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  1. They do address in Ep3 in the Matt/Siuan exchange that Matt was being dumb and putting himself in massive danger… But it’s kind of a… fruitless cycle/book perspective. Because as I said several posts back… book Rand and the Aiel would never have ever been in TV in the first place… Though I did just see the EDN reaction and they too kind of noted “Didn’t Moiraine just tell them to hide. What are they doing?” type of reaction.
  2. Rand does not do that in the show. Matt does. And maybe my memory isn’t great but early books Matt was pretty insufferably dumb.
  3. She did? Can you find/quote that cause I completely missed it. And if she really did say that, that's another - pretty egregiously bad case of writing. Because then Ishy's entire motivation has been erased and makes no sense. He would have wanted a "true death" and then should have just broken his oath. But in Ishy's dialogue he says that he is the only Chosen who "really believes in the Dark" and implies that what the Dark One wants is for everyone to have a "true death". Right? Or am I missing something/misunderstanding something?
  4. Here's a hot take - but I have a premonition that I'm going be right on this one. I bet the last Forsaken is Asmo and that
  5. You know - all of these objections - I feel as well - but as a Book Fanatic. I don't think most of them even register for non-readers! And as Tv, I just don't think people care. For example, I too really did not like the Aiel and Rand being in TV at all. And then add on top of that them not disguising at all but just walking through the streets like ... no big deal. But I feel that Because of the books. If you were just watching the show, maybe ... maybe you had the thought "In that one cool cold open from S1 where the pregnant Aiel woman single-handedly took down a bunch of armored soldiers ... did they say something about the Aiel war & Aiel fighting outside the walls of TV? Hm... that was like, 20 years ago, right? Strange people wouldn't still see them as enemies ... but ok!" But other than that, do we have any reason to believe in the show world that Aiel are seen as the big bad, ultimate warriors that ought to stay on ... that side of the world? I think Rand is portraying that he has very mixed feelings - and I think they are playing on that this season with a Lanfear/Egwene/Rand romance/drama dynamic. In the show world, Selene was really Rand's only adult relationship besides Egwene - and he didn't know she was Lanfear when he was getting attached to her. Now he does - but he also knows she can probably kill him or people close to him if she wanted too. On the healing thing - I think all of us - book and Tv fans, unless we're just die hard WoTTv defenders have to admit you're right here. This is what I will consistently say they are still being CW-esque in and just sucking at as writers. In every season thus far, we have had a TON of "fake-out-deaths". It's got to be pretty close to 1 per episode. Remember in season 1 where they tried to make us believe that basically all the main characters were going die because Logain broke an ax breaking out of his shield ... but Nynaeve mass healed everybody (because she might be the Dragon?)?? Remember S1 finale where Nyn or was it Eggy (can't remember) seemingly healed death? So yes - I agree with you - thus far in S3, by my count, at least 4 of the central characters should be dead (Liandrin - double swords to the chest, Nyn - stabbed 11 times, Egwene - stabbed several times, Perrin - ax to chest, all in Ep1). Got to admit though - Morgase intro cold open surprised every-single-one of us innocent sheepherders (Tv and book readers!) Did not see that coming. In the show, we know almost nothing about Compulsion - what we know is that Rahvin is probably the best at it. And I think it's rather clever how they showed that - "And you are ... oh yes, Gabriel." Anyways ... my point is ... difficult to write something for book and non-book fans. The hardest-core book fans will always have a lot of knits to pick with a Tv adaption.
  6. I would agree with you in this assessment about the first 2 seasons - they were CW esque (but had darker moments for sure). I disagree with you about this season though. You don’t think this season (Tv wise - books aside) is better? Im genuinely curious what fantasy shows you find to be better? Cause I think WoT S3 is hands down better thus far than anything I’m watching except Daredevil…
  7. Another good point, but I already took my dumb idea back - so there! I vehemently agree with you both completely. But who do you think is the 8th Forsaken?
  8. You make a compelling point. I like it. And I recant. 😉 Do you think we’ll still get Asmo or someone else? Demandred & he just shows up way later (like season 8)?
  9. Was she? I don’t remember that. But that would mean my hot take is wrong for sure - or they’re just really really incompetent writers - which I don’t think is the case. They had a lot of challenges with S1 & S2. But even then has flashes of awesome.
  10. Here’s another hot take… Semrihage was just mentioned in episode 3 by Rahvin & we haven’t (that we know of) seen her either. But what if
  11. Yeah, all of the 8 Forsaken that are in the show have been named except for 1 (presumably male Forsaken) - who I am pretty confident is going to be Asmo (maybe combined with another character - like Couladin?) If you have a Forsaken be over, say the Shaido, you can make that whole story-arc shorter and more compelling.
  12. Alright - upon a rewatch - I’m still at “it’s really good Tv and I really hope it gets renewed for a 4th Season!” But … I have more compliments and knits to pick (as a book fan - and Tv fan)! Here they are: 1) Writing wise their strength is definitely dialogue & big picture character development. They have done remarkably well with the Forsaken scenes in particular. But they are quite weak as writers when it comes to “fake out deaths” (healing is super leveled up), fantasy metaphysics (OP levels of Aes Sedai), and action sequences (many of their actions made no sense - like Alanna standing doing nothing to the BA until they hold her Warders swords from cutting off Liandrins head). 2) The costuming people are some of the best I’ve ever seen. The casting is spot on. The acting is superb. And the special effects are much better than previous seasons. But we still need more and longer episodes. They have too much to do in too little time. Even if it was just 10 episode seasons and 90 min run-times; they could lean into their strengths a lot more. 3) The above comments make me nervous about the season finale - if this finale flops the show is probably done (and maybe even if it doesn’t) & I think they are gonna end with the battle of the 2 Rivers. Battles seem to be where they are weakest. Sooo here we go. Loins girded!
  13. Loved the cold open. Forsaken scenes continue to be the shows greatest strength. The writing this season is about 10x better than it has been the last 2 seasons. No wasted time. Dialogue is on point - characters are being developed and showcased through the acting and writing much more than previously (Matt in particular). For example, Sammael had … what … one line? But you have the sense of who he is - he hates LTT and wants to fight. Im ready to actually like Faile - let’s see if they can pull it off?!
  14. Finished the 1st 3 episodes and I think: it’s great Tv! Also, a lot of things in there for book fans to geek out over: Matt quarterstaff fight. Camelyn succession war references. 7 of the 8 Forsaken that will be in the show have been named or seen. More Aiel. I’m sure some book purists (myself included) can nitpick a # of complaints. But overall it’s really good!
  15. Who's going to rewatch episode 1 tomorrow first before going onto the next two episodes? I think I'm going right to episodes 2 & 3. Then I'll find time to rewatch episodes 1 through 3 a second time before episode 4 comes out next week.
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