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Posts posted by MaxZorin

  1. 5 hours ago, Sabio said:

    I can cut them some slack with Perrin.  Rafe and Brandon did say the biggest challenge with Perrin is most of his dialogue in the book was internal 

    What difference could that possibly make?   

    They aren't using dialogue from the books for ANY characters, so why is Perrin noteworthy in this regard?



  2. 43 minutes ago, Agitel said:


    I took it as a standard extreme punishment in the TV-verse, kind of like how it was used in the AOL, so not unheard of. 

    I take it as the coolest way the writers could come up with to get themselves out of the situation they wrote themselves into, with no care for the implications or ramifications.

    Also not unheard of when it comes to this show. 

  3. 5 hours ago, The Purple Ajah said:

     it's a shame that there is a tendency for people to forget the events of the actual books lol.

    It's a bit of a razor's edge trying to figure out exactly when I am supposed to remember the events of the book, and when I'm supposed to forget the events of the book, in order to enjoy the show.  


    I think whenever something is different from the books, I'm supposed to forget them.  And whenever something is confusing, or poorly presented, I'm supposed to remember the books and use those millions of words to find a justification.  I think.  


    I'd rather just be immersed in a fantasy adventure, without all the homework. 

  4. I would describe book Mat's glee at a peddler coming to town as more 'childlike' than TV Mat.  By just a hair.  


    The difference is subtle, and perhaps so subtle as to not even be noteworthy.


    TV Mat's peddler glee is only ever so slightly more scummy, depressing and horrible than book Mat. 


    So, maybe they matured them a bit, but I don't think it's a big deal.  They are still practically almost sort of the same character and everything. 


    Maybe they could do something interesting like make Mat a secret serial rapist.  That would really spice his character up, I think.  Because, let's be fair, book Mat is really, really, really boring.   In the books?   So boring.  He really needs an interesting hook to get the casual, non-book fans into his character.   


  5. 1 hour ago, king of nowhere said:


    our own expectations were hyperinflated, that's all that's stopping us from really appreciating this show

    I do not relate to this statement at all.


    My lack of appreciation primarily stems from the show giving so little to be appreciative of.


    But I hear it gets less bad as it goes on, so I'm totally stoked for that, and accept the responsibility that comes with said stokedness. 


    If I don't appreciate future episodes I'll agree that it's all my own fault.   


    But this first episode?  No.  I take no responsibility for that trainwreck. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Apoc81 said:

     You don't focus on anything in a shot that has no meaning.  

    I guess that Trolloc attack had no meaning then, because, talk about out-of-focus.  

    When the shot is on Mat's "girls" and it just goes up and down and up and down, like they think they are making Saving Private Ryan, and this is cool or special, but it's just nauseating.


    I've never seen anything so seamlessly combine the visual style of Mortal Kombat: Annihilation with the fantasy screenplay equivalent of an episode of The Monkees.


    "Rumors of four ta'veren..."


    I'm sure there were tons of rumors all over Randland concerning the potential ta'veren nature of some random scumbag thief, a girl who just got her hair braided, some boring guy, and an even more boring guy.  



    I like most of the actors, and there were some pretty shots.  


    I laughed 3 times.  The Liandrin scene, the record scratch Inn entrance, and Moiraine "doing magics".  I don't think I was supposed to laugh at those things, but I did.  


    Best option may be to lean into the camp.  More Liandrin chewing scenery etc.  Go full Hercules or Xena and they may make something timeless and memorable.  


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