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Posts posted by Millon

  1. Marvel:  Apocalypse


    DC:  Lex Luthor

    I am not sure how I feel that we have the same tastes here. 


    tWoT: It WAS Demandred until the end and he was taken over by a pod version of himself. After him it would be ALL of the Whitecloaks. 


    Tomax and Xamot






    Lord Argoth and the Wizard Gemini!


    The Block Heads


    Fat Cat


    Clay Face


    Cersei Lannister


    Shere Khan




    Mr Sinister




    Kobra Khan




    Dark Paw



  2. Hi Millon! Via will send you a welcome PM shortly with all you need to know. 

    Hey hey hey now! I didn't agree to nothin here lady. Lets not jump to conclusions. 



    Heard my name. What's shakin?



    awwwwww yeah. Nm. Jump to conclusions. If this is how I am greeted I most certainly will stick around. 

  3. LOL no

    Damn. I thought I'd found another Critter and got all excited. Ah well. hmmmmm. . . . . maybe I can make a convert though. . . . do you watch many streaming programs? Or have an interest/are a fan of Dungeons & Dragons? And if your answer to either is yes, and even better if yes to BOTH, then, my friend, you need to check out the majesty that is. . . Critical Roll. Where a bunch of nerdy ass voice actors sit around and play dungeons and dragons. It. Is. AMAZEBALLS. Yes! I said AMAZEBALLS. It airs live on Twitch every Thursday night. I have yet to watch a live stream though because I've not caught up yet in the episodes. Slowly makin head way though. These folks are the reason I've been tryin to get back into playin D&D and gettin my creative self movin again. I've not been so emotionally moved like this by a program I think. . . ever. It's hysterical and warming. The community behind it is amazing too. The DM is Matthew Mercer. He's recently just created a whole new campaign setting with Wizards of the Coast that is set in the setting of their game called, Tal'Dorei. 

  4. Soooooooooooo, how's about an update? If anyone is interested. lol 


    We had a pretty eventful weekend this past. We finally had our consultation with the cardiac care unit of Rochester Strong Memorial Hospital, Friday. The Doctors we were speaking with, whom sound to soon be villains in your next fantasy novel/game series, Dr Vallerian and Dr Altierez, were absolutely incredible. Dr Vallerian was open, frank,  thorough and compassionate. He answered every question completely and with ease. He fully described what was going on inside my son like I'd not heard so far. I feel we have such a better understanding of what it is and why they have elected for open heart surgery. We also learned that, as these openings go, Wyatt's is actually quite large. over 75% of the septal wall is missing. We hadn't quite grasped that from our cardiologist here. Not like that information would have done anything for how we look at it. Well, aside from prolly making us panic a bit more. lol Though, I think knowing the whole picture now has helped settle us more. Knowing the specifics and not making this some undefined amorphous creature to face, has made things more bearable. Less room for my already uncontrolled feverishly paranoid imagination to run away from me. lol. 


    So, open heart surgery is due to the placement of the opening. Picture a number 8. Now squish it down a bit from the top so there is a bit more of a straight line separating the two circles. This is now a basic top down view of the atria of the heart. if the opening were somewhere in the middle of that separating line, with a defined edge all around, they could do the arthroscopic procedure of placing what is basically a plug for a nose gauge, is how I picture it from the description given by Dr Altierez, into the opening. The opening Wyatt has is flush with the posterior wall of his heart so only has about 75% of a ring for the plug to fit into, so, less likely for it to stay in place.


    When Dr Altierex was finally able to see us I was. . . . impressed. This man is an ogre. Just massive in all dimension with a presence of personality that dwarfed his physical stature. He is the head of the cardio care unit, lead surgeon and will be Wyatt's surgeon. He is a premiere surgeon in this field and has assured us of Wyatt's care. It's not often I've met someone who just. . . . radiates with confidence and command. 


    Needless to say, we have chosen Strong Memorial for Wyatt's procedure. Now, we just wait to hear from Dr. Altierez. office for scheduling. Most likely not until after the first of the new year though. So. . . . BRING IT ON!

  5. I don't think I could ever be prepared for loosin my brother or sister. No matter the amount of time to 'prepare'. I cannot express how sorry I am, Ma. I wish there was something I could say to help but I know there isn't. I'll be here to help as best I can though. I can give you that at least. 

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