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Posts posted by Tigara

  1. My Warder Trainee is Saldean (and soon his sister as well in the Wolfkin), my Accepted and Gray are Arefellan, and I have the makings for a Kandori Bander and a Sheinaran Soldier. ;D


    Once I'm finished, I'll have someone from each country and area. The only doubles are Illian, Saldea, Arafel, and Tarabon.

  2. Since I now have high speed, my e-mail address at look.ca will no longer work since it's through the dial-up provider. So, I thought to myself "Why not just make a new hotmail one for everything?" So that's what I've done.


    My new e-mail is tigara@live.com, so make sure to change your address book. It will also be my new MSN addy, so please add me. I'll try to transfer everyone over, but that's a lot of work, so if you haven't been added by me, add me. Thanks!

  3. I've got the Gray Sitters picked out. My Ophelia is one (142), and then the other two are no older than 190. I might hunt a person or two down to play them unless someone here wants to.


    And are the Gray pro- or con- Red Ammy?

  4. A diaper? She was not this child's mother! Why on earth would she help change a diaper! She had never done so before. She was an only child. But...Selene gave her a look that she really couldn't say no to. What was it about this girl that made her so soft. She quickly looked around to make sure the Aes Sedai weren't near, embarced the Source, then wove delicate flows of Air to untie the diaper. She slowly lifted it and over to the infirmary window. She wove water and pulled all the 'contents' out of the fabric and watched them plop out the window. She looked around and saw no one but Selene was watching. She released the Source and quickly put the diaper back on. She thought she heard someone's loud muttering from out the window, but she was mostly eager to see what Selene would do.


    jasmyne Ceres

    Likely in trouble. ;D

  5. "I may be teaching you to channel, but it's not my job in essence. The Aes Sedai teach you. Accepted are really supposed to focus on their studies. And those things are for more advanced channelers, and as far as I know, there is no weave to turn Darkfriends into newts. Perhaps there is a ter'angreal for such things, but that's unlikely." The girl likely doesn't know what all that means, but if it sounds smart, she'll think it is.


    At dinner, Meli noticed that Selene actually got food in her mouth between questions. It was an amzing feat! Meli tried to answer as best she could, but it was hard to keep up with the girl. "Yes, I have a good idea which Ajah I'll join, but I'm not saying anything at this point. I may bond a Warder if the situation is right, but I don't think I'll go look for one. Yes, it was a lot of hard work to become Accepted. Yes, I love books! Horses I'm not particularily fond of. I prefer ships." The girl paused momentarily to take a bity more food, so Meli took her chance to ask a question. "Selene, where do you come from?"


    Melianna Hollmen

  6. Ajah Head


    DM Handle: Tigara

    Char Name: Ophelia Altair

    Age: 142

    Contact: tigara@look.ca





    DM Handle: Tigara

    Char Name: Ophelia Altair

    Age: 142

    Contact: tigara@look.ca



    DM Handle: Played by Quisalas Selene

    Char Name: Ziya Asunawa (NSW)

    Age: 187

    Contact: quisalasrah@gmail.com


    DM Handle:

    Char Name: Freja Peyrodin

    Age: 190





    DM Handle: Matalina

    Char Name: Alicatia Sunoma


    Contact: matalina@gmail.com


    DM Handle: Claireducky

    Char Name: Cetaile din Lenaara

    Age: 45

    Contact: clairesedai@yahoo.com


    If you have a Gray and your information is incomplete, post here and I'll edit the list.

  7. Like, yeah! *spanks Elgee*


    If any Accepted want to room with either of mine, feel free. (They don't like each other much)


    Jas never had a mentor cuz she started as Accepted, so I'm making her mentor a random White that she avoids like the plague because everytime she saw Jasmyne, she would make her sit through long lectures on logic and philosphy. ;D

  8. The streets filled with busy people going abuot thier somehwat violent business. This was really a horrible city. Tigara made his way into the antique store and began browsing over the objects on display. Nothing here. They're likely hidden away, but where. The building had three floors. There were some interesting things on display, but not what he was looking for. Some cuendillar, some jewelry, some old porcelain, some figurines, but no ter'angreal.


    He shivered as he sensed saidar being used and his long blonde hair flashed as he whipped his head around to see a stack of chairs topple over. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something slip into the back. Were the other Chosen sending minions to get this stash? He can not fail his Mistress. He embraced the Source and used a flow of air to gag the shopkeeper, who was the only one present. He used further flows of air to bind his arms and legs, then floated him to a corner, tied the flows, and wove folded light over the tubby man. He gave a low "I'll deal with you later," then swept to the back of the shop.


    Tig slowly descended a flight of stairs and peered down. A woman wearing what appeared to be a potato sack was rummaging through some boxes. She must have been the one who channeled. Still holding saidin, Tigara readied a Shield and some flows of air as he further descended the stairs. She hadn't noticed him, or at least gave no signs of it. He wrapped Air around her arms and legs, and then in her mouth after she gave out a scream, then slammed the shield down before she could reach the Source. He circled around to face her and peered into her face. She definitely had the ageless look of an experienced channeler, be he did not recognize her. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" he demanded of her.


