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Andy MacLeod

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Everything posted by Andy MacLeod

  1. As in, British Summer is March 20-22? 🫣😅 Sorry, I'll see myself out...
  2. 2 masochists on Heavy! ... ... ARGH, you know what I mean!! 🤣
  3. I wondered if there could be a traitor in the wolf team lol, because timing resulted in Sooh being absent both when changing her vote would have saved Cairos and when her voting could have saved me. My neurons got so twisted... 🤣
  4. To be fair, that strategy worked well for a while. D2 was a lot of ToT fighting... until it got me voted out lol
  5. Sorry, @HeavyHalfMoonBlade... It did look brutal. 😔
  6. Turin, that was my thinking for NK1 Option 1 If we take Mills out, we can point to those who have called sus on Mills (Turin, Dice, Z). It will leave them to defend themselves and might make Heavy look more suspicious as a remaining unknown to the experienced players - so more likely target for D2 vote. (Sorry @HeavyHalfMoonBlade) The downside of this strategy is that it leaves us facing the same number of advanced players for D2. Option 2 On the other hand, if we take Z out and he flips Town, it might empower Dice and Turing to be more aggressive. So we took one experienced player but made the other two more dangerous...
  7. @Ithillian Turambar,can I share my post from Wolf chat on this topic?
  8. Then, for the record, I was NOT slipping with the whole wolf thing at Turin 🤣 I truly thought it was jargon for "1 vote that Turin is wolf"
  9. I would eat that Chef @Cairos! Apparently, an Earl Grey martini is a thing...
  10. To be fair, most steaks cooked by my mom ended grey... (Sorry Mom, you know it's true). Like, there is "well done" and then there is "Andy's Mom shoe leather done" Maybe that's why I now only eat my steaks... well, let's just say it will be my contribution for the RED Ajah! 😄
  11. *Shares an indignant look* It's pronounced Pillowww, not peeello 😝
  12. Ooh, ooh, ooh, I know this one! It stands for Marshal General, @Delenn Sedai
  13. Keeper @Cross makes me drool Keeper Cross's favorite foods make me drool... 😄 Alright, @Gudrean Sedai, @Cairos Sedai... what are your favorite GRAY foods?? Here's my draft proposal:
  14. Does anyone know what the event is actually going to be?
  15. LOL, too bad I died right before the weekend, when I would have had the time to play. Thanks guys! Bye!
  16. I get why Zander votes for me - reciprocal vote. Dice is sus, repeatedly pretending to misunderstand something I clarified. @Gudrean, i don't understand your vote...
  17. My take is that no kill is helping the wolves, so I am going to vote Zander, hoping we can get enough votes and not have to repeat the same dance as today on Day 3... VOTE ZANDER
  18. Do we have the number for a lynch on Zander, then?
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