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Andy MacLeod

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Everything posted by Andy MacLeod

  1. I'm headed to bed. See you tomorrow!
  2. Did you add in the AI prompt that this is 1899 and two of the ships are the Kerberos and the Prometheus? 🧐
  3. Maybe we try F7, next, Red Team? After C5, I mean.
  4. "Remember this time when we made it last as log as possible, cause we wanted to play longer?" I say we shift the rules of this game and we try to outline the ships and not hit them once.... that's when we'll hit! 🤣
  5. We are actually doing an outstanding job contouring the fantom ships... It's all about reframing 😅
  6. Hi there, may I join you?
  7. I think that is exactly where they are going with Nynaeve being able to heal the mind.
  8. E2 Page 7, not a single hit... very sus...
  9. Walking helpfully across the screen on 4-inch heels and a napkin (I mean, a skirt)... For C4, an explosion, please! But wait, wait, this walking stereotype has a brain: C is a consonant, @Aarenis lol! Will this compromise your operation on the vessel??
  10. Exactly what a wolf would say... 🤣 @Donchadh, go for the shot!
  11. I'm starting to think the DM is Wolf... 🧐 lol
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