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Andy MacLeod

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Everything posted by Andy MacLeod

  1. Let's not advertise our performance to the Gaidin in charge of battle tactics, uh? ...
  2. Can I join the Red Team please, @Ithillian Turambar Sedai?
  3. Totally trustworthy πŸ˜‡πŸ₯° My understanding is that it is ok to revive any post, unless a high ranking member says otherwise?
  4. Welcome @Aarenis!! So glad you are joining! I'm a Novice. Feel free to ask any question, and if I can't answer, I will direct you to the most trustworthy Accepted @HeavyHalfMoonBlade *grins mischievously*
  5. Spectacle
  6. To my uneducated palate, it honestly tasted like someone had emptied the lawn mower and put the grass cutting into a blender... 🫣
  7. It worked!! Thank you @Ithillian Turambar Sedai! πŸ’™
  8. I am hoping they are using this to: 1. create a contrast with Rand becoming harder and harder and 2. suggest another way of being strong rather than hard. The whole "I'm a guy and I don't want to talk about what troubles me" we get from Rand in this clip is already showed as a limitation because Lan offers an opening.
  9. Noted for the broccoli, Sitter @LilyElizabeth! How do people feel about macha?
  10. My rotation still gives me a "Too many links" error message when I try to upload it as signature... I don't get it... Can you please help me, @Ithillian Turambar Sedai? πŸ™
  11. Ooh, thanks for sharing!!
  12. Does that pass the Three Oaths??
  13. Yum!! You are making me hungry too, Sitter @Dar'Jen Ab Owain πŸ˜‹ Just waiting to be made into a delicious recipe
  14. Ooh, that's a good one! One of the few things I enjoy peanut butter with is a tart Granny Smith apple... Both of their evils complement each other into a mildly acceptable form of gooey-spiky mix πŸ˜‚
  15. *Snatches an Earl Gray Scone... yum* Strong showing for the Gray!! πŸ‘ This week, we move to GREEN!! πŸ’š Captain General @Ryrin, Sitter @LilyElizabeth, Sitter @Dar'Jen Ab Owain, might I invite you to share your favorite and boldest Green foods and drinks? Here are mine: cilantro (i apparently don't have the soap gene) and cucumber-mint water
  16. As in, British Summer is March 20-22? πŸ«£πŸ˜… Sorry, I'll see myself out...
  17. 2 masochists on Heavy! ... ... ARGH, you know what I mean!! 🀣
  18. I wondered if there could be a traitor in the wolf team lol, because timing resulted in Sooh being absent both when changing her vote would have saved Cairos and when her voting could have saved me. My neurons got so twisted... 🀣
  19. To be fair, that strategy worked well for a while. D2 was a lot of ToT fighting... until it got me voted out lol
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