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Posts posted by _Kynwric_

  1. Kyn looked down at Loraine when she asked if it was really abandoned, he had been listening but hadn't come to the complete conclusion that his parents farm was deserted. "There should be people here. There's no reason for my sister and her family to have left. If nothing else one of her children should be living here." He slid from his horse and eased his sword in its scabbard, just in case it was needed. "But no one would leave the hosue in this state if they intended to return." He looked again to Loraine, "I really expected to find help here." His shoulders slumped a bit and he turned back to the house, beginning to walk towards it, it was odd behavior as he was treating this entirely like a dangerous situation... even though he should.

  2. Kyn had spent three days riding back and forth across the countryside to make sure they weren't followed, weren't in any danger of running across any more Whitecloaks and to make sure they were still moving in the right direction. It would have been a normal ride for them if it weren't for also tending to Loraine's injury as they rode. It should have only taken two days, but with his having slowed their pace to keep Loraine conscious and out of at least some of the pain it had taken an extra day. 


    At first he was unsure this was the road, as it was much more overgrown than he would have expected a working farm track to be. Of course, the condition of the road was made clear when they came upon the old house, it was abandoned, run down and overgrown. He wouldn't have seen it if it hadn't been for the old oak tree that was split in three from a lightning strike, he'd spent many an hour in that tree as a youth. He wwas absorbed in inspecting what had been his home, he didn't realize Loraine had come abreast of him and he started at her question. Turning his head he gave a nod. "It was home. Long ago." Her turned his gaze back to the house, "I didn't think I'd ever come back here, not after going to the White Tower."

  3. Kyn smiled down at her, "Its enough, rest. Do not move, no matter what. The cloak will hide you." He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips before straightening back up. "I'll be back soon. I have to make sure we're in the clear before we go further." He then left her hidden there under his color shifting cloak, the one she'd given him when they'd returned to the Tower after she'd bonded him and he began to creep back the way they'd just come. 




    It was a couple hours later when he returned and found Loraine where he'd put her. It was still a couple hours to daylight and throughout the night the rain had done nothing but get worse. he finally managed to wedge himself in under the impermeable cloak and settled in. he could feel roots and rocks pinching or poking him from all directions, but finally he got himself situated so that they could at least both be dry and warm the remainder of the night and possibly get some sleep.

  4. "Two days, maybe more.." Was his reply to her question. Kyn had his eyes darting this way and that as they rode, trying to make sure they weren't being followed or paced. When the weather worsened and forced him to pull his cowl up over his face to keep himself from being soaked to the bone. It was then Kyn felt the sharp stab and turned to look over at Loraine, then turned his head back to the trail in front of them, there was no point in asking how she felt. He knew she was hurting, and he knew sooner or later she wouldn't be able to go on In turn, he also knew it was time to get them to ground. Loraine needed rest and he needed to backtrack and make sure they were truly away free and clear from the Whitecloaks searching for them. After another hour of travel through the woods and hills he finally gave up on finding a good place and just found the best thing within sight. Which was a large tree with a tangle of roots to shelter them from the worst of the weather. 


    He slid from his horse and took the reins to the horse Loraine was on in hand as well. Tying them both to a branch before helping her from the saddle. "Its going to be a wet night I'm afraid." He did the best he could in clearing away the wet leaves so she could get settled in. He took his cloak, the one she'd woven the One Power into earlier to keep dry and also the one woven in the Tower itself to camouflage him in all settings and spread it over where she would be hidden.

  5. "Adelene has opened the window," Kyn said with a nod, he reached uot to support her as she reached for him. Once he had a hold of her, he quickly scooped her back up in his arms. he could feel how weak she was feeling. "Its a small window, but we should make it. A bit of sneaking followed by a bit of riding like the Dark One is chasing us and we should be away with no Children the wiser." He was carrying Loraine up and out of the tunnel, and he quickly put her astride her horse. He looked to the two boys who were holding the reins of their mounts. "Hand them over boys, I'll lead them from here. Best you be away and stay out of the Children's way til they're gone. It'd be best for you in the long run." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of coins, glanced at them and then handed one to each of them. He had made certain they weren't Tar Valon marks, for that would have been too suspicious if found. He took the reins and looked up to Loraine. "Brace yourself wife... this is the beginning of a long night." And he led the pair of horses off away from the boys, the farm and the Whitecloaks. 

