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Dar'Jen Ab Owain

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Posts posted by Dar'Jen Ab Owain

  1. So, the name should explain what you need to do. Unjumble the words to get the correct answer. Each puzzle answered correctly, earns you a point. A Jumble Champion will be announced at the end of the week. Enjoy!



  2. Thank you, Mother.


    Does anyone else have anything to share? As we have discussed thus far, it does not take big actions to start change happening. Assisting someone in seeing from a different perspective is an admirable accomplishment. Planting the seed of change and helping to nurture it is an important thing. The smallest act can have large impact.

  3. Thank you all for sharing. While we can certainly take part in the bigger, publicized events, and these can do amazing things in getting a dialogue flowing, I do believe that a lot of change takes place with daily interactions. The way we speak to one another and are there for each other, encouraging each other, male or female, to strive for their best.


    I have suffered abuse. It is not something I talk about a great deal; perhaps I should. My focus has been in trying to let those events strengthen me rather than tear me down, and it is a daily challenge. I try to be better than what I had no control over. I attempt to use it as a catalyst for my self-improvement rather than as a shield to hide behind.


    My son is fourteen. I have tried to show him that a woman should not be categorized in any particular way. When my husband and I were together, I generally had the better job. My husband tended to care for the home, though we often shared tasks, such as cooking and laundry, and showed that it was a team effort. Sadly, we are no longer together, and my son lives with me at my parents'. We toss the football together and play video games together. I help him with his studies. Anytime he has ever said something about "a girl can't do that" or "that's not for a boy", my response would be "why not" and we would discuss. By the end of our talk he would understand why there shouldn't be a block there. The only reason someone cannot pursue something should not be based in stereotypes. but only in personal ability.


    Blank, I completely agree with understanding the wealth of options. Not everyone is suited for certain things, and as a women, we should not be pressured to have children or be denied positions for so long determined as "male's only."


    Mystica, your efforts at the university where you worked allowed those in a different status to be a bit more aware of the world beyond there own sphere. Sometimes to be aware that something is not as far from them as they think, they need to know that someone they know has faced something.


    Oscar, you are a good man, and your wife and daughters are very lucky to have you. Hopefully others outside of your family witness what you do for the "women" in your life and it makes them a bit more aware of what can be.


    The biggest challenge I think we face in making progress comes down to mutual respect for each other. If we genuinely respected each other, and ourselves, so much of the negativity would simply cease to be. Perspectives would be altered and changes made. A girl should be able to grow up without being subjectified. She should be encouraged to strive for her dreams in whatever field they may be in. The same should go for a boy. Small things we do each day can go a long way in showing mutual respect and encourage the best to show through.

  4. While it is often the large events, marches, public displays, and such that get publicity, it is more often than not simple acts done on a daily basis that can help enact the most change. The identity of women have certainly changes over the years. Laws have been passed in various localities to help enable women to receive protection form mistreatment and from discrimination. Women have made advancements in education and business, often achieved through changes in policies. However, laws and policies can only come to be by changes people's perspectives. This is where everyday acts can gradually change perceptions.


    What have you done to help shows others that a woman is not limited to certain ideas, particular jobs, or unable to compete in various venues? If you have been able to participate on a larger scale, please feel free to tell us about your experience. If not, what small things have you done, or could you do, that would help to be small steps to progress on how people view women?

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