    Tigara Kazim


  9. Ikki slowly and delicately pulled the old bandages off the fawn and examined the wounds. They appeared clean enough. He looked to Aslan and he nodded. He took the new bandages and wrapped them on. He tied them and stroked the fawn's head. "It'll be alright, little guy."




    OOC: Anything else left, or are we done?

  10. Saeric took his purse and list and quickly scanned it over. Three throwing knives, a meat pie, a braided rope, and a dustcloak. He looked into the purse and counted what he had. One gold Tar Valon crown, and four silver Tar Valon marks. That should be enough if he played it right. He limped out of the inn and followed Gaidan to the cheap part of town. Even in Tar Valon, the grandest city in the world, there was a cheap market. He spied a woman with a cart seeling meat pies off in the distance, Gaidan had found a blacksmith, and a small tent selling weavings was right nearby. He decided he would go there first. The man was eager to show Saeric the goods he had to offer. There was a dustcloak and a braided rope here, but the rope was ridicoulously expensive. He paid the two marks for the cloak and left the rope. He would go back for it if he couldn't find another.


    The blacksmith seemed to be in a generous mood today. He sold him the throwing knives for his gold crown, and he even got a few copper pennies back. And the knives were well made. The woman selling pies took his coppers in exchange for a steaming hot beef pie. It smelled amazing, but he wasn't going to eat it just yet. "Do you know of somewhere I could get a cheap braided rope, by chance?" he asked the pie woman. "The only place I can think of is that man in the tent back down the road, just over there." saeric just harumphed quietly to himself and went back to the tent. "So you're back, are you? Still interested in that rope?" "Yes, I am, but I only have two silver marks. Is there any way you can lower the price?" The slim man stroked his chin and pondered a second. "It depends. What are you willing to give in exchange?" It was Saeric's turn to stroke his chin and ponder. He didn't really have anything. Well, he did have the seashell charm his sister gave him when they left. He didn't want to part with it, but it didn't apear there was any other option. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the white and blue shells. "Oooh, those will do very nicely. I'll even do a straight exchange for them." "What if I give you some of the shells with the marks?" "Yes yes, that will do." Sae untied the string, slipped off half the shells, and handed them over to the merchant. He got his rope and headed back to the inn. Upon entering, he sat down at the table, placed his objects on the table, and put up his feet on the stool across from him.


    Saeric Talvus

    Slightly emotional atm

  11. Saeric shriveled as Thera smiled at him. It was incredibly uncomfortable and he had never been good with women. 100 laps? Around the whole yard? That would be quite a feat for him. It was a big yard and he really had no choice in the matter. He nodded to the Mistress of Trainees and took off around the perimeter. 20 laps in, he was breathing rather heavily and had sore ribs. 40 laps, he had dropped his shirt off and had picked up a second wind now that he was cooler. 60 laps, his run had gone down to a ackward trot and he wasn't farring too well.


    He finally made his 100 laps and collected his shirt. He staggered over to the barracks and effortfully opened the door. He asked around the rooms and finally did find a bed. It was in the less crowded section. He wasn't sure if there was anyone else in the room or not. Time would tell. His fell asleep shortly after and didn't wake until the light of dawn greeted him. He rose and went straight to Thera's office.


    Saeric Talvus

  12. The hallways were unusually empty today. There were only a few scattered servants and the odd Aes Sedai. Many novices and Accepted were either in class or at the party. She vaguely remembered something happening at the Yellow Ajah, as well. There could be others there, Meli supposed. As she walked the Halls, she couldn't help but feel that she was being watched. She stopped and looked back down the stone hallway, but there was no one there. Curious. Very curious, indeed. She kept on going, but couldn't shake the feeling.


    "Good day, Raeyn Sedai." she said perkily to the Brown Sister with a curtsey.. "I hope you are well. Donnela Sedai was asking to see you." The ancient Brown nodded in achknowledgement and continued on her way. How she wished she could be taught something by her, but appearantly she loathed teaching with a passion. How selfish. All that knowledge and refusing to share it. Maybe she knows about ter'angreal!? On that note, Melianna was off in la-la-land for the rest of her way to her appointment.




    The halls were quiet. Much too quiet. Silence had it's ups and downs. If it was loud, it was easy to sneak, but if there were people to make the noise, she sould be detected easier. Jasmyne padded down the halls after Melianna, following a hall's distance away from her, hiding around corners and in nooks in the wall, or even behind tapestries. She had little weight, so she made less sound than the average girl. Melianna stopped, so she quickly ducked behind the corner she was about so come around. She laid flat on her belley and peered around the corner. She was looking, but she obviously didn't see her. No wonder. The girl was always daydreaming. It's a wonder she doesn't fall down the stairs.


    Raeyn Sedai was now walking across the dining hall. Melianna had just stopped ot speak to her, but Raeyn hadn't said anything, just nodded. Were they plotting something? It was no secret that Melianna was going to join the Brown Ajah. No one had heard it from her exactly, but it was rumored and strongly believed. Maybe she was spying for the Ajah? Leaking Green secrets to the Browns? It was all possible. She watched Meli clmb some stairs and then chased after her. She was definitly up to something.


