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Posts posted by minisamus

  1. After a talk with claireducky the WT ADL her main point of concern was how far my Sister would involve herself. For example, she suggests a funny way of retribution vs the members of the gang including your char in the end would be to dump them in Amadacia with notes tied around their necks of what they've done in the name of the light. That maybe when you're being questioned you'll be asked to join the children to save your companions. :D


    Just an idea.


    I am eager to kick this into action before interests fade/planning seems too bogged down. First let's get ready a RP plan.


    We have: where --> Elmora, Tarabon

    who --> you and me atm :)

    TTPCs --> messengers of the light gang + falsely accused townspeople + town officials


    Now, what we need to decide. How many threads will this be in? What is the purpose of each thread? What do you think is the best focus on telling this witchhunting story? It's mainly about your character's progress :D


    Edit: Oh I've forgotten. Have an FL char approved just now. Could put him in too.

  2. Devrion had done the trick with the glass, and Saline had seen the green threads at work as water was running out of the glass back into the handkerchief. Each Aes Sedai had in mind slightly different representation of colors for each of the five elements in their heads and Saline wondered what the elements must have appeared to be for Maegan Sedai and others who had impaired vision. Devrion tried very persistantly with the trick, and Saline was pleased to find she had no bad habits of moving the threads with her hands which some novices had to be corrected of. The smile on Devrion's face was very worthwhile, though Saline noticed the novice had not released Saidar. The experience of channeling might be marvellous but it would continue only when the girl learnt some discipline.


    Touching the girl lightly on the shoulder Saline hinted, "it's coming along well, Devrion. You can release Saidar now that you've done it."


    The glow around the girl went out of her sight as Saline continued. "As soon as you're done with your weave remember to let go of the source. You should always approach Saidar with a purpose, once achieved, should be closed. Like dousing a candle after reading for fear of setting fires to your curtains."


    Reaching into the pocket of her dressing gown Saline dug out some small stones she had emptied from a jar back in the room. They looked dull and harmless in her palm, yet she had gotten many similar stones from an Accepted who was very into the jewelry trade decades ago. "Imagine these gemstones, yes they are gems, as you would an assignment you would have to revise and tighten. These gems will only smooth under the solid touch of Earth."


    Saline knew it was a simple weave but it would be difficult as the element was tricky to work with. Saline drew on Saidar again, this time she drew on Earth, readying the weave. A moonstone shone in her palm, but the others were still unpolished. "These are yours. It's your turn, but please, take your time. If you cannot get it to-day, take a break and stop by my room to-morrow."


    Ooc: Hopefully this task will be more fun. You're doing very well! Would you find earth more difficult than water? You would find yourself getting better with practice. :)

  3. D'Ashan sounded uneasy about being roped into a game of Stones with her but was too intimidated to say no. As her opponent sipped his fresh brew Saline nodded, silently patting the board flat in front of her. It had three hundred sixty one squares in it contained by nineteen on every side. Thick strokes delineated the squares, and any intersection the lines crossed was a point on the board at which a stone could be placed every turn.


    She'd always liked control of territory, and it was basically a game of occupying spaces strategically, for after one set down a stone it could be captured but not moved again. Not dumbly occupy, rather useful as a series of stones would have to create lines for defence and offense simulataneously, ultimately molding where the other is forced to go while strengthening your own walls. Rory had taught her a few tricks about the opponent taking risks you could lead them on, such as the snake, although the cluster of four that could not be occupied they called the eyes had been a particular move Saline preferred. Some players liked to triumph over others and waste spaces they could have been taking by capturing stones, but Saline always liked to lead stones into her circles and back them onto themselves until they'd have no choice but to turn themselves in.


    But the first move belonged to D'Ashan's. Saying nothing she handed the trainee the small satchel of black stones and resumed studying the board intently.

  4. At the side-table Saline poured into a glass raw spirits mixed with soda-water. This done, she retired to an arm-chair in the dining room and put her feet up, sipping her drink in front of the fireplace with relaxed enjoyment, rather like Latra Posae Decume must have felt the evening after the signing of the Fateful Concord.


