looks. Like Lillian.


    The name alone fueled her fear, relief, and fury at the two who had been channelling in secret, practicing the weaves. If Rory were here she could have read the residues, but Saline knew the off-colored result of a fireball when she smelt one. She didn’t even have to wonder if she should be permitted to deal with the novices when she valued Kasi over their individual safety.


    It was some time before she was ready to speak, as more than a handful of choice words came to mind.


    “I suggest“ Saline said, not unkindly “whatever you were practicing just now, you wake Larindhra Sedai about it.” Whatever the Mistress of Novices delivered would be less harsh than Saline’s recommendation.


    Saline crossed the room all too soon, and there she sat to await Kasi. It would be after-hours for the novices’ curfew in a few minutes, although it would be a while before Kasi’s roommates return.


    Saline Wastrel

    Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah


  15. Capitalizing on the topic of quick questions how can I bring back my character Ashley Wilkes (bio)? He was Nerome Seshir's mentee, roommate to Tirzah Benzen and Alwyn Fenrir


    IIRC he had an intro thread, roommate thread, single post in an inn thread and even a dance with the Amyrlin Annais as a fastforwarded TG. But I don't think they've ever been reported, so I could either find the threads or start over, I don't mind whichever . . . :)

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