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Everything posted by Elgee

  1. @Daruya Nothing's changed ... LoL ... just carry on as per normal πŸ˜„
  2. *Eyes Rhea* ... yeah I also want ... those ... πŸ€”
  3. We regularly drive 2 hours to Langebaan up the West Coast on a Saturday morning and then 2 ours back again in the afternoon, so ... lol
  4. *Tacklesnugglehuggles Dar to the floor* Well hello you!!! How are you?? What's been happening? How are the horses?
  5. OMW you're just around the corner from me, almost! We must get together and nerd out 😁
  6. He'd probably be closer, depending on where he lives? Yes!
  7. About 5h30, depending on where exactly they'd be shooting 😁
  8. Oooh hello, Ana! Which part of CT are you in? I'm in the Bothasig area.
  9. I'd forgotten about that group ... lol ... I've invited you to the WT/W one.
  10. I did too! Glad you're really enjoying it so far πŸ™‚
  11. It does become frustrating for us to read, but sadly this is how most humans really behave. Maybe you're a youngish person who grew up in a milieu where it's the norm to open up and discuss your feelings. That's not true of most eras, ages or eons, or most societies, even today. Especially for men, but that's how I grew up too (female, here :)). As for Matt ... well, I know many people like that, including myself in many ways. I don't think he's badly written at all. Have you never had a friend that you just want to slap upside the ear because they continue to be their own worst enemy, despite their potential?
  12. Nope, I'm sure you're there. Go post so we can see ... LOL
  13. 2nd hand book shop FTW, eh? Where are you originally from, if you don't mind me asking? (I'm from South Africa.)
  14. Plus of course some interesting animals, apart from the usual Springbok, Kudu, Lions, etc:
  15. That would be why they're looking at the Northern Cape - have been saying for years that the area would be perfect for it. Some pictures:
  16. https://www.wotseries.com/2023/10/15/the-wheel-of-time-season-3-filming-south-africa-new-york-comic-con-news/#comment-1606
  17. Yank that crank ... it's our way of showing affection. Or boredom. Or both.
  18. *Growls* so that's what's been happening to my 3rd breakfasts, lunches & suppers! You are SO in big trouble. BIG trouble! Ima make you Mentor the Heavy! See how you like THEM peaches ... *hmmphhh*
  19. Why would the girls not be able to channel in the Ways? There's nothing preventing Channeling, only prohibiting it on account of it being A Really Bad Idea.
  20. To me the 2 things are totally unalike. And bitter is not necessarily unpleasant - I like my chocolate very dark, for instance. Lemons, on the other hand, not so much. Except in small doses in something else.
  21. That's the question at the moment - the rest will still be fine tuned πŸ˜‰
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