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Dar'Jen Ab Owain

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Posts posted by Dar'Jen Ab Owain

  1. Thank you all for utilizing the owls to carry your wonderful letters.


    Now for the points: (5 per letter)


    Daruya: 30

    Itillian Turambar: 15

    Turin Turambar: 10 (+5 for Howler )= 15

    LedZepMan: 10

    Adella: 5

    WolfbrotherKronos: 5


    Thank you all again.


    Gryffindor: 45

    Hufflepuff: 15

    Slytherine: 10

    Ravenclaw: 5


    No House for WolfbrotherKronos (5)

  2. Stands before Ravenclaw door and says, "Alohomora".


    Hope that moves things along. There's my spell for the day.


    Have things I've got to go take care of, but I'll be back after bit.


    As of right now the pull does seem to be either lynch Turin or LZM. Hoping someone else may have an argument, but there is definitely convincing evidence against the both, but I suppose that also depends on what side we believe Daruya is on.


    I think I'm getting a headache.

  3. Popping in and using my phone, so apology for short posts.


    I voted Darthe as I didn't have a good feel on anyone. I hate to admit I jumped on a bandwagon, but wanted vote to count. I did not see a claim that he was Harry Potter until after deadline.


    Not very knowledgeable in the world of Harry Potter but feel a little guilt in that he got lynched the first night. But as people are saying, and I am learning, anyone can claim they are town, so not sure how to determine who is actually telling the truth. I guess that's where their actions come into play.

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