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Dar'Jen Ab Owain

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Posts posted by Dar'Jen Ab Owain

  1. Some of her fellow students cried out when Aiden broke the rabbit's neck. Perhaps they had never hunted before, or had simply been unprepared for the final action. Loraen had hunted before, and prepared the kill for dinner. She may have been a merchant's daughter, but she had not been left at home to wait the caravan's return. Though she missed her father, she was thankful that he had allowed her to travel with him, and for the opportunities he had permitted her to experience. It had prepared her for the future that laid ahead.


    "I will join you, if you allow me to" she said. 


    She watched some of the students still looking a bit I'll at the death of the rabbit. It was a real lesson brought to life, for some, apparently, for the first time. She offered Ashley a faint smile, hoping he would ask to join as well.

  2. I am here.


    Last movie I saw, actually in the theater, was Infinity War. I saw it with my son.


    Signing in is just that, stating your pressence. Answering the question, would be providing an answer to the question asked. Seems pretty simple to do both.

  3. Catch the rabbit. But this was still flame and void. Was she reading too much into it? Initially, her eyes snapped open and she stood grasping her staff. There was more to this. Right?


    Others began to chase after the rabbit. She took a step to join them, but stopped.


    Loraen stood still. She didn't close her eyes, but her vision unfocused as she mentally looked within again. She sought out the flame. Finding the flickering internal flame she fed her doubt into it, seeking the void.


    She took a deep breath and sensed the movement around her. Most was large and jerking about. That had to be the other trainees. She found a smaller shape, it's movement more of a flight. Small. Frightened. Where she stood, she slowly turned to face what she was sure was the rabbit.


    When she opened her eyes, she saw the streak of fur headed toward her.  Was she to kill it? Just catch it?


    As it moved to her she swung her staff down into its path. It jumped startled, and turned in her direction. Releasing the quarter staff, she grabbed for the rabbit, wrestling with it a moment. Grabbing it by the scruff of the neck, it wiggling in her grasp, she turned to Aiden. "What did you want to do with it?"

  4. OOC: I had posted a long post on my laptop several days a go, but apparently it never showed. And I am seeing the website very oddly on my laptop with a white background and bullet points rather than the correct formatting. Not sure how to fix it. So this won't be a great post as I'm on my phone, so I'll abridge what I had so we can move forward. Sorry for the delay.




    Loraen listened carefully, wanting to learn all she could. Becoming a Warder was her chance to make something of her life, and to benefit others. The life that was to supposed to have been herself was no more.


    The flame and the void. She had heard of it. Now she would learn to use it. Feed your emotions to it until there was nothing left. Where to start?


    She closed her eyes and formed a flame in her mind. It was small at first. It would grow as she fed her emotions to it. What to give up first?


    Fear. She grabbed fear and fed it to the fire. Fear of being on her own in an unfamiliar place. Fear of failure. Fear slowly faded.


    Anger. She was angry at them all for leaving her. They had died, and left her to live, to carry on without them. Her mother first. Then her father. And then the man who would have been her husband. She fed the anger to the flickering flames.


    The anger turned to sadness. She felt tears welling in her eyes and tried to hold them back. It was not long before they slid down her cheeks leaving moist trails in their wake. 


    Ashley bumped against her and apologized. She grunted a reply, unsure she could control her emotions if she tried to speak. She knew she had to feed her sadness to the flame to find the void as instructed, and she refused to fail.


    The pain of losing them was the hardest to release to the flames. At the core, it was this that had brought her here to begin with. But a little at a time, she fed the heartache to the fire. The flow of tears stopped, but she could feel the slight breeze on the moist trails.


    She took a breath and was calm. Loraen realized she simply was. And she listened to the others around her shifting their positions and steadily breathing. She heard a bird sit singing in a nearby tree and another take to flight a little distant. Blades of grass brushed against her legs where she sat. 


    She did not think of what had brought her here or where this path would lead. Loraen Sat quietly existing in that place as she waited for what would come next.

  5. Loraen thanked Aiden as he led the way to the barracks. It was a large structure, and she tried to memorize as much as possible to make it easier to navigate on her own later on. He pointed out her name on the roster and gave directions to the girls wing. Part of her training would be finding her way to Ogier Grove. "I will be there right away," she replied, and dashed to find her room.


