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Posts posted by Millon

  1. See, that's the part I don't like about a lot of the online systems. Half the excitement is in the dice roll. I just like the tangible-ness of it all. I can see the trackers being useful and the automatic maths for new players because of the slog but after a bit I'd want to go back to sheets and dice. 

  2. May Father Nurgle's blessings be upon you all. May his contagion and pestilence be bestowed upon you . May you know the eternal suffering that life is meant to be. May you be left yearning for the gaping maw of death in the eternal cycle of renewal. To receive the blessings of Nurgle, all one has to do is want to live and be willing to do whatever it takes to cling to life. All else follows naturally from there. The church of the Fly Lord is open to all. 


    Hello everybody! I am Millon. A mere acolyte of the suffering of papa Nurgle. This past year has been amazing for me for the hobby I have been introduced to. I am 40 yrs old and never have I done any type of painting or modeling or building, nothing of comparison to miniature gaming and painting. A friend of mine found out about a game shop local to us, Section 8 gaming in Buffalo, NY, and he wanted to go check it out. He had been a Warhammer player decades ago before college and wanted to check this place out and maybe start again. Only, he didn't want to go alone and be the only grown man to go buy toys (little did we know about the array of individuals in this gaming community) so he asked me to be his wing-nerd. He went for the bug army known as Tyrannids. I had no idea what the hell I was doing or looking at lol so I just grabbed the team that I thought looked the cooled; The Death Guard. An army of eternally infested, diseased, warped, mutated husks of soldiers who had become the followers of The Lord of Contagion. 


    I started watching any and every tutorial I could find on painting these Death Guard and Poxwalkers. I strongly recommend the streams Brush & Boltgun and Miniac. There are others I watched aside from those but the names escape me. Just google or youtube search 'How to paint. . . ' and a massive amount of info is in your hands. I am super proud of how well these figures came out. I never expected the reward i would get from getting into this hobby. I've rather become a bit of a paint and mini goblin, hahaha. I must have ALL the paints and minis! Thankfully I am poor so I am forced to temper my goblinhood and have to be selective in my purchases because, brothers and sisters, this shiz aint cheap! For tiny little mounds of plastic? Yeah. crazy expensive. In a way that's a bit of a blessin for me as I had plenty of time to work on each model I had without having a backlog of things to paint. (It's inevitable. If you start this, you eventually, guaranteed, end up with a back log of things to paint. Not necessarily a bad thing). I can take my time and really invest myself into this. 


    I have a painting process. I stare obsessively at my mini for a very long time. Like. . . days. . .  It's totally not because of performance anxiety or paranoia or the need to psych myself up past my anxiety to start painting. . . . . totally not that . . .  <.<   >.> . . . I plan out a step by step process that inevitably falls apart after the second or third stroke of the brush lol. By then though, I'm already kind of lost in my own mind. I was not aware of there being a therapeutic aspect to getting into a hobby before. I get in, and start to paint and, next thing I know, a few hours have passed by and I am totally chill.  It's my safe space. It's just sad that it took me 40 years to find this. 


    I'd like to share my Plague Boys with you all if you'd like. There's quite bit. I would love to hear any feed back you have, or questions and comments. If anyone else out here does any type of miniature painting or modeling I would really enjoy hearing about them or see you share them. 


    Looking forward to interacting with you all. 





  3. I've been watching CR for years now. It's damn entertaining. Not had much chance to check out other streams though. It's a time commitment lol. 


    Anyone currently playing D&D? I'm currently building a homebrew world for a D&D 5th edition game. Been working on it for the better part of a year now. Well, I've not worked on any of it in a few months sadly. I need to get back to it. I have time though as I am starting my players with the Starter Kit adventure. That should take a bit of time to get through so I can still work on things.


    I've always been a DM but really want to play as a character. 