    Jas and Meli

    To be continued

  13. Jasmyne only half listened as the girl babbled behind her. Something about babies and age and herself. Jasmyne nearly tripped when she asked how old Larindhra was. "Aes Sedai consider it very rude to ask another's age. It is never discussed. It will do you well to remember that." There, a firm  and un-nice answer. It wasn't nasty as she normally would have, but it wasn't sickeningly sweet either.


    She went off on a ramble obout the Green Ajah. Jasmyne could not count on all the Accepted's fingers and toes the amount of new novices who came dreaming about being Green Ajah. It grew repetitive after the first three dozen. Yes, she was considering it herself, but for other reasons. She wanted to blow things up, not flirt with men. She never would! Suddenly the girl was smiling very brightly at her and Jasmyne suddenly felt like she missed something important. She smiled back and kept going, not wanting to find out why.


    But the girl kept going! Jasmyne only caught half the questions and statementsm, answering quickly as she went. There was something about Melianna, that Accepted who always had her head in the clouds, then something about a horse, then something about Andor and Cairhein. "No, give them whatever. Yes, ask her. No, I have no been to Andor." Thankfully, they split up to hand out trays, but they met up frequently where Jas was bombarded with questions and babblings. Yes, she did like the girl, but she was going to drive her batty before long. Larindhra had better not find that out, or Selene would be her new punishment.


    Jasmyne Ceres



    OOC: You can think of where it goes next. I need two more posts for this to count as a req. ;D

  14. Was there no hapy medium? Esther would hardly talk to her, while this one hardly pauses for breathe. The girl rattled off a few, the paused for her to answer. "The correct form to address me is Melianna Accepted, but I am not to strict on that, but it would be best to do so around the Aes Sedai." The girl had tilted her head to listen and seemd very interested. Maybe this one would be Brown one day. She seemed to have the strength to make it, however Melianna was a horrible judge of strength. Mainly, she never paid enough attention.


    "Well, mentor's are mainly for helping you get settled in, showing you around, being a friend, and sometimes they teach you channling or other classes. As to what you are to do, that's rather vague. You are supposed to study your eyes off and learn to channel, so sum it up. And if you are anything like the average novice, you will also get into trouble." She giggled. Some fo the new novices were horrible for that. Deanne and Jerinia especially. Oh, and Jasmyne was still like that, even after being an Accpted for over five years. Some never learn.


    Suddenly her train of thought was derailed as Selen's stomach growled. "I'd also like to get some food at some point, but I'm not sure if I can find the dining room.  I already got lost once trying to find you."  Melianna just smiled. "Follow me and I'll take you to the dining hall, and you can ask more questions as we eat." Meli stood up and went out of her room, Selene hot on her tail. The dining hall wasn't very far from her quarters, and come to think of it, she hadn't eaten since breakfast. She found herself doing that often as of late. And here it was, after dinner already. But the cooks hadn't put awya all the food yet, so Meli collected a tray of lukewarm bread, warm chicken stew, and some lentils, and found a table. Selene followed and sat across from her.


    Melianna Hollmen

    Browner by the day

  15. Dainin bid as she said and he swung low toward her knees. She tried to block it, but she blocked too high and it went under her lathe and a loud thrack was heard as it met with her knee. Blood and ashes, that hurt! She would have to move faster if she didn't want another one of those creating a large welt. She steadied herself as Dainin swung toward her shoulder, then moved her lathe upward and blocked it. What? She actually blocked it? Sac le bleu!! Dainin looked equally surprised, so she took this opportunity to swing her lathe toward his right side.


    Terra Cyrene

    Possibly confident

  16. Terra's eye were wide. Wide from the shock that she was special and from all the information she was being stuffed with. It was overwelming! But as her nature required, she did exactly as she was told. She closed her eyes and pictured herself as as small red rosebud. It almost hurt to think of herself that way, for she was not pretty in any way and had never thought of herself that way, either. Perhaps it would not be disobeying if it wasn't a pretty rosebud. A black rosebud with tattered petals and a thorny stem. It was hideous, yet elegant in it's own way.


    She emptied her mind and pictured the light of the sun fall upon her black bud. She could feel it's warmth filling her and she had never felt so alive. It seemed like she could see, smell, hear, and feel everything better! It was so strong, and she had it in her. She grew afraid it would destroy her frail body. But it was so good! How could she not want it?


    Her next instruction was to block the sun with clouds. She envisioned dark rolling thunderclouds coming over the sun, and then suddenly it was gone! That feeling of supercharged life was simply just gone! She wanted to remove those clouds and feel the warmth again, but she had been told not to. She could not disobey!


    As instructed, she practiced a few more times and grew very tired. Not in body, but in mind. Liadin bid her to bed and Terra settled down and dozed off. It was another long day tomorrow...



    Terra Cyrene

    Considering disobedience and hating it.

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