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Posts posted by _Kynwric_

  1. Kyn wrapped his arms around her in return. "You want me to discuss tactics with an Aes Sedai greiving her Warder? Do you know how insufferable they are... prone to weeping at nothing or worse, being angry at the slightest... its almost like a pregnant woman." He pressed a kiss to her lips and released her from his arms and ducked out of the tent to do his tour.

  2. Gabriel had been thinking, something he tried to leave to his wife more often than not... but you couldn't rightly leave planning a surprise for her to herself. or at least he didn't think you could. The last anniversary they'd shared had not turned out so well, him having been imprisoned for it and he was determined that this time it would turn out far better. The sun was setting and he knew just where he'd find Julianne, which was saying something considering the state in which they lived. Fortunately neither Swandell nor Wriesling had figured out enough of the forest to puzzle out where they had set up home. The cave was a little damp at the mouth, but it made good shelter further in and was dry enough to be comfortable... it still was not a proper house and Gabriel hated it for that. Julianne deserved better than this and it was his job to provide it for her... and he couldn't. Upon entering the cave he could smell dinner over the cookfire and as he rounded the formations of rock that hid their living quarters from the outside world he could see her stooped over the cook fire with what looked like actual beef and not chicken or possum or worse. He wondered for a moment where she found a bit of beef to cook, right up until his stomach rumbled loud enough to catch her attention. At least his surprise was still intact, although it would take some time to travel to it this evening... after dinner. "That smells wonderful my wife... any chance its done?" As he covered the last couple of paces between them and wrapped his arms around her and pressed a kiss to her lips in greeting.

  3. "Which is why I rarely wear mine... you may be right. But if it needs this much of a presence then Jade may as well have sent an army. Either way you need rest and I need to walk the perimeter." He replied as he rose, keeping her hand in his as he did so. "It still makes me uneasy and that should not be so this close to Tar Valon. This should be the easy part of the journey..."

  4. "I fear love that no matter how vigilant we are someone will die. It still bothers me that we are going in force rather than in secret. No matter how you make it look, 3 Aes Sedai with the look and only 2 Warders? That is not normal anywhere in the world, let alone Amadacia. We will draw attention like snow in summer." He closed the last of the baggage and turned to face his wife. "I'll say again, this is a bad idea... it will end in a minor disaster if not a major one..." he took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "But, just as it has always been, my honor to serve Aes Sedai. I am your sword."

  5. "He is a man who can Channel the One Power. He will go mad, they all go mad. It is as much as fact of life as crops failing and the sun rising. I don't want to be there when he does and that goes doubly for you." He sighed and shook his head. "I always look for an attack whether from front or back , its my job." He sat down on the travelling chest he had packed the night before and looked at her. "I still advocate leaving them all here and doing this ourselves. This is dangerous enough without all these liabilities walking around... and I still consider Arath and his huge ego a liability."

  6. Kyn tossed the last garment into the travelling chest and slammed the lid before turning around. "What in the LIght's name is Jade up to? Is she flaming working for the Children?" He fell back into his childhood habit of calling them by their preferred term. Throwing his hands up in disgust. "I know she's the Captain bloody General Lor, but honestly, saddling us with a grieving Aes Sedai and a trumped up Accepted? We'd be better off on our own. If it weren't for the fact this is so bloody important I'd tell you were weren't going... its a disaster waiting to happen."

  7. Kyn's eyebrow raised at the mention of Olmena, he took a deep breath and sighed before speaking. "Is she ready for this? It has not been that long..." He turned his gaze back to Lor, he could count as well as she. Three Sisters and two warders, that was too many by three or too few by many. "And who else... I can count love."

  8. Kyn pushed aside the flap of the tent, knowing Loraine was inside. He heard her whispered prayer as he did and asked her as he approached, "Light send what so wife? I can think of many things that need a prayer this day, not least among them Jaydena saddling us with her Asha'man." He did not let the disgust for the man... man who could channel... hide from his voice. "His carelessness will get you killed." He tossed aside the cloak he had taken off as he entered. Turning to face Lor he straightened feeling the tension riding along her feelings, his eyes narrowed. "What do I not know? There is more going on here than you have told me isn't there?"

  9. Kyn raised an eyebrow and shook his head all at once, "Then it will be as you say. However, whomever put this relic within reach of the Children and then left it there all these years better be having a very tender time sitting down." He turned back to the packing and then turned his head back over his shoulder having had another thought. "Who else is going? if it is Ajah business they wouldn't have left it to just us."

  10. "Care for a spar, Kynwric?" Kyn raised an eyebrow at that offer, knowing neither of them had brought a set of the bundled lathes used for sparring. "Flats only?" Quickly followed out of Visar's mouth and Kyn nodded with a smirk. "It'll at least be something to do." And he reached down to pick up his scabbarded sword.


    He gestured for Visar to take the lead, leaving Arath sitting by the fire as he settled into Lion on the Hill, unfolded the Fan and waited patiently for Visar to begin the session. Midway through the short bout Kyn heard the boom of thunder followed by some quick flashes of light from a nearby grove of trees. He quickly felt for Loraine though the bond and realized she was cautious and startled, but not afraid or in danger. With a quick look back to Visar he dashed back into camp, to find Arath returning with a whole brace of hares and a yearling deer. Kyn's face grew red with anger as he continued to stalk his way into the camp, right up to where the accursed Asha'man was beginning to skin and cook his catch. At that moment he caught sight of Loraine and Kathleen emerging from where they had disappeared into the woods and then turned on his heel leaving the words he had prepared unsaid. It was Aes Sedai business and they could handle it, but if this.. man... proved unreliable he would do what had to be done to make sure Loraine made it back whole.

  11. “Years of practice my love, you’ve always got the same feel to you when we’re leaving in a hurry.” He smiled as she took his hands and moved as she directed. He felt her thumbs pass over his wrist as she breathed out where they were heading. Kyn closed his eyes and exhaled slowly, “As you say Aes Sedai…” those words and his tone let his feelings be known on the subject, less than pleased would sum it up nicely. There was no need to argue the point, he knew she had already made her mind up and it would not change. He could however make sure she returned safely, he would make sure she returned safely.

  12. Kyn was sitting where he usually did in the evenings, by the fire with a book propped on his lap. He hadn't turned a page in an hour however, he could feel the building anxiety in his wife. He also knew that anytime there was that much worry it meant a trip away from the tower. Finally he set aside the book and marked his place before rising from his chair and padded into the bedroom to begin to pack their saddle bags. He had Lor's riding dresses laid out on the bed to be rolled when he heard the door open and by the time she was in the bedroom he had her sword out was checking it for nicks and rust. He turned to look at her as she came in and asked simply "Where to?"

  13. "How long do you think it will take to make it to Mardecin?"


    Kn felt Loraine moving up beside him and when she asked the question he turned and looked at her. He knew she knew the answer, they had discussed it last night. "With good weather and riding, 3 weeks. If we push 2 if we have remounts. At the current pace..." He shrugged, "A month. And that does not take into account having to slow our pace as we approach the border and once inside Amadacia. "I would not expect to be there for inside a month and a half." He then turned his eyes to the black-coated man with them,"Not unless He can do what I've heard." Kyn returned his eyes to the landscape surrounding them. Despite being 3 hours out of Tar Valon he was no easier about this trip. He just had a very bad feeling that it was not going to go as planned, and then you through in a trumped up Accepted and a man-who-can-channel, no this was going to be a very, very long trip no matter how long it took.

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