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Posts posted by Clovdyx

  1. I messaged Krak and told him that the league I set up is full.  There are a few DMers, but it's not a DM-exclusive league.  If there are enough interest in a second league of only DM, I will gladly run one.  


    Alternatively, if somebody ELSE wants to run one, I'll definitely sign up.

  2. Hey all, I'm Alkanthe from the Chucklefish Forums and I'm basically just here to check out the Mafia stuff (and shower BFG with praise). I won't be able to participate right away, either, cause I'm still tied up in some other games and I don't really want to do more than one at a time. But so far, the community looks lovely! I'm actually interested in roleplay too; though I haven't read the Wheel of Time series, character creation and worldbuilding are two major interests of mine, and I'd definitely be interested in talking about that with someone. : 3c


    Back off, I called dibs.


    And welcome <3

  3. I have never been interested in super heroes. I watched Batman as a kid (the tv series) and read The Phantom for a year or two. When I got older I felt forced to watched some films like Batman and Spider Man but it wasn´t my thing. Then I watched Avengers and it was okay. I liked Iron Man and the Hulk. So I watched all the Iron Man films and even though I didn´t love them I really enjoy watching Robert Downey Jr. (who doesn´t!). Yesterday I watched Avengers: Age of Ultron and I realise that even though I still don´t love super hero films I don´t like not knowing what is happening. I watched a review on YouTube and I definitely didn´t understand a thing. So can you please help me out here?



    I read this Beginners Guide to the Marvel Universe. It was easy to read. What more is it that I need to know?


    I read somewhere else that different companies has claimed certain heroes in this universe and that means you will not see them together. (Like the Avengers and X-men.) Did I get that right?


    Who are your favourite Marvel heroes/villains?


    Which films do you recommend? 


    I can´t see myself apprichiate a Disney version of Thor but maybe I´m wrong about that. 


    What interesting female heroes are there?



    Oh, forgot... Is there like one goal for all of the characters? (Except for trying to save the earth and human kind all the time.)


    If you really want to learn superheroes, I strongly suggest just reading the wikipedia history of each character.  Start with one character, and kind of branch off from there.  If you're going specifically with Marvel, I would say the X-Men is probably about as good of a place to start as any, though maybe Spider-Man?  


    If I recall correctly, one company owns the rights to the Spider Man franchise, which is why you would typically NOT see him in the Avengers (though I believe the company responsible for that series received permission to temporarily use Spider Man in The Civil War).  I haven't done much research into this though.


    Deadpool.  Deadpool.  Might I recommend Deadpool?  On a site note, Deadpool.  Beyond that, I've always been a pretty big fan of the Silver Surfer.  Saying he's a hero isn't inherently accurate, but I'd say he's one of the "Good guys"; he's also perhaps the most overpowered hero in the universe (similar to how Superman is OP in DC land).  I'm not particularly sure why, but I've always preferred War Machine to Iron Man.  Its probably mostly the name, to be honest.  The Punisher is a really interesting concept for a character to me - just one really angry guy with a lot of training, and a lot of guns - but neither of the Punisher movies were particularly well done to me.  I believe Netflix is making a series though, so I might check that out (not in love with their Daredevil).  


    Villains, I don't have a strong attachment to any.  A lot of the Marvel villains are kind of insane, as it comes to abilities/powers.  For example, Galactus can literally eat an entire planet.  Apocalypse is basically, "do what you want."  I think Spiderman has the most interesting villains, not because they're so great, but because they're reasonable matches for Spidey - and a lot of them have goals/motivations beyond just wanting to destroy the universe.


    Black Widow is probably the most well known female hero, outside of Wonder Woman, thanks to the Avengers movies.  Jean Gray of the X-Men is one of the most powerful people in the universe after she becomes the Phoenix.  While Storm is probably the best known female X-men member, I think Rogue is perhaps the most interesting/best power...and at least in the movies, she exists beyond just fighting the enemy.  And while I don't know much about her, I probably have to give a mention to Captain Marvel :tongue:

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