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Posts posted by _Kynwric_

  1. "I'll gather some useful men, and gathering information is paramount for this situation. I'll let you all figure out the travelling arrangements, so long as you remember you have to be hidden completely when you're channeling. Having women who can channel, who can attack with the One Power, is not something I want to be dealing with." Kynwric looked to Loraine and gave her a feint smile, this was going to be tricky. It was going to be trickier with three Aes Sedai along... with a Red? He wasn't sure he liked their odds that much. "We do need information on any papers, passes, documents, anything of that sort the Seanchan use. They seem to be a bureaucracy, and bureaucracies love paperwork."

  2. Kyn made note of the young man's changes in posture, and wondered why he'd be so bothered by anyone knowing he was Arafellin... and also one without braids and bells in his hair, he'd have to ask about that sometime. 


    "That is easy enough, the Master at Arms is right there" Kyn pointed to Kilrin, on his stoop, and gestured. "Just go tell him you wish to join and he'll have you put your name in the book... you have weapons, you have the look of one who can at least hold them correctly, it should be easy from there."

  3. "My pleausure, Ignis, and I'm no knight, and I'd say I'm no Lord, but my wife keeps disabusing me of the notion. But my proper title is Kynwric Gaidin, and it means I am a Warder to an Aes Sedai. You, despite the lack of braids and bells, are Arafellin or had an Arafellin trainer at some point, at the very least... I am going to lead towards actually Arafellin, you walk like a Borderlander."


    "As for joining the Warders, you can join the Tower Guard, you might be bonded and made Warder at some point. That is really out of yours, my, or even the Amyrlin Seat's control. It all comes down to the individual sisters... and their tastes. You're a pretty enough lad though, I'm sure one of them will take an interest." Kyn said this jovially, and gave a laugh at the end as if he might be joking. "As for actually signing up, you need to go talk to the Master at Arms, sign the book, and then someone, perhaps me, perhaps not will start training you to live through that which should kill you."

  4. Kynwric was in the yard, Loraine was busy with Green business and he'd been tired of being inside the Tower's walls anyway, so to the Yard he had gone. He was hanging out near the entrance, watching as trainees, guardsmen and warders went through the daily routine of training and practice and speaking with some of the other guards who were on duty. He noticed Kilrin watching the same goings on from the small stoop in front of his office. Kyn watched both the Master at Arms and the men from that point on, still wary of him from their previous altercation. When the young man approached and spoke with the guards, who while doing their job weren't exactly welcoming, Kyn pushed himself up. "S'ok, Teller, I'll take him in."


    "I'm Kynwric, welcome to the Tower and the Yard."

  5. Kynwric took a deep breath, and let it out while speaking, trying to calm himself. "No disrespect Jagen Sedai, but you all look like Aes Sedai. Ageless faces or not, and Loraine is worse than many of you because she's nobility on top of that, she's never had to knuckle her forehead a day in her life. You can't play a role so horribly unsuited to you, interacting with those who are born to those roles, and expect anyone to buy it. We'll be found out in short order." He paused, "On top of that, you propose to use Channeling to try and hide from Channelers, in a place where Channelers are chattel. Sub-human. Collared. Used. I don't find this plan suitable to be risking any of your lives on, let alone one who is my responsibility."


    "If you're intent on sending Channelers on this mission, and I suppose it is reasonable to need one when dealing with Damane and the like, then you need to send ones who will blend in, and that includes being able to accept orders, occasionally demeaning orders, and move on as if there was nothing wrong in the world with what had happened. Not act like a petulant child who just spilled their sweet milk. Your other option is to send Sisters who are wearing collars, and women in the lightning dresses on the other end, so all seems as it should be, and if I were in charge of planning that's how I'd do it."

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