    Everytime Saline thought about Lavinya's agreement to join her party she let on a sigh of relief. Although they wouldn't have any Yellows joining, and traditionally Yellows were always opposed to what the Reds did . . . on this occasion it was mostly in protest of the futileness of Saline's quest. However, her talk with Lavinya was giving her hope, which in Saline's opinion trumps any manner of heirarchy and experience. She had reached this point in her meditations, when she was aroused by the sound of the door opening. Somebody came into the dining room and, lowering her feet, Saline perceived that it was Devrion hurrying toward her armchair.


    Saline waved the novice to the side-table. There had been one dish in particular that proved very good. The sight of Devrion was enough to make her smile. Saline had been much pleased by the way the novice carried out the task assigned her at the beginning, and after Devrion dined they would begin their next lesson. Passing the other a breadbasket, Saline drained her cup and imparted. "It is possible to draw water from the humidity in the air. We do not create, per se, rather we work with what we have. Attend." She took a single thread of water, making it expand until water began filling her glass. Then placed a handkerchief on top. "Adjust what you have in terms of how you set its weave, and this could easily be applied in the soaking and drying of a handkerchief, to squeeze moisture from laundry. Of course" she added "the use of Saidar is not permitted on your chores without prior permission. Now you try wetting this handkerchief."


    Ooc: apologies for the delay, I got wrapped up in Bruce Lee movies as my boyfriend (he insists!) was determined to give me a thorough education on his roles :P

  5. Elgee has a point, though. Just because it's done traditionally doesn't mean it's working as well now that the duty has fallen to the Ajah Heads. I get why it would be easier to have separate RP threads updated in individual ajahs to be reported in a group per month.

  6. Interesting.


    She had not seen that self-doubting, quizzical look on Devrion's face before, but was glad because questioning oneself was the beginning of most growth. All was coming back to her as Devrion spoke. In her time with Perine Sedai she memorised and was tested upon a list of women burned out and stilled, then they proceeded to learn men who've gone mad and were gentled. Although she had not yet had the unpleasant task of gentling a male, she met gentled men before and understood the theory well enough. Caution with taking in the Source had been one of the basic rules the Tower sought to impress on its channellers over and over again, and although some Aes Sedai might seem like they were getting carried away, they were actually making very good points. Most initiates upon entering were here because they needed to learn how to take control of themselves most of all. Only the most steadfast, socially inscripted body was able to provide a safe conduit for containing one power flows. It would not matter very much your potential were you not disciplined, even if the Tower's way of determination was ruthless, it ensured very little weakness when it came crunchtime in the Aes Sedai, however frivolous and dratful their usual spats were between themselves . . .


    Then the look of forlorn dejection, which was always the result of letting her mind dwell, however briefly, on Rory's disappearance, died out of her face. Her sadness abated as she rubbed at her eyes. Devrion, who made her smile a little with her politeness and co-operation, was waiting. She helped Saline tremendously the other day, after all.


    "I'm alright, thank you dear. Didn't really sleep well" she resumed, standing now to look around "I will stop myself from getting off topic though. Lucky for us the index card filing system of the library is not hard to use. It goes in decimals, see? So the section we're looking for is actually very close to us. Consulting the old memory, I'd say in the 980.06 and onwards. Yes, yes yes yes, to our left," tiptoeing as she removed the books "We'll look over these notes and you can chose one to write about."


    One looked very familiar and when she turned the page she saw the selection she herself had earmarked decades ago. The glossary of lists in the book's index was very long and at the time Saline had regretted not doing her homework the evening before when Zayna and Aevy her roommates were suggesting freeing some chickens on the then Accepted Estel's bed. Anyway Sara Farras stood apart from the other examples as one of the few non-hasty hot-headed types yet still burnt her ability out.