    As he had stated, she found her room and clothes laying across the simple bed. Sitting her pack against the wall. Stripping of her traveling clothes that felt as though they had become a part of her, she used water in the basin beside the bed to quickly wash a bit before pulling on the fresh clothing. It fit very well. Perhaps that was part of the reason why she had been eyed so closely.


    With a sigh, she looked at her weapons again, and considering what she would pick as her primary. She wanted to learn more about the sword, and especially about dual wielding, but she needed a challenge, and something newer would be harder. She grabbed up the quarterstaff and headed out from her room.


    She made her way down the hall and around a corner and stood a moment trying to get herself situated in her mind. The boy who had worked the other bellow joined her. "Thank you." She looked him over and tried to remember hearing his name. "Ashley?" When he asked about which way to go, she started looking around, hoping she would see some clue to indicate direction. "I do not know." She was a bit relieved when he started showing the way.


    As he led the way, she glanced around, looking for any clues or landmarks that would help her find the way in the future. She was sure that in time, walking these pathways would be second nature, done without thought. Gradually things became greener. She used the quarterstaff as a walking stick as they progressed to the grove, finding two of the other boys already there, standing with their instructor. "Thank you," she said to Ashley, standing straight, holding the quarterstaff in front of her with both hands, the tip pressed against the ground.


    The trees surrounding them made this a peaceful spot. It was relatively quiet here. Loraen wondered if anyone ever came here to simply rest and find peace. She wondered if once their training started if there would be much time for rest. She looked to Ashley and saw a trickle of sweat appear on his face. "Good luck."

  6. Primary weapon. Her initial thought was to go with the short sword. Then she wondered if it would be better to go with one she was less experienced with so she would gain that much more experience. They would be trained in the others as well, surely. She felt a bit foolish in not considering the need for an even shorter blade for her left, but was excited that he had agreed, and explained what would be needed. She considered the quarterstaff. If she learned this, anything similar to it could be used in the same manner. Very useful. For now, she needed to find out about a room. She carefully placed the swords inside her pack at her back, so that she could clasp the quarterstaff in her hand.


    Loraen moved over to the instructor. "I am eager to learn," she explained. "I was sent straight to you, and was not told of a room, or what is proper attire. I apologize for the inconvenience." If necessary she would carry her pack and all her weapons with her the rest of the day.


    She watched as the other trainees attempted to gather their weapons. A few might need to make more than one trip. While she would have simply followed after them, they at least had a place to go to, and some semblance of an idea of what they were doing. Loraen did not like feeling so lost. Still, this was a beginning, and she would start at the bottom.


    Mention of the Ogier Grove sounded interesting though she had to admit she did not know where that was. She hoped it would not take long to get used to things around here.


    OOC: Hope you did not mind her getting a bit of instruction here as to where to go and what to wear, Matalina. Sorry about the slight delay in moving forward in training. Once she gets a room, I am fine with her running into Ashley. He can help her find the Ogier Grove. Thank you again for allowing me to join the thread, and for the training.

  7. Following the others to the rows of weapons, she immediately focused on the swords and the bows. It was these that she had some familiarity with. Still, she knew she needed to be willing to broaden her knowledge. While most of the other boys had clustered together, joking with each other and daring each other to pick certain weapons that were obviously too large for them, she noticed that the young man who had been working the other bellows was more solitary. Maybe he was newer like herself and had not yet formed a close bond with the other trainees.


    She was well aware that she was short and slight. A large weapon would not serve her well. Over time she might be able to grow in skill to wield it, but she was not confident in that. Glancing at Ashley who was making his way carefully through their options, Loraen walked to the quarterstaffs. She grabbed one that was taller than she was and lifted it. There was weight to it, but not unmanageable. This was a weapon that could serve multiple purposes, and would be something new to learn. Next, she went to the swords, careful to navigate around the other trainees. When they glanced at her, she nodded in greeting, but was engrossed in the task at hand. She found two short swords and lifted them in unison, one in each hand. The grips felt just right. The weight would be easy to move. It felt a bit more awkward in her left hand, her arm unsure of the motion, but she had made her choices, and hoped they would work.


    Turning, she found Ashley presenting his weapons to their instructor. When he was done giving his reasoning, she showed her own choices.


    Hefting up the quarterstaff, she placed it firmly beside her. "I would like to learn to use the quarterstaff. It can be used for multiple purposes, including attack and defense. I have never used one before and would like the challenge."


