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Posts posted by _Kynwric_

  1. "I can't explain that love, it just is. There's only one way to heal this fast and the only one here who can do that is you." Kyn subconsciously ran his hand over the spot where he'd been stabbed, peeling back the sheet to look at pink skin covering the freshly healed wound. He let Lor see for her own information and then wrapped back up. "Either which way dear, we'll move on to the house when you're able to move. We can't stay here forever though, those men's friends will be looking for us sooner or later and I wouldn't want to put our hosts hospitality to that much of a test. They have to live here, we don't." Kyn glanced at the door, listening for the footsteps he knew would be returning soon. "We can't let them find us here, it would be a massacre."

  2. At the mention of clothes Kyn felt a little more self conscious, but he did still have the bed sheet he'd brought with him. He pulled it a bit closer around him until the farm woman left. "An alibi?. We're going to visit my parents farm near Abila and were set upon by bandits." He thoguht it over, "Because we are, as soon as we leave here we're headed for my parents farm. Its still there and we need a place to stay for a bit Will that work?" He stood up and crossed to the bed where Loraine still lay and sat beside her again. "As soon as you can travel anyway." He said, giving her a critical eye and examining through their connection how strong she felt.

  3. Kyn was about to reply when he heard the muffled snort of laughter and the sharp stab of pain that went along with it. He turned in a jerk to look back at Lor, worried, but her comments made him relax a little bit. He let her carry the conversation though, this was women's talk, and he knew enough to stay out of it. As a matter of fact he was thinking he should just slip back out of the room while they did talk, but then, he also didn't want to leave Lor now that they were back together. So instead he sank into the chair that sat near the door and watched listening to the conversation that mostly seemed to involve how Lor was healing as well as children, herbs and other farm-wife chatter. It reminded him of their time at home with the kids, that had been a peaceful time. He found himself leaning his head back and closing his eyes, right up to the point that he heard his name. Opening his eyes, he looked over at his wife and silently waited for her to repeat what had been said. When the other woman spoke he processed the information slowly, "Huh? Oh, near Abila on the River Eldar. As far as I know my parents farm is still there, it has been a while though wife."

  4. "Ever been to Ebou Dar goodwife? It is common to have scars there when your husband is desirable." Kyn spoke up to allay those fears, not that Ebou Dar had anything to do with the truth of why Lor had all those scars, but everyone knew the reputation of the Ebou Dari women and their knives. The woman just nodded and went about a further examination of Loraine. "Tell me, where are we? In the rush to get away I lost track of which way was up... and when can she travel, we need to get back home soon. Children, you know."

  5. Kyn shook his head in response, "I have no idea, I've just woken myself and made it out of the room. All I can tell you is that its daytime, since there's light in the windows and that we're likely on a farm of some sort, from the noises outside." He then turned his head, looking at the door and back to Loraine. "Someone's coming." And then the door opened to let in a young woman dressed in the regular dress of peasants with the few differences particular to Amadacia.

  6. Kyn relaxed as he heard her voice, even though he knew she was the one laying in the bed, it always reassured him more to hear as well as see his wife. He lifted his shirt, while the wound was not healed completely but it did not look less than a couple weeks healed. It was pink and not an open wound like it should have been., "I've been healed, partly anyway." He noticed the quizzical look on her face and continued, "I'll assume it isn't your doing then." He turned to look back out the door he'd just entered, and then back to Loraine. "I don't feel that great pit in my stomach like I usually do after being healed. Nor did that shock of cold wake me, whenever it happened." He came to sit beside her on the edge of the bed, gently laying a hand on hers as she lay there, "As for you, it looks like you'll be a bit of time a bed before we travel and I need to have a look around and see how secure we are here."

