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Posts posted by Millon

  1. Because I wasn't here. lol. I have a home PC again!!!! My nephew gave me his old, luggage sized, gaming computer. lol This things bloody massive. It legit is the size of a medium piece of luggage. It has WHEELS and purrs like a damn Corvette. How is everyone? I hope you and yours are all safe healthy and happy. My brother fought of the virus and is back to the business of puttin out fires and savin lives. Wyatt and I are now settled in our new digs. It's been a difficult transition even with everything I tried to do to soften things. This kid is a trooper though. The ne wplace is finally starting to grow on me now that I am all unpacked and startin to put the personal touches in. I'm broke AF though so that's going to be a long running project. lol How are you all?

  2. It’s a measure to meet you, Melissa. I will always treasure the chance to pick the mind of a teacher lol. 

    sorry I’ve been so absent lately. I abhor using the phone for things like this because...., well, I’m dumb and have far too little patience for phones and such. Too small screams. I’ll try And keep this brief. 

    immediately family safe. Mom is kept in a bubble. She is 73 with immune compromised conditions like diabetes and COPD. 


    My brother is a fireman and has rcmecently tested positive. Not seen him in over a month since our father’s funeral. His wife is a nurse. Hate to say it was only a matter of time but...


    things continue to progress at “home”. I’ve finally found a place for Wyatt and I and hope to movednin by the end of this week. 

    Work is good! Civil service is paying me full time for the hours I am out of the office so I am able to keep things coffered. 

    sorry for the Cliff’s notes version of things. Hopefully back regularly soon. 

    love you all. Please, be safe and hopefully “see” you all again soon. 

  3. Hey all! So! I got cut at work. Yay me. We’re good in BuffLo, NY. Just a lot of necessary precautions to starve this out. I really hope you’re all well. I don’t have a computer or internet at hole and I hate typing on the phone. We’re good though and, God willing, I’ll be back in line shortly. Love you all. Please be safe. 

  4. O_O



    You have to consider too that you have to prime the mini before you ever put paint to it so the material doesn't really matter too much. I suppose you could try to match the material to the paint scheme. Do I lighter flesh tone for a white primer instead of white primer of gray or darker. A lighter material will make a light primer brighter. 

  5. 4 hours ago, SinisterDeath said:

    Image result for warhammer dragon

    Dark Elf Dreadlord on Dragon.

    I would be so intimidated to even TRY and paint that thing!! wow. How would you say you did with it?

    4 hours ago, SinisterDeath said:

    Oh, and this was my first 3d print.

    such a fleshy color. . . alloy? Filament? I don't know the right term for the material. Reminds me of the Muscle Men toys from the 80s. 

  6. On 2/29/2020 at 1:44 PM, Cross said:

    i make miniatures. scenery mostly. havent delved into detailed painting of them yet though. what kind of paint do you use?

    OOOOOOOO, if i ever do start to build terrain bits I may have to pick your head a bit. lol I typically use acrylic paints. Citadel and Army Painter only so far though I've been seeing a lot of Valejo paints in videos. I have a metallic gloss that I bought from Turbo Dork and I wasn't really a fan at all. Was hoping I could use it to make the oil slick appearance of a beetle's carapace but it just didn't work out. 

    On 2/29/2020 at 5:47 PM, Ryrin said:

    I need to hear more on these miniatures. How do you make them and what type of paint is used?


    I’d like to paint gnomes.

    I originally wanted to get into miniature painting to play D&D but that got waylaid. Instead I play a game called Warhammer 40K, Killteam. Warhmmer is a massive sprawling army vs army tabletop game using hundreds of models. That is ridiculous and crazy expensive I am never playing that. lol. Killteam is the same type of game only think smaller elite teams from those massive sprawling armies. 


