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Andy MacLeod

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Everything posted by Andy MacLeod

  1. Exactly what a wolf would say... 🀣 @Donchadh, go for the shot!
  2. I'm starting to think the DM is Wolf... 🧐 lol
  3. Let's not advertise our performance to the Gaidin in charge of battle tactics, uh? ...
  4. Can I join the Red Team please, @Ithillian Turambar Sedai?
  5. Totally trustworthy πŸ˜‡πŸ₯° My understanding is that it is ok to revive any post, unless a high ranking member says otherwise?
  6. Welcome @Aarenis!! So glad you are joining! I'm a Novice. Feel free to ask any question, and if I can't answer, I will direct you to the most trustworthy Accepted @HeavyHalfMoonBlade *grins mischievously*
  7. Spectacle
  8. To my uneducated palate, it honestly tasted like someone had emptied the lawn mower and put the grass cutting into a blender... 🫣
  9. It worked!! Thank you @Ithillian Turambar Sedai! πŸ’™
  10. I am hoping they are using this to: 1. create a contrast with Rand becoming harder and harder and 2. suggest another way of being strong rather than hard. The whole "I'm a guy and I don't want to talk about what troubles me" we get from Rand in this clip is already showed as a limitation because Lan offers an opening.
  11. Noted for the broccoli, Sitter @LilyElizabeth! How do people feel about macha?
  12. My rotation still gives me a "Too many links" error message when I try to upload it as signature... I don't get it... Can you please help me, @Ithillian Turambar Sedai? πŸ™
  13. Ooh, thanks for sharing!!
  14. Does that pass the Three Oaths??
  15. Yum!! You are making me hungry too, Sitter @Dar'Jen Ab Owain πŸ˜‹ Just waiting to be made into a delicious recipe
  16. Ooh, that's a good one! One of the few things I enjoy peanut butter with is a tart Granny Smith apple... Both of their evils complement each other into a mildly acceptable form of gooey-spiky mix πŸ˜‚
  17. *Snatches an Earl Gray Scone... yum* Strong showing for the Gray!! πŸ‘ This week, we move to GREEN!! πŸ’š Captain General @Ryrin, Sitter @LilyElizabeth, Sitter @Dar'Jen Ab Owain, might I invite you to share your favorite and boldest Green foods and drinks? Here are mine: cilantro (i apparently don't have the soap gene) and cucumber-mint water
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