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Everything posted by Scarloc99

  1. Doubt the episode will match the chapter in anyway.
  2. The biggest thing that showed them that was how Rand could see the shield when none of the aes sedai around Moraine could, maybe it could be highlighted a bit more clearly a scene showing a female channeller reacting to another women's weave, and then later on a similar weave from a man not getting any reaction even as it is directly in front of her. Or they could have shown it with Lanfer not knowing when Rand was channelling.
  3. See eye of the world took me 4 attempts to actually get through originally, if I had not bought books 1-6 all at once I would probably have just put it into charity. I remember I lent the book to 4 friends while I was struggling to start it and they also all didn’t finish it. So there can be no absolute thing here, my question is not is WOT the best fantasy series ever, in my opinion it isn’t, I also personally disagree that the characters behave normally, they really don’t in many many cases, they don’t learn from mistakes to an almost parody level, they are meant to be young adults but at times behave like young children. But also the writing style in itself is, again in my opinion, not great at times. but yea this thread was why despite the fact that I personally can find so many issues with it, do I keep coming back and re reading in a way that, for instance, I don’t with Thomas covenant, despite feeling that the TC series is far far better.
  4. Chronicles of Thomas covenant are hands down better then the first 6 books in entirety, books 4-6 of wot maybe match but the first 3 do not. Covenant also showed how you make a reluctant hero a flawed lead character. For me it is the standard of fantasy blowing LOTR out of the water. Dune as a sci fi series easily matches 4-6 and again dune is better then eotw. that is 2, I could include the eisenhorn series, although that is really a series of trilogies, and the 40k universe is a diverse universe created by a number of writers and game designers. The first 3 books have a lot of great moments but also in my opinion and the opinion of others I know so many flaws, like you I have been reading it 20 years and I can accept it for those flaws but they are there. But this is all opinion and I am not going to say your wrong same as I won’t say I am wrong.
  5. Ahhhh ok sorry I misunderstood I thought Ashton had said something about her. I will say the Ashton thing is diffeeent he didn’t try burying another film star, he just made a really really bad decision to speak up for a sex offender, but also, Ashton for years has had runouts about him having affairs and stuff, there have been things runoured about him despite his efforts to shut them down .
  6. Rafe has stated that the writers had a mouth drip moment when he revealed a major character dies so that leads me to believe he is not keeping her in the show, now she might return but if the Finn are being removed I can see her being dead dead and Lanfer as well.
  7. No I meant online I could t find any negative details about her regarding Ashton Kutcher, I googled both names and gone girl like issues. And when I said missed that meant I obv missed those quotes when they happened regarding the movie.
  8. In TGH RJ thought he was going to have to end the series, he then spent several books increasing the screen Time of the other characters to get them up to the level of familiarity Rand was. Rafe knows how long he has to tell his story, he also knows that he needs to introduce all the characters and get them embedded in the show. Rand is the easy one to do this with because he is the dragon reborn, an entire season was spent finding that out, Matt is the hardest given in books 1-3 he has the weakest story in terms of stuff to do (he comes into his own in book 3 I happily accept), the rest have all broadly followed the same threads.
  9. this argument just has no basis in fact whatsoever. In the books Egwene's plot actually takes up more time then Rands at various points, in season 1 Rafe didn't talk about Rand because he didn't want to spoil who the dragon was for non book viewers. In season 2 he is right, from book 2 Rand is not the main Protagonist, he is one in an ensemble piece and Robery Jordan spent a lot of time and gave a lot of page time to the E4 having focused on Rand when he thought there would only be 3 books to tell the story in. Saying after 2 seasons of the characters all broadly following the same story themes they did in the books gives no indication that anyone wanted Egwene as the Dragon. I mean Brandon would have come out and made that statement and i have not seen that anywhere (correct me if I am wrong) and not based on opinion, but based on fact of Rafe saying to him I don't want rand ot be the Dragon reborn. I also dont see anywhere a "fear" of gendered chanelling, it has been really clear to my non book reading friends so far that there are 2 halfs to the power,
  10. I think Moiraine is going, possibly to never cone back, that is the catalyst for so much of Rands growth and development. Cadsuane will come back at that point, personally I am much happier with Shohreh as Elaida she has a much much bigger rold then Cadsuane has in the books, lets be fair Cadsuane basicly spends her time either pissing rand off, or being banished by him.
