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Posts posted by minisamus

  1. Ahh I remember reading and liking posts on Taei Mirel after I got back from my first longterm LoA. Sadly I know very little beyond what Lillian revealed. Vanished her third try at arches. From Caemlyn IIRC. All in all I'd love to RP with Taei's niece even if I'm not her mentor.


    Will this niece go Brown, too? Or will all be revealed in the masterplan *curious/intrigued* Welcome back ;D

  2. Saline Wastrel (Minisamus) – Red Aes Sedai:


    East(DR)> Warder's Yard >Settling in to a New Life (Open to All)

    Players: Aiolus, Sandre, Corin, Adela, D'Ashan, Saline Wastrel

    Timeline: Current


    Aiolus is new to the Yard . . . Why is everybody bugging him? Does he smell? : D


    East(DR)> Tar Valon >The cold hearted (Open for anyone)

    Players: Jozan, Saline Wastrel

    Timeline: Current


    Saline and Mina encountering a bar brawl between an old man and two fighters


    East(DR)> Warder's Yard> Glade of Remembrance, and new beginnings

    Players: D'Ashan, Cetaile, Edana, Thera, Saline Wastrel


    Present for D'Ashan's raising ceremony and ensuing party


    East(DR)> White Tower> Does this look like a face that would cause trouble?

    Players: Evanen, Rochel, Saline Wastrel


    Two novices are caught channelling without permission


    East(DR)> White Tower> An Adventure Begins (ATTN: MoN)

    Players: Kasi, Claire, Saline Wastrel


    Kasi's arrival at the WT causes a stir in the WT


    East(DR)> Warder's Yard> Advance forward~ attention: Eqwina

    Players: Jozen, Thera Gaidar, Saline Wastrel


    Studying advanced sword forms


    West (DR)>Land Beneath the Sky (Lavinya & Corin)

    Players: Lavinya Sedai, Corin, Saline Wastrel

    Timeline: 945NE Retro


    Cont. from An Exchanging of Words, and Words to a Lonely Song RP . . . Saline, Lavinya Sedai, Corin and their guard embark on their journey after a month of preparation

  3. "Thanks, Maegan Sedai," Saline began, as soon as they were in the street, "I really feel relieved now at coming back--more firm in my purpose. Little did I think yesterday on the ship that Rory can ever be in trouble, more fool me. How nice it is for one to get a breath of air here. I tell you, it is fearfully close in the ship. No wonder I could not think properly; of course, of course! Yes I declare, I shall go for her," muttering as though to convince herself more "Yes, yes I'll am going . . . I won't be worth much if I do not."


    Realising Maegan Sedai was still there, gazing at her with those eyes. Saline in confusion (and excitement from the fact they were for the first time speaking openly about Rory) gave her a hurried, frightened curtsy. There was a look of poignant discomfort in her face, she was still reconciling her return to the knowledge of how foolish she was. "Goodbye! That is till we meet. I do not like saying goodbye. Goodbye, Maegan Sedai," repeated Saline frantically, as though to refute what Maegan's intelligence had unravelled in herself "ah, I have quite muddled it and said goodbye again." With excessive politeness she departed in a flutter from the market district.


    She was relieved to have ran away from Maegan Sedai and the stern energy flashing through the Red's eyes. In a few minutes she was smiling, revisited by new sight sound and smells of the city. Only now and then Saline turned white and frowned, remembering what had passed. It was in those moments the streets themselves appeared gloomy and sullen, and for some steps Saline saw nothing. She was by now approaching the Tower gate and yard.


    But can that be true? she cried to herself. Can Rory denounce everything she held dear? Who could say grief has not made her gone from her life? Is the process already begun? . . . No, she couldn't have. This is ridiculous. The next day, the very next day it must all be set right, smoothed over, settled.

