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Posts posted by Tigara

  1. DM Handle:Tigara

    Char Name: Tigara Kazim

    Scores, WS/OP: A-6 F-5 E-7 W-3 S-8 Str- 29(32) Skl- 31

    Rank/Section: Dreadlord, DL


    DM Handle: Tigara

    Char Name: Terra Cyrene

    Scores, WS/OP: A-6 F-6 E-4 W-5 S-6 Str-26(28) Skl-32

    Rank/Section: Acolyte, DL

  2. OK, I'm leaving you again. The Twins told me to and Jasmyne was glaring at me angrily, so I thought it was best to leave you all.














    Ok, I'm going to Alberta to work for my brother for six weeks. (ish) So, the dates are June 10 to July 26 (once again, ish), but I'll TRY to keep up with RPs, but I will be busy. Staff stuff, yeah I can do that easy. My brother got high speed. ;D


    Oh, I likely won't have MSN (unless I can majorly do some arm-twisting), so PM is the best way to reach me.

  3. Jade approved it, so she'll come and give a thingy about it since I can't. :-\


    Handle: Tigara

    Character count: 3

    Contact: tigara@look.ca


    Name: Ophelia Altair

    Age: 142

    Division: White Tower – Gray Ajah – Head Clerk

    Gender: Female

    Nationality: Arafellan



    Hair: Light Brown braids with silver bells on the ends

    Skin: Fair

    Eye Color: Brown

    Physique: Slightly plump

    Height: 5’6”

    Weight: 140 pounds

    Voice: Melodic mid-tone

    Other: Thin gold circlet around brow


    Personality: Ophelia is a rather pleasant person to be around. She almost always has a merry smile to give anyone. Not big on rules, she prefers to convince someone not to do something rather than tell them not to without reason. Loves knowledge and uses her knowledge to convince even the most hard-headed people to defer to her ideas. Afraid of all bugs. Loves birds. Is always ready for a discussion of any magnitude. As before noted, she is very convincing in her manner.


    History: Ophelia was born in Arafel as a farmer’s daughter. She was a fragile little thing, so she would stay inside with her mother and learn to cook, clean, and sew. She enjoyed these simple little tasks and was never one to complain. She was content with her station and had no intention of trying to better it. She grew fond of reading during the cold winter months the Borderlands were famous for. Her father would buy her a new book every summer.


    Close to her 17th birthday, she was attending a feast to celebrate a rather large raid from the Blight that was very successfully held off. She and some other girls her age were sitting along a long table and one of the Aes Sedai that was at the battle came to sit with them. The Yellow chatted for a few minutes and brought up the suggestion of testing the girls. All agreed to, for Aes Sedai are highly respected in the Borderlands. Ophelia and a friend of hers were both found able and were to go back with her in a few days.


    Her novice years were good to her. Yes, she ended up in the Mistress of Novices once or twice, but she talked her friends out of a lot of their pranks. She was a quick learner and excelled at her studies. After nine years of Novicehood, she was taken to the silver arches and took the test for Accepted. Many tears later, she was welcomed to the Ring and took on an Accepted’s dress. Her friend, who took the test but a month later, never came out of the Arches. This was a huge hit on Ophelia. For nearly a year, her smile hid from the world, but through the combined efforts of a White and a Red, she realized the illogic of moping and was empowered to be strong, even during hard times.


    The Brown Ajah took a strong interest in Ophelia and gave her many private lessons, all for which she was grateful. Eight years after the Arches, she was taken to the room to be tested for Aes Sedai. She passed. She swore the Three Oaths the next day and prepared to chose an Ajah. The other six Ajah’s almost all stepped back, for everyone expected her to pick Brown, especially the Browns. Eyes widened as she confidently strode toward the Sister holding the Gray shawl. Yes, she did love knowledge, but she felt she should use her knowledge to effectively mediate.


    Three years later, she attached herself to the Ghealdanin throne for 15 years, advising several kings and queens. It was here that she changed her advisory status to the throne of her native Arafel. She was here for 35 years, advising two kings and a queen. She returned to the White Tower, hoping for a break in duties for even a short time. Well, it ended up being a very short time.