    Saline read slowly, Sara Farras, Accepted and known for her aspirations for the Green Ajah, was a young woman with eccentric ideas and one of those had gotten herself burnt out. The Cairheinin Wilder was unique in two aspects, firstly, she was one of the few with the rare Talent of reading the residues of a weave, second she was particularly strong in Spirit and little else . . . So they were with the weave and Sara, upon the astonishment of all, began to unravel it instead of simply allowing the flows to dissappate on her own. Everybody in the classroom stood shocked as their Teacher, the Accepted Sara, utterly unable to move as the Accepted held her threads and explained carefully that she had done so before and that it would not leave tracks for the residues. Fascinated, the Novices watched until, at almost the completion of a fuzzy thing, no longer the weaves but slippery threads, was depleted, all except two threads when an Aes Sedai entered and distracted the Accepted, who had dropped the last thread of Spirit. Within thirty paces all the women with the ability to channel had a headache but they were the lucky ones. Sara's was not a case of holding too much out of hubris, or drawing too much on the Source, it was her ignorance in picking out the Weaves that caused her demise. Sara Farras had burnt out the ability to channel altogether. She was sent away and her life mostly forgotten except as an example for what not to do. As were the case with most women who burnt out, Sara was unwilling to have connections to the White Tower. It was rumoured that she married well to a kind and gentle man but the life-span of the Accept was never known.


    That was where the segment stopped. Scanning Devrion's face Saline decided to wrap it up there. The girl was absorbing all the information but those things needed time to sink in. "Ahhh I see you've gotten a book for your assignment. Ink and paper's available in a basket by the front desk. I'll see you at dinner."


    Ooc: post reactions as always and write your little bit, a paragraph will do, on a novice who burnt out. We'll pick up with saidar help in the dining hall (also imagined), wee! :)

  7. She was definitely warming up to Visar. He had gotten over his moment of panic when Belig laid hands on her, and his fear was definitely understandable coming from a man who trained to protect those such as herself. Well, maybe not her specifically . . . one such as her. Saline had always admired the Warders' trust in an institution, and the Aes Sedai were nothing if not institutions onto themselves. A part of her wondered if the Warders knew about the factions within the Tower or even the intense intra-Ajah rivalry would they still be as confident? Surely they noticed something though. Or was it some clever scheme of the Sisters to keep most initiates isolated from the trainees until they were too far in and had to handle the entire truth, if such universal things existed?


    Days like this she wished she had taken more philosophy courses. Saline's purpose here had been two-fold, not just to find a home where she could re-affirm herself as a woman, or learn to protect herself better even without channeling the one power. She also wanted to find some answers. How to live life happier, for one.


    And what would make her happier, she decided would be a dip in the steams really quick and change into something more fitting for lunch. Telling Visar and co. the name of the nearby tavern she set on her merry way to the showers.  


    Ooc: hey Visar? I was thinking if you're interested we can pick up the lunch and anything afterward to a new thread in Tar Valon. Any trainees or n/a/as etc can join us. Saline's been away for a while and could use some tips about fighting in general as well as what's been going on in the city :)

  8. A slight twinge of headache at the temples informed her that the interview had reached a point of satuation. Thanking her contact once again she took the stack of reports along with Thera's one syllable missives and, after marking the spots already scouted on her map, burnt her messages one by one. As the messages were crumpling in the flames Saline could not help but wonder if it were some sort of a test.


    Yes, test. A part of herself was unable to escape the worth-measuring structure of being tested, after having lived through trials before to get where she was. She just didn't like where she was at the moment. In camp with Sisters whom she swore were trying her patience, particularly those who were convinced Saline's search was foolish. As Maegan Sedai already told her before the journey, Rory was not Saline's lapdog to be at her beck and call. But Saline could not help her actions. They were the only thing she could do at the moment, and she had to, just had to be doing something about the situation. If she could, if her training in weaponry extended beyond what little Lyssa and Corwin passed on, then without a second thought she would be at the forefront of every clash looking for the Green sister. But she needed assistance, and it was nearly killing her to sit and wait while others more equipped to handle those things perform their duties.


    Without the narrative of being tested by Rory or her sisters although they had no reason to do so just to spite her, Saline would have to admit her chances were moot.


    Even so, despite being through her three arches and many other tests designed to face her fears, as the messages pile in and territories on her map became charted, Saline felt the chill of fear deep in her bones. Still there was no use in despairing.

  9. When the barmaid came around with D'Ashan's stew Saline, after a moment's thought, ordered a tall glass of iced tea and a specialty dish. Perhaps it was the effect of the hard rations for travel, but she actually was not put off her feed at the dish their barmaid came back with (on any other day she was a home-cooking snob).


    Poking through the potatoes and fish a la grease with her fork she asked, "what sort of thing?"