  4. Thanks, Jade. Finally done something right, huzzah! Lyssa wouldn't want to RP with her old student would she like a spar or chat *pushes luck* :P


    Also Devrion could make the RP centered around herself rather than the assignment as a character development option as well since she is struggling with hm, being treated nicely by somebody she should not befriend (or learn she could take more advantage of people by being nice. There were *so* many gray/blacks around at one point on DM). Unless she's convinced all witches are like DFs like the ignorant whitecloaks are ;)


    Edit: We're gold! Elgee approved the RP.  ;D

  5. Righto. You've got enough for the chore or prank thread so after your next post I'll start a new thread (this one probably takes place in the library or in your room, your choice) for helping Devrion with her intro assignment which IIRC was about female channelers who went too far and burnt themselves out, right? :)


    I saw One Power Weaving & Application as another novice req, so if you want we could easily transition/extrapolate the assignment into Saline showing you a few tricks with Saidar. She will be tutoring you and letting you practice intermediate weaves style so it doesn't interfere with your intro but perhaps will give Devrion an edge in her classes, I can see Devrion jumping on that. What say you?


    Edit: um I was just informed while novices could do intermediate if you do it as a novice you won't get credit as accepted. So that's your choice if you want to do it (Saline did intermediate as a novice). Also intermediate isn't one power weaving and application. So I've asked Elgee what one power weaving and application (which I assumed was inter) was about aaaaand she'll get back to me on that. :)

  6. "Rory Baker is much more to me than a Warder would have been, even were I not a Red Sister and cannot bond any. She and I were paired together during my first year as an Accepted. She had just come to the Tower then, and I was assigned to be her mentor. I was such a dreadful mentor. She had a block, it's one of those things you get when you have tremendous difficulties channelling, and due to a rough start between her and I, a friend Rossa . . . and to a larger extent Lillian Sedai took over and broke the block. Anyway we'd gotten into trouble for creating a miniature whirlpool in the Blue Ajah quarters and reconciled over the punishment and its ensuing fight. One thing led to another as Rory turned out to be extremely mischevious and we had a lot of fun in this little secret society of prankers called the gruelsome girls guild. Despite all the fun that was to be had through pranking, Rory was a fast learner so when she and I were both Accepted we opted to share a room. When we were together, we were together. You'd practically never catch us apart 'cept for lessons. Since my strength wasn't great I struggled with every element 'cept Earth; Rory on the other hand was so very skillful and innovative. Show her a weave and she'll instantly think up ten ways of its uses, particularly on the battleground. We grew so close but I didn't realise I loved her until we were kept apart for one year so she and I would not distract one another from our studies. After that year we had confessed our love and vowed to always be there for one another. We were even raised to the shawl together. I know, it's pathetic." Telling Devrion about Rory was easy, unlike talking to Maegan Sedai or even Timmons about her love. Saline added "But Rory, she . . . changed me. In a good way, she was good for me, too good for me. I doubted I deserved her great love for me. See, I was so happy that I was frightened of my happiness, it drove me to distraction. She started training under a Tower Guard Aran and I was constantly jealous it's absurd. I could barely live with the possibility of Rory finding more interesting people to have fun with. I also boss her around and baby her too much, I was too restrictive. So I felt like the right thing to do would be in letting her go, although it turned out to be the biggest regret in my life, was to let my fears destroy my shot at happiness. Oh my gosh it's as though I can't stop talking about her." Or thinking, she added. But talking about Rory helped even though she felt sad that Rory was not around. "Anyway I broke our promise and left her, went south to Illian the last place where one'd expect to find Aes Sedai, and I've just been informed a fortnight after I shoved off she vanished up north with our friends Lillian Sedai and Abigail Sedai so she doesn't want to see me again. I wonder if she still thinks about us, sometimes. It would almost be better for her to hate me. After all I still can't find the book." During the previous exchange, or rather rant Saline was shuffling almost frantically through her possessions but the book had been, like Rory, a disappointing no-show.


    Greatly agitated by the double loss Saline laughed a little wildly, "Your gutsy character alone will gain the good opinion and respect of anyone, not to mention being an excellent listener. Truly I am thankful for all that you've done. And I'm sorry I don't have anything to repay you, not sure I can now that I've dumped my troubles on you. Drop by anytime, Devrion, really you're too thin. I'll have to fix you a decent tea next time, with raison scones! So you know I won't permit any of my friends to be so thin, they'll think I don't treat you well. Yes I'm shallow that way. Speaking of, is there anything I could help you with?"


