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Everything posted by Scarloc99

  1. Fair enough, always Intrested in different peoples views of character actions in the books.
  2. If you ever needed proof the shadow is evil, it wants it's females staying at home, raising the kids and cooking dinner while the men go out and earn a living. I bet they all worship an orange man with bad hair, and blame everything on those pesky Aiel crossing the border.
  3. You know I never even made the satellite dish link until now lol, I almost want the bowl of the winds in the TV show now, an old TV dish with a pointy bit sticking out of it in the middle 🙂
  4. They have decided to go all out on the shock factor for the Boys spin off, I mean, I can't blame them, the opening scene of season 3 with Termite was, well, both brilliant and gross all at once lol. But I agree the spinoff is not as good as the main story.
  5. Sorry the "creative restrictions" did not mean that Galadrial had to save Sauron from drowning, or have the stupid Mithril will save the elves, or the condensced timeline squeezing what 3-4000 years of lore into 250, Not having the Hobit or LOTR didn't stop the writers shoehorning Hobbit adjacent characters in, or getting us forgetful Gandalf, There was plenty of stuff in the Simarilion to make a really good story without making all those changes and more. The main thread was there, you just have to flesh it out with good story writing, not the absolulte gumpf we where given. I really wish Rafe had been given ROP budget so we could have had the size and scale of ROP with his story.
  6. No you couldn't because after 3 seasons of watching our main characters run away from a thing, or chase a thing, fall into a trap and then Rand have a big epic showdown the show would have become repetitive and the storyline dull. I know I love the books and this is not a train wreck, Witch was a train wreck, ROP was a train wreck, WOT sticks much much much closer to the source material then either of these and the changes make logical sense for showing the story on the screen.
  7. What funny moments are in the book, even after multiple multiple read throughs there is nothing that makes me smile or laugh personally?
  8. also Black Ajah it is in character to also give misinformation and lie?
  9. I agree it was a good decision, my point is that he shows ruthlessness sometimes and then forgets all those lessons in other moments, he is also wiling to sacrifice women in moments, for instance letting them protect him when cleansing the source.
  10. Why does Rand Al Thor get a bye here? regardless of the reasoning his behaviour is to remove the agency of women. It is the act that matters, not the reason behind it, Rand takes away the rights of women to make free choices, he shows that subconsciously he considers irrational, unable to accept risk unable to make the "right" decisions while he happily lets the men do whatever they want. The thing is that goes against even how he thought Eomonds Field worked, the boys often comment on how women of Eomonds field will do what they want and the men have no say. I understand the story, I understand the logic but none of that akes what Rand does ok, none of it makes it less mysoganistic then if he had done it because he didn't think women could do it.
  11. Elayne tried to teach him that, but yet again he refused to learn the real lessons she was trying to teach him. I always try and remember that in many ways if it came out today the story would possibly be considered YA fiction, RJ's strength is his world building, one of his weaknesses is making his hero fully relatable, even at 19 when I first finished the first 6 books I watched rand make horrific decision after horrific decision, in fact much of the early story is people making the same bad choices time and time again (the girls seem to have a real thing for falling into traps). His insistance to "protect all women and take away any of their agency" is still controlling and horrendous even if it comes from a moral place. By refusing to hurt a women he puts the world at risk, I could accept this if not for the fact he willingly hangs an aiel who is friends with him, or sacrifices men at will with no concerns. It is one of the things that grated on me. Where some here see that as "realistic writing" I could never, even remotely connect to Rand as a 19 year old, because in many ways he jut seemed dumb. Perrin I got and understood, he was reluctant but he made the hard decisions, Matt, well by book 4 Matt isn't really Matt, he is thousands of memories of men that have done all sorts of things. He is an old soul in a young body.
  12. Oh I know he does that, I meant when he learns I do it himself and all the rules around it.
  13. The girls know, and egwene and Elayne need to pass the accepted test. Moiraine knows, and will get word to siuan, enough people know now. Liandrin will run and the girls will go to tanchio to follow just like the books.
  14. I mean I don’t see an issue with either situation, it made perfect sense to bond Rand, and for lab it was for his own good, I think to claim they where “raped” is a bit extreme, especially given that Rand it turns out can’t be “compulsed” but he bond. As readers we only think it is a bad thing Rand is force bonded because we are told it is, if we had been told it was ok we would be fine with it, it is an artificial thing that really has no bearing on the story in the long term, Rand even gets over it fairly quickly. The scene we never got I wanted to see was Alanna actually finding out the others had bonded him. Although that also made me wonder at the last battle, would Alanna dying have had anywhere near the same effect because the girls where bonded to him as well?
  15. But she herself plays no real part in the story in terms of role, she has no real arc, she is a character who just kind of exists, for me it is part of the reason why there is no real tension at the end. I don’t care about her enough in the books to feel any real emotion about her final fate, and it felt like there were no real stakes. In the tv show she is getting a real arc which we know will end at the last battle,
  16. I mean no, Rand was teh Dragon because he was the Dragon the prophesies where to prove to the rest of teh world he really was the Dragon and the last battle was coming. Moiraine could not have found another male channeler and made them dragon at all.
  17. Yes she did it in the books and then nothing much happens with it other then her sometimes pointing to where he is. Until the end when she vanishes and the is at the last battle
  18. Well Tear would have been mentioned as a location for season 3 if it was going to be in it. So I think that confirms it, if it ever does appear then Tear will be after the events of the Shadow Rising.
  19. We are not getting tear in season 3, so my query is where will Matt be racing to?
  20. I don't think they will drop this aspect, the fact that we have not seen Lan lose his bond, suicidal depressed Lan be sent to save Nyanave I think means we will see that in season 4 and in this case it makes no sense for Alanna to have Lan and Rand both bonded. now it is possible that Moiraine simply has Nynaeve as the person she hands Lan's bond over to, and she tries to heal Lan herself?
  21. There are a variety of ratings agencies all over the world, Nielsen isn't even the main one in America anymore. They are just the one with the biggest name recognition. But I don't know if anyone will provide the viewing ratings world wide. I am also interested in finding out the splits, so what is the demographic watching the show. I am also interested in how Nielson now select households based on Streaming availability, so do they pick households that have access to all the streamers, are households willing to be Nielson viewers more or less likely to use a streaming service, it feels like streaming has made the accuracy of getting TV viewership numbers the old fasioned way harder, especially as it can be consumed on so many devices now, so will Nielson pick up someone watching WOT in the household on a phone, or tablet?
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