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Dar'Jen Ab Owain

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Posts posted by Dar'Jen Ab Owain

  1. Sorry that so much fell on your shoulders all at once. You and your loved ones are in my prayers. I hope things improve for all concerned. RL comes first. I know I've only been on DM a short amount of time, but have found many folks who have gone out of their way with kindness, understanding, and generosity. This is an incredible site to be a part of. Know that there are those here who will be supportive of you you. Good luck with coping with everything, and know we are here if you need us.

  2. Dear Professor Snape,


    I overhead a recent conversation in St. Mungo's recently and it has come to my attention that you would benefit from the use of the most efficacious Occamy Egg Yolk Shampoo. It is most effective on oily hair and will also condition most effectively without increasing the oiliness of one's scalp. I will have it shipped to Hogwarts immediately. Please consider it a gift.



    Gilderoy Lockhart (at least, that's what they say my name is)




    Finding a troll by my messenger owls, I instruct them to fly around him and keep him caged in until proper authorities can be brought in.

  3. Day didn't quite go as planned, but still got away for a while. Took my son by the house my grandfather built back in the 1940s. My mom grew up there and my earliest chilhoid memories are from there. Sadly after my grandmother moved into a retirement complex the house has passed through different hands and is in sore need of repairs, but I still have fond memories from there. I wanted my son why I am attached to country, and prefer it to living in a big city.

  4. 2PsuKRK.gif


    Greetings to all!


    Welcome to the annual Blue Ajah Harry Potter Week. In this thread, you have the opportunity to send messages by way of owl couriers. Aren't they so cute.


    Your messages can be normal or Howlers (perhaps you HP fans can help me learn what this means). Your messages can be as humorous or as dry as you prefer. The point is to have fun.


    So please, grab your quill and ink, and write those messages. The owls are patiently waiting to carry them for you.


    Note that you are able to earn House Points in this thread. Particularly exceptional letters may even be rewarded extra points by me (rubs hands together excitedly).

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