    "If I need to choose another weapon, I can do so, but I think learning to fight with two blades my serve me well," she explained. Though it should be obvious, and she hated to bring attention to it, she continued. "I have learned basic sword fighting, but a second blade to wield properly for my left side, may benefit me with the left being my blind side."


    Unsure what else to say, she waited patiently to see if she would need to return one of the swords, or if that choice would be permitted. Regardless to his decision, she promised herself that she would learn to double wield, even if she had to do it on her own.

  8. Loraen was relieved when the instructor told her to come as she was. Securing her pack to her back, she got in step with the others. All males it seemed, but she was rather used to being the lone female in the crowd. Her father had her travel with his caravan to train her to become a merchant. Alas, that was no longer her path. She focused on the path before them.


    When they arrived at the armory, they were greeted by a small woman working the forge. She smiled faintly. If she had seen the woman out walking in the streets, she would not have likely suspected her trade. It was a reminder to not assume, and to see beyond the exterior.


    Her dark eye quickly scanned the array of weapons, until she was instructed to work a bellows. She did not hesitate, but stepped forward and began to pump, trying to emulate the motion and speed she had seen the woman doing as they had arrived. One of the other trainees were directed to the other bellows. She watched him grab the handle and pump as well. He seemed deep in thought as he performed the task. Briefly wondering what he was thinking about, she heard the woman speak, and turned to watch her.


    Maintaining the motion and pace, she listened to the woman. She described how fire and water strengthen the blade. The sharpness needed to be maintained. It took dedication. Without proper attention the blade would break, it would fail. Loraen listened, but found that her heartbeat seemed to have joined in unison with the bellows. In, beat. Out, beat. She was listening to her own heart beating as she continued the task. She listened to the woman, but again she briefly examined the weapons, then looked at the other trainees, wondering what had led them to choose to be Warders.


    The woman's voice drew her back in. What weapon would she choose? She had received some basic sword training from the guards while traveling with the caravan. She knew about balance and grip. However, she would not assume that she knew exactly what they wanted her to know, so she listened for instruction, direction, so that she could enforce what she knew and expand on it.

  9. OOC: Hello folks. Sure hope you don't mind me jumping in. Will be nice to get RPing again. Note that I am a bit rusty, but will do my best. Raen's WS is 4, based on approved bio, in case I need to mention that. Armory works. Weapons are good. Definitely interested in flame and void.




    Everything had moved so fast. Perhaps that's what she got for having arrived so early. There had barely been light in the sky when she had arrived to be "interviewed" and assessed. She had felt like one of the horses her father would examine before purchasing for the caravan. For a moment, her chest tightened. That was her old life. Without her father, and without the man she would have married, that life was past. Taking a deep breath, she focused on the present.


    Loraen "Raen" Wen stood patiently while eyes examined her. He had walked around her, gazing up and down her body. She wore loose breeches tucked into her boots and a short fitted coat, in her traditional Kandori fashion. She had been anxious that she might be denied entrance into the Warders as a female, but had been relieved to see other women about, even at that early hour. He had made a few considering sounds, and looking into her face, focusing on her patched left eye, grunted. She answered all his questions. Yes, she had basic sword and archery capabilities. Yes, she had ridden a horse. No, she was not running away from home. Yes, she was sure that this was what she wanted.


    There were a few more grunts, some things mumbled under his breath, and he wrote something down in a book, before stating that she was accepted. She would be given a dorm room, but for now, was to report to the yard. Maybe being thrown straight into training was "punishment" because she had shown up so early.


    With little direction, and her pack still slung over her shoulder, she made her way toward the yard. Perhaps it was best to hit the dirt running, and if this was to be how she began her path to becoming a Warder, so be it. She would throw herself into it with her whole heart. Turning the corner, she saw a small group gathered.


    Taking a deep breath, she approached the man who appeared to be in charge. Another trainee was running laps. While she had just arrived and was already being sent to the yard, she resolved to do anything she was told to do. "I was instructed to come to the yard," she said. "My name is Loraen Wen and I just arrived. What is it that I need to do?"


    After years with her father's caravan, interacting with the guards, she was used to the sights and sounds of training. And they had taught her a great deal. But there were no familiar faces her. This was a new path to a new life. She stood tall waiting for whatever was assigned.

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