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Posts posted by JamesBrown

  1. After my father's wedding, the family went to the Briarwood Inn in Golden, Colorado. We had a small room to ourselves, and it was the most luxurious dining experience I had ever had in my twenty-five years. I loved how in between each course they cleared the table and reset it fresh.


    I was torn on what to order from the menu. On the one hand, I wanted a ribeye steak, knowing it would be delicious, but I had eated ribeyes before. On the other hand, I wanted to try the Ruby Trout. I knew it would be well prepared, so that anyone who enjoyed trout would say it was delicious. But I had never tried trout, and I was worried that I wouldn't enjoy it no matter how well it was prepared.


    I plunged forward and ordered the trout. And it was delicious.

  2. My father has passed away, but my wife has said she'll indulge me a bit. We'll probably see Wonder Woman and get some ice cream somewhere.


    Hopefully I'll hear from my son on Sunday, but he's a busy guy.

  3. I doubt I'll ever get a cat as I'm allergic to them. I spent a weekend at a friend's home last month, and they have a cat, and my eyes itched the whole time. it was a struggle to not rub my eyes into jelly.


    But I would love to build some of the catwalks and shelves as I've seen on the show Catification.

  4. Yeah, I suppose I shouldn't talk about cats, having never had one.


    But I've seen how some dogs pine and stress when their owners are gone, which seems like borderline cruelty. I don't see how apartment dwellers can have large dogs that have no room to run around and stretch their legs. My impression was that cats are less likely to need people around all the time.


    But what do I know?

  5. I grew up with dogs, but my wife is allergic to them. I'm allergic to cats, and my wife doesn't like them, so we have no pets.


    A pair of cats would be my choice, because they're so independent. I also love how creative people build high perches and walkways for their cats.


    As long as we're dreaming, I'd love to have a big cat for a companion, like a panther or a jaguar. Something that can take care of itself, but when I whistle it would spring out of a tree and kill the attackers who were about to murder me.

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