  6. Kyn flicked his eyes around when he felt the change in the emotions floating across the bond, apparently she had decided something, he wondered what for a moment before pushing it to the back of his mind, there were other things to focus on  right this moment. Such as the Whitecloaks standing a few yards from him peering into the night. Kyn stood still, trusting the shadows and his cloak to keep him concealed from their eyes. Soon enough they moved on, another few yards and repeated the procedure. Good, he thought, they're just doing a search. Now if those fool boys will just keep their heads down a little while longer. If he'd had his bow he would have just removed this complication, even in the dark he wouldn't have been hard pressed to make the pair of shots he'd have needed. But it was lashed to his saddle, or it had been last he had seen. All he could do was wait and watch as the Whitecloaks continued their careful patrol. 


    Half an hour passed before he reemerged from the shadows, the Whitecloaks were out of sight now and he could hear another pair of horses coming their way. This time though there was the nervous, excited chatter of young men accompanying the sound of horses hooves. One of the voices Kyn recognized, it was Adelene's son Jert. Kyn stepped out of the rock outcropping right in front of them and both boys came up short. He hissed at them "Quiet, the Children are stupid not deaf." He looked from Jert to the other boy and sighed, "Hold the horses, I'll be right back." With that he retreated back into the tunnel to fetch his wife.

  7. Kyn didn't waste anytime, moving almost as soon as Adelene pushed him towards the tunnel, after a few moments they were moving along the cut out and in a few minutes more Kyn was poking his head out the hidden entrance in a cluster of rocks next to a field Kyn was indeed familiar with. When he didn't immediately see the horses he ducked back into the shelter of the outcropping and gave Loraine a small shake of his head and motioned for her to wait there and then disappeared back into the darkness. 


    He could hear horses moving. They were being led, not ridden, and the only question was if it was the Whitecloaks or not. Melding back into the shadow of a tree Kyn saw the outlines of a pair of men leading horses against the light of the Children's torches near the farmhouse. There was the usual yelling and shouting that went along with a raid, but that was several hundred feet away now. When the men with the horses passed him, gave a low whistle, a bird call of a bird that lived a hundred leagues away. One of the men stopped and looked around, the movement wasn't what he had expected of a man raised in these woods. Which meant they were Whitecloaks. 

  8. Kyn smiled and nodded his answer to Loraine as the woman Adelene entered the room. Then he simply sat back and ignored the look he was given by the woman who obviously expected him to leave the room while his wife dressed. He just waited until it was all over and Adelene had left, clutching that book. When Loraine looked at him and mentioned going home Kyn nodded, it was like she had been reading his mind. "The Two Rivers is closest and also the place least likely to find further dangers. At least there we can rest and recover, but I think first we need to make a stop through my parents place. One because it will throw the Children off, two, because it is closer than the Two Rivers and finally because you'll need me to check that bloody house for the next week or two to make sure Adelene does indeed return that book." 


    Kyn took a glance out the window and sighed, "Time to go love," he said rising from where he'd been sitting on her bed. He reached a hand down for her and as soon as she was standing he scooped her up in his arms. "No arguing, you'll have enough strain on that wound tonight. You can allow me to prevent as much of that damage as I can."

  9. After a couple of hours the door opened again, quietly as Kyn crept in to drop off clothes for Loraine for the journey. They were plain, nondescript farmer's woolens and he had more of the same in hands for himself. He glanced at the bed, expecting to find Loraine asleep, but when he realized she wasn't he straightened and gave her a disapproving look. "You should be resting. It's only another hour to dark." Outside the rain and wind could be heard buffeting the house, interchanging sounds of the rain either just falling or being driven against the planking by a fierce wind. It wasn't weather to be caught out in, if you had a choice. "Seems we've been on this ride before though."


