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Everything posted by DreadLord31

  1. They’ll cut Bel’al, Aginor, Rahvin, Balthamel, Messana; they are easily combined with others. Mesanna’s role given to Graendal & all the men’s parts given to Isha’mael.
  2. I think they’re gonna cut almost the entire Caemlyn succession plot. They’ll have to condense the Black Ajah hunting in a massive way. They’ll condense everything with Couladin (he should die much sooner). Forsaken will be condensed to 8 & Ishy & Lanfear’s roles expanded.
  3. Where is the dislike button? If anything WoT shows “toxic femininity”. Have you read the books? RJ’s brilliance is showing that all people are faulty & those in power consistently exhibit it in certain ways (like being arrogant, condescending, manipulative, exclusive, abusive, ect…) Case(s) in point: Nynaeve’s constant condescension of the boys. Elaida & the Aes Sedai treatment of Rand, Tylin and Matt, ect…
  4. I’m certain I’ll enjoy S2 better than S1. Why? It’s all about adjusted expectations. After seeing Rings of Power and going “Really? This is the best that Amazon can do?” … I’ll expect WoT S2 to be slightly worse than RoP S1, and if it exceeds that - I’ll be really happy! In other words, “my loins are girded”!! Lol
  5. The whole Thom/Elayne thing in the books... Creeeeeepy. RJ wasn't that great at romance writing. WoTTv definitely can improve things in that department.
  6. For me, I'd say my favorite character from S1 was Thom. He was definitely a change from the books... Darker, grittier ... But that made way more sense and was so much more believable that he'd take on a Fade. His scenes were really good.
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