  11. An aes sedai would not know specifically has this person personally sworn to the dark lord, or, is this person doing something for the Darklord thinking they are doing something evil for someone else, or because they are being paid to do it.
  12. But an aes sedai would not know that, anyone working against the light is fair game, the oath doesn’t know more then the person under it, if it looks like. Duck, quacks like a duck it is a darkfriend regardless of if it has taken any oaths etc. So attacking the ships does come in under the oath to protect.
  13. If you remember from the first read through Turning someone takes away an essence of who they are so it is no good using it on anyone who has a public face because the change will be seen. In books 12 and 13 it becomes clear that it was used, alot, to turn the Aiel male channellers who went to fight the dark lord andit is suggested I think that there are female channelers who have been turned in that town as well. in reality I think RJ put it in as a mechanic and then didn't really see a good place to use it in the story early on. BS then expanded on it and tried to use it as a horror or tension builder in the Black tower (not to great effect but he tried).
  14. There is a big difference here the ships where taking food and goods to the people of Tar Valon, not attacking it. The Seanchan vessels where obviously an invading armoured force and they where attacking the Dragon Reborn while he was fighting a Foresaken, if that does not make them darkfriends by definition I don't know what will.
  15. I am wondering how many who "hate" the series have read it many timers over 8+? and how many have gone through it once and so have a bit of a nostalgic view about certain things. Certainly some of those who have major issues with the show seem to have forgotten, or not understood certain book themes and threads. I am not saying if you have not read the series x many times you can't be called a lover or your view is not valid, what I am saying is that there is so much in the book that one or 2 read throughs is not enough to remember all of it and so it is very easy to misremember details from the books that feed into some (not all) of the changes Rafe has made.
  16. I know, I would rather live my life sleeping through life, and worrying about walking into things because my eyes are all closed (when people come up with a buzz word like the W word, they need to consider what they are saying about people who are the opposite lol).
  17. Witcher may as well throw the source material out the window in a way WOT never has. The Expanse apparently had huge changes to the source material, but, was really really well written and so the book readers I know at least didn't mind. Foundation, another TV show that started unsteadily but in season 2 really came alive, and yet has almost used the books as nothing but the briefest of descriptions and story ideas it is so different. I mean, look at the Marvel movies and TV shows, all of them based off source material that is 50+ years old, and yet they make wholesale changes to story and plot and seem to be able to make a few pounds (dollars) out of them, and even make some brilliant films.
