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Dar'Jen Ab Owain

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Posts posted by Dar'Jen Ab Owain

  1. 1) Your Handle: Dar'Jen Ab Owain

    2) Your Character's full name: Loraen Wen, often goes simply by "Raen"

    3) Your Character's Type and Level (New or Returning: Trainee/Warder; Novice/Accepted/Aes Sedai - Traditional or Salidar): New Trainee/Warder (just arrived to become a Warder)

    4) Do you have see/have access to post on the RP IC boards? Yes, it looks like I do

    5) Do you see/have access to post on the Tar Valon OOC sub boards? Yes, it looks like I do

  2. I'm here, and guess this is how I join.


    And at least after reading more, I've got a better understanding of The Kin. And it seems nice here.


    We celebrated Easter with a nice dinner with my mom, dad, son, and I. With my mom's health, it's difficult to go out much.


    Sounds like folks had good celebrations.

  3. Welcome to Dragonmount.


    Don't be overwhelmed. It is an enjoyable adventure. I'm currently starting Book Nine.


    Feel free to look around the site. Book discussion. Role-playing. But definitely check out the Social Groups.


    Folks are pretty friendly here, so if you have questions, feel free to ask.

  4. While walking through Tar Valon, I spotted an Aes Sedai. She said to me "...


    "What brings you out on this rainy day?" And until she had spoken those words, I had not noticed the rain. Looking up at the grey sky, drops fell on my face. I turned to reply, but found her gone.


    With a sigh, I pulled my shawl tighter about my shoulders and continued walking with a quicker pace, when I saw another Aes Sedai walking to me, she looked startled. "Where are you going in such a rush?"


    I was about to point out the rain until I noticed that it had stopped and that the sun shone brightly over head. Confused, I looked back to her, but found that she was no where to be seen.


    Shaking my head, I continued on my way. A cobblestone caught my toe and I was tumbling forward. Instinctively I reached out to stop my fall, but never felt the ground.


    With a jerk, I looked around, finding myself sitting in class in my novice white. Before me stood an Aes Sedai, her looking at me peculiarly. "Why did you come to the White Tower?"


    "To become Aes Sedai." There was no hesitation, even though I was not sure what had just happened to me. Surely I had been walking through Tar Valon. It had been raining. And then sunny. And I had stumbled along my way. That had happened, I was sure, yet here I was in class. "To become Aes Sedai," I said again a bit louder, as though to make sure I had truly said it.


    The Aes Sedai smiled at me. "Study hard and learn well. Face obstacles. Remain dedicated. Light willing, one day you will be."

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