    At the end of the day her losses were not so severe as she might have feared. Saline had lost Rory's book, but found a new friend. For now she had a lot to think about, such as preparing the search party for Rory Sedai but at least now Rory or her goodness didn't exist only in her memories, and even in the Tower there was help to be found. And foremost, a drop of human kindness.


    Ooc: edited! Trust is not the only lesson from the Great Lord, I assure you. From this confidence Devrion learns even AS can be very insecure. And it's true. How's that for unexpected weakness. :)

  7. Oh crap, Jade you're right! Bad, bad me. I'll get right on that and pm Elgee (I think is who I should contact?)


    Edit: Done, sent prank idea to Elgee and claireducky



    Dude, thanks very much. I appreciate that. I am enjoying our RP immensely as well. Am pleasantly surprised at the speed with which we're powering through. Yay!


    Also, Devrion is open to 'fessing up or keeping it a secret by having the book just "turn up" somewhere, or keeping the book (as it's supposed to go to Devrion anyway) as she watches the Aes Sedai struggle, which will be the decisive factor as to whether this is just a chore or chore and prank. Umm, if Saline can't "find" the book she'll bake you scones or help you with a difficult assignment or something. Totally depends on where you take it!

  8. Saline's face looked thoughtful but not stern. Her eyes were dark and soft. Devrion and she were facing one another on opposite sides of the table. A moment of silence followed the young woman's words; being destitute was not a nice ending.


    The light in the room soon died away, but the look of seriousness remained, and Saline, studying her newfound companion with all the zest of a mentor beginning to teach, marvelling at the novice's control. She had noticed in Devrion something unlike other girls, a sort of bitter, hidden determination to bear her training through even in form of an inevitable torture. From Devrion's past Saline guessed at her intention and motivation to make something of herself that went beyond her relationships in the past, as an Aes Sedai.


    "One moment," said Saline, going to the fireplace and forming flames. Her old advisor Vera had adored the play of fire in a room's aesthetics. Turning back round Saline deliberately drew out from her blouse a plain handkerchief powdered with scent, and set it at the round table where they were sat.


    Devrion stared into her tea, with a constrained smile.


    From outside somebody gave a shout; a drunk somebody? She went to the window, rose on tiptoe and looked out into the yard for a long time with an air of absorbed attention. Once during her last year as an Accepted she and 'Rome did some anti-dreadlady training that almost resulted in setting 'Rome on fire had Rory and Lillian not stepped in. Then as a novice there had been that catapult they were building together, and Aramina Sedai yelled at them for an hour or two since Syara and she had accidentally launched Lillian from the catapult. But the yard stood empty and she could not see who had been yelling. In the barracks on the left she saw some opened windows and pots of brightly colored geraniums sat on top, giving her a start. She used to have liliacs on her window-sills. Saline paced restlessly away and sat down on the bed. As she looked around the sheets she started the conversation by thanking Devrion for her visit and all her help.


    "Here, I have a gift for you, something I cherish" said Saline, "this book has cheered me immensely during my girlhood and I hope it will create some good memories," she went on, growing dreamy and looking down again "I used to read in during my classes and get in trouble, though. I didn't mind washing the dishes and doing laundry but once Saya Sedai confiscated my book for a week and that was disappointing since it was a gift from Rory and I thought I'd never ever get a back again. So yes, it's probably best if you learn from my mistake. It can't grow legs and run away from you." Rory would have approved, she thought as she crouched for a better look under the vast bed. Perhaps the book slipped unto the carpet?

  9. The door was standing wide open. Upon hearing laughter from within, she hesitated and, with a steaming cup in hand, stepped back in. How empty her room was! Although its generous space and soft carpetting would have been welcomed during her novitiate here, now Saline was sickened with longing for Rory to share it with. Perhaps she had too many roommates in her day and was not used to living by herself. In fine she was happy for the current company.