  7. When Kynwric woke he found himself laying in a bed, he instinctively reached for his sword and stopped short wincing in pain. After a few moments of laying there he forced himself to move again, this time a bit more prepared for the stroke of agony shooting through his abdomen. Once he had made it to sitting he reached down and examined the wound with his hand, not being able to bend enough to see it for the bandaging wrapped around him. Having ensured that he was still in one piece and not in danger of dying immediately he looked around at his surroundings, It looked all the world to him like the attic room of a farmhouse, the ceiling was rough hewn board, with thatch over the top, the floor was smooth board with a homespun rug across it. The window set into the gable was closed and the curtains drawn closed, but he could see the movement of tree bracnhes outside.


    He could feel the knot of Loraine in the back of his head, she was nearby and she was asleep, he could tell that much from here. The only question now was, where were they?


    Kyn tried to push himself to his feet, and after a couple of attempts managed to succeed in getting upright. That was the point he realized he was left only in his undershorts, but he couldn't locate his clothes to put them on and so instead made his way to the door and in the direction of his wife.

  8. When they pulled into the lane that led up to the house, which was very short, he heard the mutter from Loraine. He knew most farmers weren't, but they were taking a chance in any case. Amadacia was White Cloak territory. He let her horse come up beside his and when she was he looked over at her. "Bandits, we were attacked by bandits and left for dead." He knew there were gaping holes in that story, but it was the best he could come up with now. He had just enough energy to pull his horse to a stop in the farmhouse's yard and slump against his horse. He heard someone talking off to one side, but just didn't have the strength to do more than hold on to keep from falling off his horse. Then even that gave out and he felt himself falling, the only thing that kept the landing from hurting was that everything went black before he hit the ground.

  9. Every stride of the horse was jolting to Kyn, actually it was doubly jolting once for his own wound and smaller aftershock from when Loraine's horse took a step and her own wound flared. But he just gritted his teeth and bore the pain, there wasn't any other choice. They were speeding along a road which led them deeper into Amadacia, he knew that heading for the border is what the Whitecloaks would expect them to do and it was also what Olmena and the rest were doing. Since that was the case Kyn decided that it was better to head the opposite direction. It might be deeper into enemy territory, but it would buy them time and they needed all the time they could get right now. He glanced over at lor when he thought he heard her say something, but then turned his eyes back to the road and was glad he did. He'd spotted a small track that led off to their left, slowing his horse he knew Loraine would follow his lead as he guided his mount onto the narrower road. After a few strides he did turn back to look over his shoulder to make sure she was following him. he slowed a good bit to allow her to come up beside him, this road was barely wide enough for that and it was obvious wherever they ended up would be small and isolated, which to Kyn's mind was perfect. It was unlikely any random patrol would just show up there.

  10. Kyn could feel the double pain of his own sword wound and Loraine's as he limped down the street towards the horses that had been left there. They were obviously Children's mounts and he assumed at least one was from that officer he'd faced earlier, when he went to reach for the reins some fresh-faced boy in a white cloak came around from the other side with a sword leveled at Kyn's chest and brought him up short. "Stop Darkf..." was all he got pout before Kyn rolled his eyes and in one deft motion sidestepped the sword thrust that came and took the blade away. Simultaneously he punched the boy in the face with the heel of his hand, drivign the nasal of his helmet back into his nose. he watched as the boy fell in a heap,


    Kyn just left him lying there, gathering the reins of a pair of horses, the two best he found on first glance and readied them quickly. He could feel Loraine approaching. He walked back around to find her standing there and with an effort that opened the wound in his side a bit more deposited her on the back of the white and grey dapple that he figured was the Officer's. Once she was settled safely in the saddle and reins in hand Kyn swung himself up onto the back of the black with an audible gasp. "Ride wife... now," he said, his voice pained and he waited til she had kicked her horse into motion before setting his own mount into motion. There was a reason he never became attached to his mounts, or even really named them, he always seemed to be leaving them behind in odd places.


