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Everything posted by Mirefox

  1. The Rafe Judkins apologists in here trying to explain why he’s actually respecting Jordan’s work.
  2. And it gives us the cringiest funeral scene ever out to film, not to mention bully jumping the shark with Lan.
  3. I liked the Suldam costumes and the Whiteckoaks were better than in past episodes. I personally don’t (subjectively) like the look of the Seanchan but I think the design is objectively good.
  4. It is almost blink-and-you’ll-miss-it, but I liked the look of awe Masema gave to the dragon banner.
  5. I agree. He basically has no connection at all with Rand in the show and it’s all about him and Mat.
  6. TLDR: Robert Jordan didn’t know what he was doing; Rafe Judkins can fix it.🙄
  7. Pages and pages of arguing because the show can’t consistently demonstrate its own lore. And some wonder why we continually argue about the writing quality…
  8. Except at that point in book 3, isn’t Rand deep into the madness and kills them not even knowing if they are real? This Rand looked like a later Rand who how power, intention, and control. That all seemed to come out of nowhere.
  9. Yeah, it’s a bit silly. Early GoT is the benchmark and at its best, WoT is maybe on par with some of the worst of GoT. I’d love for it to be competing for the title of Best Television Fantasy (popularity wise, not theme wise…keep the grimdark away from WoT) but it isn’t there.
  10. Huh. Those don’t look like openings to me, but ok. Stil looks more like a watering can; just a leaky one.
  11. Unless there is an opening on the side, it wouldn’t sound. It would be like blowing into a milk jug. Perhaps Mat is a flautist and is expertly blowing across the mouthpiece?
  12. There is a writing conflict coming that they won’t bother to address but this far we’ve not had much bonding between Lan and Rand and, in fact, Rand has a rocky relationship with Moiraine. Rand has had little sword training, really hasn’t said anything about his sword being his connection to Tam, and at this point doesn’t even actually had a sword. Rand is about to be swept up in Aiel culture this coming season but this is also where they are going to introduce his sword training? It will be fairly incongruous.
  13. You want magic? He should have pulled an alphorn out of that little box and just kept pulling it out for about 30 seconds.
  14. I care only insomuch as it’s supposed to be a horn. The books say it’s a normal looking horn with an inscription. Sure, I’ll accept that it can work magically.
  15. First, I didn’t post a picture. Second, I believe that the only way a Klein bottle exists is with 1 opening.
  16. Klein bottle cannot be a horn, though, as there is only one opening. A horn has to have 2.
  17. Are we at least all in agreement that the Watering Can of Valere is up there with Damane pacifiers as one of the worst props of the show?
  18. That's a good question, but my gut is that I doubt they would sway me. I'm trying to think of an similar situation. maybe with Breaking Bad? I hated it. Not sure why. Everyone around me loved it, though. My issues stem from how great I think the books are and how important they are to me (I still remember reading AMoL in the hospital after my first son was born and we had to stay for a week). I personally see this show as spitting in the eye of Jordan's work and his fans. I get that not everyone feels like that and there is subjectivity that will not be overcome. The show would have to do quite a lot to redeem itself from that feeling on mine, though, and I don't see this team accomplishing it. Given that that is how I feel, I can't see that my opinion would change if those around me enjoyed it, the one exception being if it became a go-to show for my wife and I because I love when we share experiences. But that one is certainly not going to happen, lol.
  19. Quick, I need memes: A kid with incense at a Catholic Mass and a Whitecloak army behind him. Cheech and Chong's smoke-filled van, with a Whitecloak army in it. Stephen King's "The Fog" filled with a Whitecloak army.
  20. Saying that the Gospels is about Jesus does not make you a theologian. Recognizing that the main characters of a 14-book behemoth all have their roll to play proves nothing either. For a bunch of people who scream from that rafters that things like the Steppin arc are so important to “show, not tell,” there seems to be a whole lot of reliance on Rafe’s nebulous statements outside of the show to prove that when the show demonstrates a tenuous grasp at best of the source material, they are actually playing 4D chess…
  21. I get a page not found error on that link. It might be referring to the pages that Rafe Judkins gets his lore from.
  22. Lol. I just pictured it as a funny Family Guy scene.
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