  4. I absolutely love board games. Except for Monopoly. That game is the devil. 


    Friends of mine kinda/sorta started a game night but it fizzled out mostly because nobody can call anyone and they are all rubbish at making plans. (hence my homebrew campaign building for a D&D game, that everyone has already rolled characters up for, has been idling for a year. A YEAR). I understand we're all a bunch of adulting breeders and whatnot but still. You can commit to one day damn it. 


    I love Ticket to Ride, Munchkin, Catan, Carcassone. One of my favorite games is Tsuro. Super easy and chill and it's pretty. I still enjoy chess most I think. Especially once a friend and I gave pieces drink values. I play better under the influence lol. 


    I want to try some of the team based games though like Pandemic and Dead of Winter. Everything I've played has been competitive and I'd like to try a team based one. Any recommendations?


    As above, I have been building a homebrew world for a D&D 5th Edition game if anyone plays D&D.


    My most recent game that I've been playing though is Warhammer 40K Killteam. I love this shiz!. I've never been a modeler or painter or anything like this in my life. I only just started shy of a year ago. Killteam, if you're familiar with Warhammer but not this, is basically a smaller condensed version instead of the table spanning full on amries going head to head. Think of it as playing an elite squad of that massive army. I currently play Plague Marines. They just looked the coolest to me out of all the others. It has been so rewarding painting. I binge watch how to videos to paint and build and color patterns and textures and shading and contrast lol. The best reward is the zoning out bit. It's like meditative. 

  5. On 2/22/2020 at 2:43 AM, Lavandula said:


    You don't have any, but post in here and I bet yah there's someone that would love to! Hey and also while you're in there why don't you put your name to the list???

    Hmmmmm, well, I suppose I HAVE been kind of artisty lately. Well, not LATELY lately but in this past year I've started doing miniature painting for Warhammer Killteam and I am damn proud of myself, if I don't say so. Been binge watching tutorials and such and just diving in and it's been incredible. Prior to things getting a bit heavy I was going to enter into a local miniature painter competition on the urging of my local game store owner who's been really impressed with how well I am doing. There's always next year I suppose. 

  6. We're goin to have to make this one our own personal then. hehehe


    Did you ever get a chance to sit down to a table, Lil? I am so upset I wasn't able to finish the game we were working on. Or even start for that matter. I'm tellin you. Once things get settled and if I can get a decent basic gaming computer or even a laptop I'm goin to start something on Roll20 for any DM friends that may be interested. 

  7. Oh I am down for any type of D&D, RPG, Tabletop Game group. Hell yeah. I've been doin a lot of world building for my campaign if, . . . I can ever. . . get my players to actually COME TOGETHER. Buncha jerks. Stupid adult breeders with stupid responsibilities and stupid kids. 

  8. Warders are cooler. . . . just sayin. I mean. We get, like, swords and stuff, and sometimes we're asked to like, kill spiders and reach things on high shelves. . . . we, uhhhh, we have a Moat! AS don't have moats. . . they have, like. . . IDK, not stuff to do at a Moat, THAT'S for sure. Ya know, like, yeah. Warders are just cool, ya know. SO. . . . yeah. 

  9. Goals? Keep my tiny human alive another year and into preschool. I really want to get my D&D campaign goin. . . . somehow. . . .or the missus is gonna be real ticked at the money spent already. lol I mean, more pissed, cause. . . well. . . . never Amazon while drinking kids. 

  10. Right?! I don't understand how I got so lucky. I'm thinkin of a paternity test. Somethin doesn't seem right. He isn't . . . . trolly enough. . . .to be mine. IDK. I'll see. 


    I agree with Ben. Pics or it didn't happen. 


    So, . . . . . i gotta ask because, well, I'm a jerk that's why, but. . . . did Wolf cry? He did, didn't he? I could totally see it. And until he stops in here to defend himself I am goin to live the rest of my life imaginin him cryin. Tell him I said many good hellos and I have toasted to your two little one many a time. 

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