    The wistful look on Davrion's face had not gone unnoticed and, struck by a pange of sympathy Saline set the fragrant tea down for her helper. "Watch out, it's still hot." Saidar was used to help the water along. Digging through her desk, now neatly arranged, Saline did not notice anything wrong. A messy head of amber curls popped up from the depth of her trunk. She had uprooted a cannister of sugar and a small silver spoon. "One lump or two, Devrion?" She had made her own cup very sweet.

  10. It was with a certain degree of horror that Saline felt when she realised her mistake. Devrion sounded familiar because the novice had introduced herself, Saline failed to retain that information since she had a lot of other things on her mind. No wonder the novice had been so mute. She couldn't imagine what Devrion must think of her person and character. Nor did she know why she would have cared to make a better impression on novice.


    Once inside the doorway Saline realised her maid was nowhere to be seen. Up to this point they had a pleasant enough time in lugging Saline's things in harmony up staircases and she was more than willing to free Devrion from her chore. With the non-appearance of Saline's maid at this junction however the atmosphere suddenly changed, the storm clouds began to gather, and before Devrion knew where she was to put down the pack, the jarring note had come bounding on the scene. Saline regretted to say she needed the novice's assistance to unpack her effects.


    She put this all to the novice, half expecting a pained and disapproving cough from the neighborhood of the carpet where Devrion was situated on the lower level, beginning to unpack.


    As Saline slipped into a comfortable robe in front of the mirror Devrion rose, holding an object. And at the sight of it, Saline realised it was her book, a precious gift from Rory. Instructing the novice to put it on her bed, Saline went into the kitchen with another parcel. Well-satisfied with Devrion's progress.


    Now she really wanted a fortefying cup of good tremalking tea.

  11. With Thera she had got on, or at least on the returning trip she was more unreserved and communicative with the Mistress of Trainees. Indeed it was impossible to be on any other terms with Thera, who was reputed to be of great physical strength although Saline had not ever watched her spar. Simply put Thera could lodge anywhere, and bore the extremes of cold and hunger with ease as she had thunder and mud. There was, she imagined, both depth and dignity laying concealed under that competence. Thera knew of no end of resources by which to protect their party, which she had done despite the uproar of trollocs that set upon them near Fal Dara.


    Saline had been rather less successful in her own journey, which proved futile as they had not found the woman Saline sought. However, she tried to be as good-natured as possible under Thera's council. No failure distressed Thera, and it seemed to Saline as though no unfavorable circumstances could crush her. In the city, she was met by luxurious carriages, men and women on horseback but could not confront the Tower yet. Not when she had nothing to show for her trip.


    She glimpsed from a distance smartly dressed women on the verandahs and balconies, the young girls playing in the gardens. A few steps from the last market stand stood a tavern, a big tavern which had always stirred in her a sense of loneliness whenever she walked by. The Duck's Waddle . . . Rory and her had randomly chosen it since it was not surrounded by crowds of toughs and potential brawlers although the guards were very good about discouraging fights. Through the merry laughter of the bright faces of townspeople it was where Rory and Saline would often go dancing together.


    The den was pleasant-smelling, although most of it wafted from the pipe from the lad perched in the opposite corner. Almost sedated Saline approached him. She had met the young trainee before, although it took her a while to recognise him. A happy, candid youth she recalled was a student under Thera, a wielder of twin scimitars.


    "My word, somebody looks content," said Saline with a smile, "I forgot to thank you and Perivar for helping me earlier. Mind if I sit next to you?"

  12. Lands! My old bio was so terrible. My face is literally flushed in shame :/


    And Cleopatra, I'm not altogether familiar with the aging progress of N/A either but as a rule it takes est. eight to ten years to be Accepted, and normally another eight to ten years of training to reach the shawl I think. So you'd be looking at sixteen to twenty years in total. Of course there has been people who get there in fifteen and those who get there in twenty-five, so I am guessing it depends on how "fast" your character learns! Either way it's fun.