    He moved to her bed and set beside her, laying out the garments at the foot of the bed. "The mistress of the house will be along shortly to help you get dressed, she was beside herself when I told her I was going to do it." He shook his head, "Amdacia is not like the Two Rivers, that is for certain. She seemed rather upset by the thought." With a shrug. "I still haven't seen the young woman I mentioned before, although everyone seems to be put out, like someone else should be here. Love, if that girl can channel, and this well she needs to be brought out of this place. We cannot leave her for the Children to find, Questioners or no." He said it as if she should do something about it to make the farm wife tell her where the girl was. 

  10. Kyn shook his head, he thought for a moment for how to put it as well as make sure his features were still from the feedback he was getting across the bond. "The only thing to travel on besides the road we used to come in is some game trail, which we'll be making use of at least part of the way. We leave at dark..." He rose and crossed the small space between them and pressed a kiss to her lips. Then turned to head back out, "I've got to get things ready for us to leave... and I see no way to not tip off our hosts since I've already asked for food." With a few more steps he was too the door and just then he heard the peal of thunder and glanced back at his wife laying in the bed and took in a deep breath and let out a sigh. "Oh yes, and its going to rain. Hard... that is at least good new for us."

  11. Kyn slumped into the chair, he'd been gone most of the day when he returned to the farmhouse and was a bit haggard from the travel about the wide perimeter he'd set to make sure they were still safe. Yesterday had been a smaller circle around, but he'd widen out everyday until he was certain they were safe. Or at least he would have if he hadn't found something today to change his planned pattern. He looked up at Loraine at her request and shrugged, "Its sort of good news, we're leaving, in a couple hours. Once I can be sure the sun will be down and we can sneak past those who search for us in the dark. I hope you're up to it. The Children will be here early in the morning judging by the direction and speed they've been travelling." He paused for a second, "It would be poor guests of us to repay these folk by being here when those bearing a the Inquisitorial Crook arrive." He leaned back in the chair to take in his wife's reaction to the news. He could feel the anxiousness, but underlying that there was something else he couldn't quite make out.

  12. "I haven't seen the girl who I first woke up to again. I would assume it was her, she's about the right age to be a wilder who could still be trained. As for the rest of it, yes. We wait and you heal and then we leave provided that no Children make their way here." Kyn heard his stomach rumble and about that time the farm-wife returned bearing some clothes for him to try on. 


    "You sir, also need to go back to bed and rest, I don't know how you healed so well and so quickly, but you still need your own rest to make sure its healing right." The woman had her hands on her hips as he held the bundle of clothes and he recongized the fact that there would be no arguing with her.


    He glanced to Lor and smiled. "Be back to see you after my nap, it seems." Kyn regained his feet and pressed a kiss to his wife's lips before heading back to the room he had been in previously. He also knew Lor needed more rest to heal, he only wished the woman who had healed him would also make a visit to her room... so they could both be away from here a quickly as possible. He was laready making mental preperations for going out to have a look around later this afternoon, he needed to know what was going on around them and if any of their pursuers were closing in.

  13. Kyn looked at his wife and shook his head, "Loraine, while yes you can sew and I can work the fields anyone who knows what they are looking at will mistake us for a farm-wife or a farmer. They only way that ruse works is if the Children sent here are nearly blind, or at the very least do not actually expect to find their quarry here. in my experience they are more than happy to root out their darkfriends wherever they find them. Which is usually everywhere." Kyn shifted, and sighed deeply as he tried to think. "Also, at least our host would have to be complicit in our hoax. Since it would require very little questioning of you without me present to answer the things you cannot. For you know they will ask if you have any connection to the Tower of every woman they meet."

  14. Kyn looked at the wound as she showed it. As he examined the wound he kept his face impassive, the wound was still bad and Loraine wouldn't be travelling pain free for a while yet. When he looked back to her face he could merely tell her the truth though, "We don't have long enough, you won't be fully healed before we have to travel again." He kept to himself about how much of the pain she was feeling he felt, he knew she knew but reminding her of it wouldn't help anything and he at least wasn't adding to her pain anymore. "We can likely spare a day or two, three at most. The Children will come looking for those who've killed their own and we don't want to look anything like those people when they do come."

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