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Posts posted by minisamus

  1. Sweetness I see it and I'll sign up right now. I prefer my AS to be involved actually. She's done a sort of anti Shadow course before and she's on her way to earning a higher WS so this will be perfect experience :)

  2. A year had passed since Tris first was dragged to the Citidel and not much has changed. Everyday the Private she called Gramps ordered her around the camp, around which she alternated running and marching as specified.


    ". . . And so we believe Tris should learn some self-defence."


    At this Tris made a strangled whooping sound, and looked anxiously at her two civilian-guardians. Frowning gravely, they began a predictable duet.


    "Well, that's really very nice of--"

    "If you're sure Tris won't be any trouble--"

    "She'd certainly love to--"

    "It would give us time to ourselves, but--"


    "I'll be fine!" She was eager to learn hand-to-hand. Indeed, it would take more than a civilian teaching them to frighten her enough to run away screaming, even if he was made of scars. No, she had drawn back of the group when she saw the same lady who had spoken to Jehryn and had rescued her and Gramps from the tavern fight over a year ago. What was her name again? Elynde.


    Tris pulled at her lip thoughtfully as she stood watching the other assault the "Serg", thinking in Tevares' boots she'd probably give a cross-chop to Serg's adams apple then bring her elbow down on the quatrain's head.

  3. An audience had gathered, perhaps due to the new techniques she picked up from her travels abroad.


    For a moment Lillian stared unbelievingly at the basket-carrying figure in the white dress which had just mounted the match arena, and then concentrated her gaze on her latest, not to mention ill-matched from general opinion, sparring partner Braxton.


    "Tell me, Braxonator, have you ever won a spar before?"


    The Tower Guard was thinking.


    After a few twirls with his lathe he replied: "not really, Lillian Sedai, unless the time Aran and I fooled with the whip counted . . ."


    She was conscious of a feeling of guilt (drama was not usually her thing); then, closing her eyes and hardening her will, she sprang lightly in the air and descended with both feet on the ground below the sparring dais.


    "Consider this one a victory then. I forfeit."


    The crowd stared after her, astonished. But the girl followed, as Lillian knew she would.


  4. On second thought the FL bio checker should be heckled to tell you what your WS is according to your character's backstory. I prefer to request a WS of 0 for all my characters to start with but you don't have to do it like that


    Advancements are reported in the board of the thread I linked ya to :)

  5. Policy's not my field but I've had my share of seeing certain policies fail because they're not useful :)


    1. I am a firm believer that looser reqs is good. Reqs are guidelines for developing your character when RPing.


    2. Regulating teaching threads is not a bad idea. You do have a valuable point here.


    But people submitting outlines aren't going to include all the personal stuff they'll be injecting. You'll therefore be making more work for yourself. More importantly, the attempt at micromanagement will fail.


    You are asking for an rp outline, "what're you going to do?"


    People will invariably make character-centric posts after submitting the outline.


    The two don't actually go together. So your failsafe is actually ineffective. It's become another beaurocracy. And it changes/affects/forestalls/aids/interdicts/abnegates . . . nothing.

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