    Kyn hoped they were providing enough of a distraction for Olmena, Kathleen and Arath to get out of town, otherwise this entire mission would be for naught as the book would fall into the Children's hands. When he hazarded a look over his shoulder he saw the crowd of townsfolk closing around the pair of Aes Sedai with no Arath to be seen. There was nothing more either he or Lor could do now though, nothing except ride and trust that they'd figure a way free.

  11. "I've got plenty of my own scars, some of which you've given me." He said, moving something else in front of the door. When She had made them a hole and a platform of some sort he followed her out of the house. "No idea, I've put down 4, 3 permanently. Yours looked pretty dead too." He glanced at hr hands which were clutching th book they had been after. "You've got the book, it is time to go. The sooner the better... and we need to get you Healed." He watched as she slowly lowered them to the ground and as soon as they were in safe leaping distance he didn't wait for the platform anymore, leaping onto the dusty ground and was about to head off when he registered the name she had said upstairs. "Where to? Not back inside, the book needs to be gotten away."

  12. Kynwric turned his back to Loraine as she went to open the door that led to the room they believed held the book, he felt the quick shiver of shock run up her spine but whatever it was she was going to have to deal with it, he had too many other things to pay attention to now.


    Kynwric stood there in the hallway, he saw the four men coming up from in front of him and assumed that there would be more coming from behind. Fortunately these Whitecloaks seemed even stupider than the run of the mill ones he usually dealt with and they all four charged straight away. Turning to face them he sly his hand on the hilt of his sword, he could here Loraine bantering just barely, he could also feel the tension in her, but she wasn’t in mortal danger yet. He let the four men in their snow white cloaks come, 5 paces, then 3 and at that moment he snapped his sword out of his scabbard in a abbreviated version of unfolding the fan, letting the point take the lead man in the throat. From there it was a quick jump to the left and back handing the next man in line across the face dropping him as well, although it seemed unlikely he was down permanently unless Kyn had been luckier than he though. The sudden loss of half their numerical superiority and the ease with which they’d been dispatched made the other two Whitecloaks skid to stop and back up a few steps. Obviously they had been unprepared to face a fully trained Warder in this encounter, which boded well for Loraine inside the room. Of course it was then he felt the sharp stab through his side, his eyes narrowed in response to the pain and his body shifted slightly. It wasn’t much of a reaction, but it betrayed a distraction in him as his eyes flicked to the doorway where Loraine had entered and then back to the pair of men facing him.


    “Go. Run home to your mothers Children. You don’t need to die here today.” The Whitecloaks glanced at each other before the older one, which wasn’t saying much, said “We’ll see you and your Witch dead.” And they began a more measured approach to the fight. Kyn knew he needed to now finish them quickly, to get inside that room where Lor had been injured and so he took two quick strides past the now dead or unconscious men and began to weave his sword in front of him to deliver these two men to the fate they had chosen.


    Fighting a pair was difficult, particularly when they worked together. This pair had obviously trained together for a while as they tried to work a way to make Kyn open his defenses for the other, it took time and little nicks here and there on all three men but his own training and experience finally left the man to Kyn’s left open while the other recovered from too wide a swing. Kyn didn’t let the opportunity pass, slipping his sword in to bind the Whitecloak’s weapon and driving his plated elbow into the man’s face. He heard the crunch of a nose breaking and Kyn was quickly darting back away, he hadn’t had enough time for that really and he felt the bite of a sword into his side, fortunately the mail held mostly and it was a small gash nearly in the same spot he had felt the stab of pain from Loraine. Kyn jumped back even further and then turned his feral smile on the Whitecloak, “It is not your day Child, perhaps you should return to Pedron Niall and ask for your toys back?”