    The faction I play is known as Death Guard or Plague Marines. Soldiers that have fallen to the Plague Father Nurgle's siren song of his plague gardens. All you need to do to worship papa Nurgle is to cling to life at all costs no matter the amount of suffering. Nurgle is the representation of Life and Death and Renewal with a hard leaning towards pestilence and plague and rot and mutation. I have never played this game before nor had any clue what I was getting into. I just picked the box that looked coolest to me. lol


    Right now, for color schemes, I tend to follow the Game Workshop lay out. Each box comes with a list of paints to achieve the look on the cover. I've not tried to come up with my own theme yet. I think I'll try and come up with an original one when I get the chance to buy more minis. They're flippin expensive though. lol.  I'll log in to DM from ym phone and share a pic of one of them that I've painted. 

  7. On 2/28/2020 at 9:17 PM, Ryrin said:

    Mills, I’m doing the same thing. Too much stuff. It’s freeing. I tell my family if you haven’t seen it or used it in 6 months, you don’t need it.


    Do you need it?


    Do you love it?


    Will you use it in a month? 


    That's what I use when sortin through stuff. 

  8. On 2/27/2020 at 2:07 PM, SinisterDeath said:

    I've been trying to dig up the one mini I painted a few year ago, but no luck so far.

    It got destroyed in the last move so I can't exactly take a new picture of it. 
    Let's just say yours is light-years ahead of mine. 

    Do you at least recall what type of mini it was? 

  9. Hello crafters! I finally have a craft! lol. I play a game called Warhammer 40K and I've recently begun painting miniatures. I've recently been watching a lot of videos on crafting terrain that I would like to dabble in. 


    As for creative projects lined up, I would finally like to put together my Age of Sigmar Bloodborn of Khorne and start painting those. It was a gift from friends for my last bday almost an entire year ago. I had intention of having started them already but life has a way of getting in the way. 


    Are there any modelers here or painters of small detail? I'd love to hear how you choose your brushes and care for them. I always seem to burn through them so quick. I've learned a few things about maintenance but I'm always looking to learn more. 


    What has painting taught? There are color schemes and pallets EVERYWHERE. I find myself thinking in terms of layers and coloring, and shades, strengths and how can I recreate that. Also, that this calms me the hell down when I finally sit down and get to it. I put some Lo-Fi Hip Hop and just loose myself in it. Just sad it took me 40 years to pick something up. lol

  10. It's a year for changing our environments it seems. I too am packing my life's collection of brick'a'brack. No place to move to yet but there's plenty I can get done and out of the way now that I don't need/use immediately. Once I see what my tax return looks like I can start looking around. Been doin a lot of tossin things out. I am eager to unpack my things though as they've been mouldering in boxes in the attic for some time now. It'll be nice to see them again. As for a countdown, 1 hour 12 minutes and I'M OUT!!


  11. I have one fantasy piece I painted too. Cool story. My son, Wyatt, was born with Down Syndrome and from year 1 to 3.5 we’ve had near daily home therapy visits. He was receiving Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Special Education and Speech Therapy. Over 2 years of constant visits we came to know these visitors as close friends. You get to know each other. Wyatt’s speech therapist, Ms Sharon, has a son who is on the spectrum and deals with some socialization and anxiety issues. He’s like 10? I believe. Good kid. Less than a year ago, after the Early Intervention Services has ended when Wyatt began pre-school, I received a FB message from Ms Sharon askin me what I can tell her about D&D as her son had heard of it and was kinda showing an interest. She was a kid during the whole ‘Satanic Panic’ of the 80s in regards to devil worship in the game yada yada. She was open enough to ask about it though and knowing I’m just a giant nerd she reached out to me.

    So, I told her all about D&D today and about the amazing community that has developed around it recently and how it’s great for forming life long friendships. I’m still incredibly close friends with the people I played with 20+ years ago. I mentioned to her the various game streams that are out there like CR and recommended she watch some. Of course with the warming that these are adults playing a game and that there are moments of language and some crass jokes but nothing I’d ever consider over the top. So the family checked it out and gave the kid the okay to just dive in. 

    Since he started gaming his whole persona began to flourish. He was gaining confidence and learning to manage some of his anxieties and issues and got some excellent new friends. He’s in three different games at his local library and loving every minute of it. When Ms Sharon messaged me this I asked her what character is his favorite currently. He has a green dragon born Druid. So I went to hero forge and created the mini for him and painted it up to give as a gift.

    here it is.  




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