    She wasn’t in Tar Valon three days before the Gray’s were hounding her to become the Ajah Head. The previous Ajah Head wished to go back into the world to advise a noble, which left the Grays without a Head Clerk. There had been several others put up for candidacy, but there was always some Sisters not in favor of her. And being the debaters they are, they were always able to talk the undecideds into voting against the other. When Ophelia retuned, the Grays jumped to get her into the position. All sides favored her, she was intelligent, she had worn the shawl for over 50 years, she was one of the ‘undecideds’, and they thought her capable of giving the Gray Ajah a strong backbone. She was reluctant, but finally accepted the offer. She has kept her position for 55 years and has also kept a chair in the Sitters for nearly as long.



  4. Oh, now you tell me that there's an Al'Thorin coming in......


    I'll have to tell her that she can use it now......


    As for family, I have lots of family.


    Melianna's half-sister is a damane now.

    The Twins ;D

    Saeric, my Warder trainee, has a sister who is Wolfkin

    Tigara (Dreadlord) and Jagaea (Kin) are brother-sister.

    I had made some Domani sisters, but that may change.... >.>

  5. Work with the clutz? Without Zari near? This was almost as bad as the day they had to split into separate rooms. They both spent a week in depression. Zela and Byron struggled to geta rythme going, seeing as she was much to familiar with Zari's. But she was able to change enough to not keep falling over. Ten laps later, she was finally free! Evelyn undid the belt and walked back to the barracks with Byron. Zari was waiting by the door to the barracks, leaning against the wall. She sat down beside him and they rested, leaning against each other. In perfect peace once again.


    "You should really be controllin' your temper better." Zari muttered sleepily.


    "Shut up!" Zela muttered back.


    Zari and Zela

  6. Jasmyne hated lobby duty! It was her iron will to not be unpleasant that kept her from beating the annoying lady who wanted to be Aes Sedai, but was over 40 and couldn't channel a lick. A novice tapped her on the shoulder, which pleased her. They stopped tapping on her head after she threatened to kick them out a window. They believed her. She makes no idle threats. The Novice told her there was a girl to see the Mistress of Novices. They did it to spite her. No one else was ever sent with girl to see Larindhra Sedai. It had to be Jasmyne. She dressed that novice down good, she did. Maybe that would stop the trips.


    She put on her most convincing smile and wandered over to the girl waiting by the wall. "I heard you are here to see the Mistress of Novices. Please, follow me." The girl got up and followed Jasmyne, not really sure what she was doing. Did the girl not know? Well, she would know soon enough.


    She knocked twice, paused, then once more. That was her knock, so Larindhra said. She opened the door. "Larindhra Sedai, girl to see you." she said semi-grimly and prodded the girl in and closed the door behind her.


    Jasmyne Ceres

    Trying very hard to be pleasant...and failing.

  7. I remember you! You disappeared just after the whole Andrea thing. Welcome back!


    I believe Jehaine just moved your three girls into the inactives list. The Yoshan's I believe. I'm not sure about removing characters, though. You would have to ask Elgee or Jade.


    Basic Information:


    Handle: Mystica

    Character Count (for this Division): this is my first one (1)

    Contact: mystica_mystica@hotmail.com


    Character Information

    Name: Carina Al’Tara

    Age: 16

    Nationality: Baerlon



    Hair: pitch black hair, half long usually held together with a pin

    Eyes: Dark blue like the evening sky in summer

    Skin: White

    Height: 5’6

    Voice: deep alt

    Other: slim yet not thin, normally curved for a girl her age



    Skills: fast learner and loves to learn, especially survival skills. Enherited a natural affiliation with animals from her mother. 

    Knowledge Weakness: anything to do with the White Tower and Tar Valon

    Physical Weakness: 

    Personality weakness: stubborn as a mule when her mind is set, slow to make friends or to trust people, suspicious of random friendliness 



    strong willed, independent and stubborn. She is polite but very slow to make real friends and has learned to be suspicious of people that are friendly for no apparent reason. She values honesty above all else and can’t abide fools or snobs. She is a hard worker and nothing is beneath her but she will not put her full attention on something that doesn’t trigger her interest. She has a natural born affinity towards animals which she got from her mother and a very strong survival instinct from her father. 





