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Posts posted by EmperorAllspice

  1. Random note, I imagine things really weird and incorrectly when I read books.


    Like the A'dam device. I always imagined the chain connecting the two pieces to be REALLY thick. Like the same thickness as one of Doctor Octopus' metal tentacles. and the Necklace always have more the proportions of a toilet seat in my head, that covers the shoulders as well.


    That mental image of the thing has just never gone away

  2. So, has RJ ever said exactly who it was that spoke in Rand's head near the end of book 1?  I always assumed it was the Dark One (since Ishamael wasn't the real Dark One in that book despite everyone seeming to think he was) but I've heard some people say it was The Creator itself. If it is, then why would it speak to Rand like that? It's not like it would need to justify itself to anyone. It's god.

  3. I've only ever liked 3 heroes being badass in my entire life. Most of the time I just like them as characters and I just tolerate their cool moments. I've always been like this


    I like villains beause I like characters who're opposed to the heroes and offer them a challenge that'll require lots of work and determination to overcome. But first I need to buy the villain as a competent threat

  4. Look. I just want team shadow to be competent. That's literally all I want. That's all I was promised by the person who recced this to me. that's all the "experience" I want, okay? Now I'm stuck with this series, so I might as well find out the things that I might like.


    You people only ever seem to mention the awesome heroic moments (which I don't care about) in this series when I ask. So I have to guide you towards talking about the Forsaken.


    ... sorry, it's been a long day

  5. I wanna know what the hell happened with Demandred in the battle of Shadar Lagoth. Isn't Demandred supposed to be the 2nd strongest channeler who's EVER lived. Just barely second to Lews Therin in everything. A near unrivalled master in both chaneling based and physical combat.... yet he couldn't beat a single Asha'man in a small circle?


    Yeah, that's a dignified introduction for one of my favourite villains -____-

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