  18. Ok lets be honest here, the writing in WOT is better then Twilight, but, they are not perfect works of literary genius, I would argue even in the fantasy lexicon they are not the best written books, there are moments of amazing writing, but also a load of stuff that could have. been cut, just the sheer repetition, the various storylines that numerous readers say they dislike and would remove, the fact that RJ didn't know how many books he was going to write to start with and so the start of the story is dragged out, and lets ignore all the issues of the 3 books at the end, books that 10 years ago parts of the community largely hated for "destroying RJ's work". I think any critique of Rafes writing needs to accept the reality. What RJ is great at is world building the books are higher tier level because of that, the highs are amazing (Emonds Field) but they are few and far between. I did a thread on this, why do I keep coming back despite all the flaws in the books. Now does this mean Rafe is "making the story better" personally there are aspects of season 2 I thought would have made the books better if the story had gone that way, I know others disagree and I respect that. I also do not see rafe as a "better writer" then RJ, I do think WOT would have been very very very different, especially the first 3 books, had RJ known when writing book 1 he didnt need to write a fellowship of the rings rip off, and he had 14 books to tell this story. What Rafe has the possibility to do is spread out some of the big lore drop in books 1-3 across the TV show at a better pace because he knows from day one the length of this thing. He can pace it better. We where in no way given Rings of Power, the lore in Rings of Power has been destroyed and changed to an extent that WOT has not even come close to. There is so much hysteria that is just not factually true, people insisted the power would not be gendered, it is, they insisted that souls not being gendered would be an issue, it isn't because all the characters so far are the same gender. They say that "Rand has lost his power" when in the books the power of Rand was reduced as soon as RJ realised he needed to stretch his arc out over 14 books not 3. If ROP changes where applied to WOT the breaking would have happened 30 years prior to the story, LTT would still be alive, The creator would be walking the earth. I am not exaggerating the lore of LOTR has been just removed and replaced in it's entirety so no, do not way we got ROP. We didn't even get Shinara, and this is in no way as bad as the Witcher. Those 3 People are taking statements made by characters who don't have all the information as fact, they are taking half reveals and deciding they know what that means. The key lore is all still there, changes to mechanics of some of the story have been made, and by all means debate what should or should not have been cut, suggest alternative storylines if you want, but understand others will challenge back as to the flaws of that.
  19. Sorry no, those are long term plot points, BS artificially tries to drive tension within a scene in a way that can't be hand waved as "the wheel weaves" Robert Jordan was the master at building tension to a crescendo, the battle of Emonds Field does that, in the how many pages of book that BS wrote he didn't once hit an emotional beat like that, instead we got forced moments that where meant to feel emotional but just fell flat.
  20. Is the quote you took, when he made it clear handing his book to a script wroter wold mean wholescale changes and differences being made because, as he said, he wrote a book not a TV show or movie.
  21. In what way did Gone Girl impact your opinion of her? remember how an actor portrays a role is as much, of not more, down to the Director and editing then the performance. We don't know which versions of a role get left on the cutting room floor. Some actors are Narcissists, many many more love the craft and do it because they love it and in reality are introvert or have low self confidence. Yes there is always an element of "curating" an image, but the truth usually is known, especially in this day and age. If Pike was as you say then there would be stories about her behaviour on set, or with other cast members. I can't find anything but positive comments about her which suggests that she is a genuine person.
  22. The thing about WOT is that we all have so vastly differing opinions, for instance I think that the Prose at points is pretty bad, I agree the characters can get frustrating and irritating, and yet I have read it back to front now many many times, and read individual books many times more. The world and the cultures and the magic system are what pull me back more and more. I will say that when reading it a second time through always remember that it was only at book 4 that RJ knew how long his series was going to be, so he struggled to define the clear arcs earlier because he thought the next book might be the end.
  23. But you are not stating anything that is Canon, I don't even know where you are getting some of your supposed "facts" from. The Author made a statement that disproves your insisted argument. The things you are stating here are not described in the novels so are entirely made up in your own head, or that of someone elses, and i this case the only person who is allowed to make things up in their head and call it Canon is the Author. RJ said it was used beyond it's capability in an answer that shows he thought long and hard about all of this before writing that bit of the story, we have no idea how AOL devices worked, what activated them, there is talk of "standing waves" but that is not explained, we also see multiple times that the Foresaken also don't really know what a lot of these things do, they are afraid to go into a room of terangeral because they are worried they might trigger something dangerous. That makes sense, the Foresaken where not a fount of all knowledge, so not knowing exactly how things work or what might be possible is all in character. But he said it "Should not be enought to impact even the weather in a single continnt" but later on explains the Windfinder skill allows it to be used beyond its purpose. Not because of the amount of power, but because the Windfinders create a chain effect i the weather, much like a butterfly in Japan creating a hurricane in America. The Butterfly can't actaully make a hurricane from power, but it can make a tiny change that magnifies out to a big one (and I know the butterfly analogy is not based on real life).
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