    That produced a snarl from the Whitecloak, but did not provoke an attack. Which was unfortunate in Kyns predicament, he wanted this fight over with. He began to back his way to the doorway where Loraine had entered and took a glance inside, at the same time he felt the jolt of pain surge through his side and knew that they had to leave, book or no book. There were still no footsteps coming from behind, which was both odd and comforting. He knew there had to be some soon. When he glanced into the room he saw the tstate of Loriane and the WHitecloak who had obviously been waiting for her to enter. He had been a young man too, and obviously had no idea how to fight a Sister. This likely meant they hadn’t known she was Aes Sedai, another bonus in their favor at least if he could kill this last man. Then he heard them, boots on the stairs and he gave one last lunge at his adversary before darting inside the room and slamming the door shut. He grabbed the first thing he could find and threw it in front of the door, barring it for a short time.


    “Make us a hole love, it’s time to go.” He pointed to the wall with the window in it. He knew it was a fall, but he had little other choice at this point and if he remembered right it wasn’t a long fall.

  13. Kyn's eyes turned at the lean of the Cobbler, he knew a threat when one was presented even if he couldn't hear the words. He let his eyes linger on the Cobbler, wondering how much spine the man actually had, he doubted he'd run to the Children as a first resort. Very few people actually wanted a Child of the Light to look into their affairs, but he wasn't about to take a risk. When they exited and Loraine retrieved her shoes, which appeared to have had a rather goood job done on them he looked at the man, "If harm comes to her and I have the smallest hint that that trouble started here I will be back and there will be no hole outside of the Dark One's prison itself that could hide you from my sword or the dragon's fang on your door. Think hard Cobbler about how you serve the light, the blight creeps closer every day and without those ladies it will swallow Amador more easily than it did Malkier." In Amadacia, the threat of a Dragon's Fang was no small thing and it would certainly draw the scrutiny of the Whitecloaks, even an innocent man could not long stand at the tender mercies of the Questioners if they thought he had something to hide.

    Kyn was then out the door, looking around for trouble as he followed close on Loraine's heels, he knew where they should be headed he just hoped they were. There wasn't any more time for inaction or debate, it was time to find this damned book and return to the Tower.

  14. Kyn looked back at her, a brief flick of his eyes to the sword he really didn't think she ought to be carrying and then opened the door. He turned the opposite direction from the common room and led Loraine out and down the back stairs. Today was a day for as much discretion as possible and he didn't feel like picking up the eyes that he knew were watching the front of the inn, the one at the back he knew only was there at night when the most common 'darkfriends' were out and about. He waited at the bottom of the stairs for Lor to join him before leading her through a mix of side streets and alleys until they could emerge onto the King's Road though the heart of town very near to the Cobbler's.

    Now it was time for to let her take the lead, so he paused and let her lead the way into the front of the shop and then followed. Once inside he gave everything a once over to make sure nothing was untoward from when he had been here yesterday. All looked in order, nothing out of place that didn't have a good reason to be. He heard the call from the back room letting them know the Cobbler would 'be right there' and so he waited quietly, nothing much to say and nothing that really needed to be said. Lor had to talk to this woman, he didn't have to like that it put her out where she could be seen though.

  15. Olmena turned towards the door as it cracked open, a weave twisting itself together faster than she lightning and she had to force herself to stop it before she let it fly towards the head that peeked in the door. She closed her eyes, seeing it was Arath. "Do you have a death wish, boy?" she hissed, her fear over almost hurting him causing her irritation to show through. She waved him inside the door and didn't say a word until the door was closed behind him. "To answer your question, we need to see what we can find out about our target. That means checking in with our contact here, first. Then we need to start watching everything around us for a few days. We wait for everyone to be in place before we do anything else. As volatile as this little trip is, that may be easier said than done."




    She sat down in a chair at the little table and folded her hands on the table. "Under normal circumstances, I would never let you find out who our contact is, but these are hardly normal circumstances. If something goes wrong, we'll need all the help we can get, so we'll need you along, Arath." She looked from Kathleen to Arath and back again. "We need to set up a watch after that, so that we each take a turn at the window keeping an eye on that blue door across the street," she said, pointing over her shoulder out the window. "Anyone have ideas?"






    (posted this for Lor... sorry about the login)

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