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Andy MacLeod

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Everything posted by Andy MacLeod

  1. Ooh, ooh, ooh, I know this one! It stands for Marshal General, @Delenn Sedai
  2. Keeper @Cross makes me drool Keeper Cross's favorite foods make me drool... 😄 Alright, @Gudrean Sedai, @Cairos Sedai... what are your favorite GRAY foods?? Here's my draft proposal:
  3. Does anyone know what the event is actually going to be?
  4. LOL, too bad I died right before the weekend, when I would have had the time to play. Thanks guys! Bye!
  5. I get why Zander votes for me - reciprocal vote. Dice is sus, repeatedly pretending to misunderstand something I clarified. @Gudrean, i don't understand your vote...
  6. My take is that no kill is helping the wolves, so I am going to vote Zander, hoping we can get enough votes and not have to repeat the same dance as today on Day 3... VOTE ZANDER
  7. Do we have the number for a lynch on Zander, then?
  8. ok, now I think I understand that bit, thank you
  9. We need clarity on one of you guys. I could vote Turin, if we have the numbers...
  10. Blood and bloody ashes, some of us work. I can't quite vote in the middle of a work meeting, and you keep posting so then I have to read that before I can post. Alright, feels like Dice is building a story on me by claiming I haven't answered the questions when I have. Others have responded it clarified - not suspect for them. At this point, I don't think it is a misunderstanding on Dice's part. I think he sees me on his pack and wants to get rid of me. I'm still on Zander, Turin or Dice. Zander, I don't get how we would know it is the cop revealing anything?
  11. Oh snap, I'm sorry, here's the last quote. Shouldn't have tried to edit it in...
  12. OK, finally caught up... Next time new players join, please disclose the time commitment ahead of time 🙏 This is a MUCH more involved game than I had expected and RL just doesn't give me the time to participate as much as you guys. It is also a huge amount of information, and experienced players use jargon that has led me to skip posts I didn't understand. My thoughts: Zander, Turin, and Heavy are posting a lot. Dice, Sooh, Gudrean, are posting less. Donchadh posted less due to RL, so I'm hesitant to read much "game" into that. Dice, the other experienced player, is being more quiet on Day 2. Which leads me to think that if Dice is a mastermind, he is pulling the strings from wolf chat and letting the other wolf direct the narrative... My suspicion mainly comes from him being an experienced player who is not sharing more substantive thoughts, which I would expect him to do if he's Town. If that's true, then I expect Zander, Turin, or Heavy is a wolf. Zander: - The comments of "there's a smart experienced Wolf" could be wolf chat joke by throwing compliments at his teammate. - Also, didn't Zander say something about a friend asking to be NK because of RL issues, and then Millon got NK after mentioning RL issues? - This last idea got revived just now, when Zander seemed to want to dissuade new players to look into Millon's death. Is that because it points to him as a wolf? Turin: - I get really mixed vibes, so I have mixed thoughts. On the one hand, most of his posts do sound logical and reasonable... - On the other hand, he is a good player, so he could get me to believe something that sounds reasonable even if you are a wolf... and my initial thought was that his role was to spin the "reasonable" narrative while Zander was creating confusion by post avalanche... Heavy: - LOTS of back and forth with Zander. I could see it as a coordinated strategy. The two of them make so much waves, you can't see clear through the water anymore. - But he sounds truly upset and I could see that go both ways: a wrongfully accused newbie Town would probably feel that way, but if it is a coordinated strategy, he needs to make it credible and acting hurt would make sense in that scenario. - Experienced players point to inconsistency in Heavy's "newbie" status. I don't have enough experience to judge what sounds "advanced" player language. Someone pointed Heavy's use of the "low hanging fruit" expression as "advanced" but I have heard it used in everyday language as well so a newbie could have used it in this lay-person way... Gudrean: - This is where the newbie persona is pushed maybe a bit too far? I'm thinking of the repeated question about the number of mafia players or the posts on Millon being the cop, when both answers were readily available... - BUT it is a ton of info. I feel overwhelmed as a newbie, so it could also be totally legit. Sooh: - Someone called "auntie vibes" and I was getting that at the beginning. - But now, I find a lot of her posts don't really show her thinking... There are a bunch of questions thrown at others, a bunch of one-liners... I don't really know what she thinks. - She also said she was busy in RL, so maybe that's what it is. - Do we know how experienced Sooh is? A few relevant posts: That might be worth exploring: who pushed Millon yesterday? See above. And here Dice is clearing his teammate in response to Turin WvW theater comment... but which one? Can we check if this has happened in this game?? Is this really from experience, or from insider knowledge as a wolf?? Insider wolf knowledge? You would be sure because you know your teammates... I did somewhere above. UHHHH... Why is Zander SUPER insistent about that? Sorry for the WoText
  13. Update: currently at page 49. Trying my best to catch up. Made a few notes to give fuller thoughts, but haven't finished catching up yet. I saw a few calls to clarify my comment on Turin, but haven't had time to go dig out the original post, as I am trying to catch up. My memory is that someone was calling 1 wolf on Turin. I said 2 wolves on him because I added my own strike (so 2 strikes against Turin). Is that what you are asking about? Gotta do some work now. Will circle back probably later tonight.
  14. Argh, I am at page 39... Guys, you are posting faster than I can catch up...
  15. Sorry all: RL claimed me mercilessly. Catching up slowly.
  16. Yes, I am posting on other threads and not here because other threads don't require a 3hr prep re-read and a 2hr essay 😝*blows raspberry* Seriously though, I will get to it. Promise.
  17. Heavy, can I join that party next Fall?? *drooling* My last Brown food... Get your Google search ready: tomorrow we move to GRAY foods!!
  18. Grins at the prospect of riding again, then narrows her eyes at possible trap... What does a joust in the Band consists in exactly, MG @Cairos? Nothing like this Maiden's Kiss I've heard about, is it? Nasty surprise of a name, that...
  19. I am surprise no on has mentioned caramel! Just thought of helping, Sitter @Leala 🤍
  20. I actually agree with you there! My favorite brown food might be... ... roasted chestnuts!! Also... dates!
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