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Posts posted by EmperorAllspice

  1. Most people aren't criminal masterminds. That's why they're caught. Then you have lines like:


    "The successful criminal brain is always superior. It has to be!" - Dr No


    I don't think a villain NEEDS to be stupid. They can have flaws which are exploited which leads to their defeat, but they can be otherwise highly intelligent.


    If the villain isn't a threat then there's no tension, ergo, no reason to give a damn

  2. If Mat's luck only works with things that are completely random (like dice), then how did it defeat the weighted dice in Book 3? It's results aren't random (being weighted and all)


    I assume there must still have been a chance for the weighted dice not to land as they should have, even if it was extremely small. Mat's luck is ridiculous, at one point he gets a result with a mathematical chance of 1/16777216. That's 1 out of more than 16 million. Games of chance are pointless against Mat.


    One wonders how the hell the bad guys can hope to beat him then :(

  3. Gah, Spoilers! :(


    But that doesn't explain how The Black wind got from Cairhien to The Stedding in time to stop Rand. Was that just luck?


    Ahh sorry, assumed you were on a reread. I would be careful roaming on these boards as you will surely come across more. Enjoy your first time through the books!


    Ah yes, no problem. I've already seen loads of spoilers on places like TV tropes. I don't think I could've even read this series without knowing SOME spoilers XP

  4. Okay, at the point where I am in book 4.


    WHAT exactly is Fain? I know he's like an unholy cocktail of the evil of Shadar Logoth and a Darkfriend touched by the Dark One, but what is he actually capable of at this point?


    He nailed a fade to a door. Did he overpower the Fade or was it just too afraid to do anything?


    He also got the Black Wind to listen to him. How?

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