    "Moving this back a bit. What sort of things you've enjoyed longer?"


    When stones got mentioned as a hobby she had a mouthful of ice tea but quickly swallowed the draught and flagged down the barmaid she earmarked as theirs, requesting another glass of ice tea and a game board. One was quickly found and set up between D'Ashan and herself. "Black or white?" Came Saline's next question, smiling bemusedly as she pushed the frosted glass over to the trainee. He was going to need some wakening.

  10. Three cups of tea and a couple of turns about the room, and Saline had her plan ready:


    I will make a point of seeing Devrion tomorrow.


    But in the morning all those reports started coming in from the north, and when she rouse from her after-luncheon nap she was suddenly alarmed to find that some time was lost . . . the last twelve hours actually, she hadn't given the girl a spare thought, having problems of her own to contend with.


    Saline turned on the pillow with a little moan. Upon consideration, however, she decided she should be able to handle whatever bafflesome difficulties a novice such as Devrion might have readily, in an efficient and helpful manner. That should meet the case.


    She then put the kettle on. A vital mouthful of the healing brew, and she felt--she wouldn't say restored, because a party disappearance like Lillian, Abigail and foremost Rory was not news one got restored after with mere sips of tea, even if it were the tremalking variety. But a deep sip or two of the stuff had been sufficient for her to focus on the terrible thing which had come upon her. And though thoughts on other things trickled out, the cup of tea she drank would be more than enough to render her capable of grasping, and when called upon, explaining simple facts such as those offered during introductory lectures.


    Dragging her pillow and another cushion in hand she headed for the library, in she went through the novice door on the side still in her dressing down. A few people looked up sharply but the resident Browns appeared too absorbed in their studies to notice Saline's bedraggled presence. She found a nice secluded corner near the stacks on Arafel and set down her things there. No dust covered any inch of the floor but the cushion and pillow were to make sitting more comfortable. Some teachers preferred to isolate their students in harsh conditions so to force them to meditate but Saline remembered how Perine Sedai would sew in her rooms when Saline struggled with her assignments, and how it had been a warm and inviting space to practice.


    "Tell me about your assignment. And how are you?" She patted at the cushion for the other to sit, when the door opened and Devrion appeared.

  11. Ghosts. What are they? Shreds and fragments of the other worlds, or the beginning of them?


    Before the laughter and the cheer dissolved in her memory, the taste of apples on her lips brought reminescence of Rory Baker in this very tavern when it emptied after dark. The sunlight was bright in the room; the smoke rose in clouds; she took a chair and sat down at the bar beside the trainee, who said something very smart, quoting from one of her favorite scenes.


    Laughing Saline put in ". . . I walk into this one?" Then her countenant whilst pleasant to look upon took on a semblance of seriousness: as though her conscience smote her she suddenly wondered if she should be drinking and replying to conversations, were those activities she ought to be doing in Rory's absence? But Rory wouldn't want her to suffer, Rory sure was a better person, a sweeter friend than she deserved. "This is a nice change of scenery. I like company" Saline answered thoughtfully, apparently not noticing the rudeness of the tavern's decor, or the boy D'Ashan's embarrassment as his face was flushing.


    Sometimes she was so lonely she'd hasten into the city, to mingle with the crowd, to enter cookshops and taverns, to walk in busy thoroughfares. There she felt easier, relaxed. Saline was weary of solitude. And she had so much respect she could scream. Her life used to be so fun! But everybody who saw her face knew her to be Aes Sedai, the perfect manipulators, to ask assistance of yet not friended . . .


    "This brandy's not bad," Saline went on, meditatively "as initiates we used to brew our own in the Blues' kitchens; I tell you I had some fairly weak attempts at apricot brandy of which I am immensely fond. But I go on. I wonder, D'Ashan besides the pretty blades you carry on your back and generally enjoying life through leaves and drinks, what do you do for fun? Kiss girls?" grinned Saline suggestively. It was the brandy getting to her, really. So what if she was a Red? What of her eyes for Rory Sedai only? She could still tease blushing young boys without mercy.


    Edit: In your next post Saline will say nothing about whether or no she knows how to play stones but lift up a board of stones for us to play with. Smilingly!  ;D

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