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Posts posted by _Kynwric_

  1. "Aye, now snap out of it and get back to business before that mob realizes there still only two of us." He said, then pulled her down an alley and around another corner, working his way to the back of the inn they'd just been in moments ago. "Loraine should be in the stables with the girl and the horses."

  2. Kynwric moved to intercept the guards, trusting Edana to finish the bodyguard. He set himself in the narrow space between carriage and building on the side of the carriage Lor would be taking the girl from. He swung his shield to the fore, let the men in front of him spend their energy and cut them down, it was hard work, but it was work done with a minimum of effort. Once Lor had that girl out of sight he could feel the emotions change and began to slowly back up, that's when he felt the pressure to his front slacken, with a quick glance over his shield and another to his rear he saw Edana on her knees with her sword driven through the other man. He disengaged from his foe, feeling their morale sag and began to run towards Edana. "On your feet girl, and don't forget the heron-marked sword. Its yours now."

  3. "Shadowspan haven't killed me, this little fop and his lackey's aren't going to succeed now." He responded to Loraine, and then rose also from his seat to make ready. He eased his sword in its scabbard, preparing and stepped out into the street a few moments after Edana had. Stopping the carriages in their path and looking up at the driver. "Watch where you point that thing, you daft rube, you nearly ran me over." He kept his eyes a little further down road, and heard the first two guards turning their horses about to see what the hold up was.

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