    Born in the shadow of the Mountains, Carina Al’Tara was the only daughter of Manuel and Jaheera Al’Tara. They had been an independent pair. Never bothering too much with the folks of the neighbouring villages, though well respected and welcomed when they would make one of their rare visits. The small family spent their life on their remote property in a valley in the woods, with the mountain peaking over them, content with what they had and living in harmony of their surroundings. Her father had been a great woodsman and a warrior of some sort, though none did ever claim his allegiance. Her mother had been fair and beautiful and ever had a kind word for all children that crossed her path. Though little was known from both their past and so Carina was left with an emptiness that probably would never be filled. 


    She hadn’t learned of her true origins untill she turned 10 and her adoptive mother took her on a long walk along the river banks. Carina had been shocked to find out that this lady was not her birth mother and that the man she had grown to love and admire was in fact not her natural father. That day she learned of the death of her parents and the promise that was made to Jaheera on her deathbed. Carina was to be sent to a Malkieren noble house where she would receive proper education and training in payment of a debt owned to her father a long time ago. What that debt was, her mum couldn’t tell but that the promised must be kept went without saying. 


    And so preperations were made and within two days Carina was all bundled up, said her goodbyes to the only family she could remember and was carried off towards Kandor by a servant of the Malkieren house she was to go to. 


    Lord and Lady Proga’Rhan showed her great kindness and treated her well though there was no warmth or love in their actions. They did their duty to her father and gave Carina the education that was promised so long ago but didn’t much liked to be reminded of the necessity of his intervention and Carina was forbidden to ever speak of it. She learned all that they would teach her, including the fighting styles that were deemed apropriate for a young woman of the borderlands, though one particular type of lesson never really triggered her interest and so she did not exactly excell in all things related to the White Tower and Tar Valon. Little did she know that these would turn out to become the most important lessons she could have been given. 


    One day she was with Lady Proga’Rhan out on the market shopping for linnens when a body of Aes Sedai came gliding past. Her Lady and herself made their reverences to the Sisters and as she came out of her curtsey and turned to continue on with their business one of the Aes Sedai stopped and declared a wish to test her. For what reason the Sister focussed on Carina no one knew, but in the borderland when a Sister speaks you hop. And so she was tested and the next day she was sent to Tar Valon with the explicit instructions to report to the Mistress of Novices and hand her the note the Aes Sedai had given her. All she was given to take with her was a bundle of extra clothes, some cash and a package of travel food and a water bag. None of the Sisters would accompany her as they had ‘business’ in the Blight. Lord Proga’Rhan was torn at not being able to send a decent host of protectors with her as all his men were ordered to the service of the Aes Sedai in the Blight. Instead one of the manservants of the Sister was sent with the girl. 


    Making her goodbyes once more, the now sixteen year old Carina set out on her long journey towards Tar Valon on the horse she had been given by Lord Proga’Rhan. It was a good horse, bred to endure long distances. 


    Not long after they  had set out they were attacked by a group of bandits, her money and horse stolen and she barely escaped with her life. The only thing that saved her then was a lucky fall into a covered up hole in the ground made by some ranger or other forest dweller. The manservant had not been so lucky, as Carina discovered the pierced body when she emerged from her hideout. Shaken to her core, Carina nursed her bruises as best she could and ripped one of her spare shirts up so she could bandage the deep cut in her arm where one of the bandids had sliced her. Tears running down her face from both the shock and the pain, she sat on the ground not quite knowing what to do next. Then, slowely but surely, she felt a heat build up inside of her and the tears receeded. This encounter would normally be enough to send any child into hysterics, but Carina now experienced the full meaning of her Manetheren blood combined with the Malkieren training she had received and stubbornly refused to give up. She buried the body of the maidservant as best she could, sending her prayers to the Creator and the Light for the preservation of the man’s soul and took a few more steadying breaths before turning towards the road once more. 


    The letter of the Aes Sedai securely tucked under her clothes against her skin, she set out towards Tar Valon on foot. Vowing to do whatever must be done to reach her goal and to fulfill her duty to the Servants of All, in honor of the man that gave his life protecting her.


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