  13. Okay so I'm thinking we get the bags up and Saline asks you to unpack all her stuff for her then you can discover all the goodies as she goes to brew a nice cuppa tea for us giving you a chance with various items to browse through, jeer at, and secure inside your sleeves. Whatever catches your fancy

  14. While things bagan a little awkwardly Saline was somewhat disconcerted to find herself reciprocating to the friendliness with which the novice welcomed her chore. She could not help but grin ruefully at the girl's impertinance, remembering how her former mentee Rory had punched her in the eye then knocked her out with a library book. Maybe her own training was not *so* long ago, after all.


    Giving her bags to the child she carried a parcel of Tremalking tea as she beckoned for the girl to follow her. Still grinning Saline admitted "I feel bad for asking, but I need the help and this won't take long if we work fast"


    After fastening her pack to the girl Saline could not stand still anymore. Almost cheerfully she pronounced "yes, let's do it!"


    There was another thing she needed to do though, a strange thought which had been continually hovering of late at Saline's mind and it resurfaced as she relapsed into the gravity of her situation. She hardly noticed the Red halls as they navigated through servants and Sisters alike.


    Realising she had been oddly silent and the novice hadn't volunteered any information concerning her person as they took her belongings up to her room, Saline turned and looked thoughtfully at the girl. She still didn't know the novice's name and, having protested to being addressed as a child Saline added, "what would you preferred to be called by the by?"

  15. It was not enough for Tris to suffer in agony while they battered at the door and rang the bell. She had flung the coins straight into her accuser's face, where they hit him in the eye and fell to the ground. Not that she had been responsible for stealing his coppers.


    When she had been accused so falsely she didn't even bother denying it. No, Tris turned--or rather snatched--both pockets inside out. She had not expected there to be anything in them, since she was broke and had little food except what was procured from the mess halls in the past few days. But three coppers from the left pocket flew out and described an oval in the air then fell at her feet.


    Exclaimations arouse on all sides as her accuser yelled, his eyes fixed intently on Tris. She stood still, wondering where they came from, wondering why she had not noticed the coins in her pockets. Why hadn't they jingle? Suddenly the color rushed to her cheeks and the recruit's face burnt as she uttered a cry in face of obvious fact "No it wasn't me . . . I wasn't taking his stupid coins! I know nothing about those."


    "I don't believe you. Thief! Redarms, redarms!" The sight of the enraged man fueled by righteousness seemed to produce a fervor in the crowd as she was taken away to a cell for the night.


    Which was why, half-delirious with fright she was hardly able to feel surprise when the guards dragged her out and, bells ringing loudly in her ears, told her she'd be punished on the road when they'd get to her. For the moment there were men and women pitching in hurriedly from every which barrack and still blinking in the dim light she looked for somebody she might knew.

  16. Thread is up. Let me know what you want to call it and I'll edit. The name of the book is Seven in one Blow! and it is illustrated colorfully with juniper trees, silver arrows, witches and giants as you flip through. Seeing how precious books be in WoT, you can see it'd be a concern. Although I think once she figures it out Saline may let you keep it for now and not get into trouble for the prank, as my AS is on a short leash timewise and leaving soon. ;)
  17. Being back at the Tower was different. A lot had happened in her absence and Maegan Sedai's behavior had been more confusing than helpful, and Saline tried to appear as though she knew what she was doing although she needed to get together a search party right away. So far it seemed to have worked; sisters who crowded her inquisitively soon left after she mentioned a mysterious mission. 


    In a way it had been a relief to being so overwhelmed by new tasks she planned to do. She'd always carry the precious few things she had on her person while travelling so that was not such a great change, though her room was moved to a different section of the Red Ajah now that she and Rory no longer shared theirs. What Saline had to hope from her search she did not know, all she knew was that, at the moment she needed help carrying some of her bags.


    Help was to be enlisted near the classrooms where she hoped to catch a few Novices free after lunch, given break from classes to work on their individual assignments. Walking these corridors felt strange, they were familiar but they were no longer home like they had been for the greater bulk of her seventy five years.


    However, the sight of a lone Novice hurrying from Claire Sedai's class made Saline smile for the first time in a few weeks. The girl appeared graceful on her feet and seemed to be pondering something. Her studies, probably.


    Saline took whatever help she could get. "Hi there. I'd like you to come help me, if you do not mind? I'm Saline."

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