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Posts posted by Tigara

  1. Jehaine I am in need of a sul'dam if you have one, PM me :)



    Tigara, think your Hunter might try to seek the gift of passage from my windfinder's ship? or I can bring out Drea, the ogier, I haven't RPed with her much lol


    She likely might. She'll try anywhere that sounds mysterious or mythical. She might try to look on some islands. I'll try to get a RP plan to you.

  2. The fire was going quite well and Lorelai had set the rabbits up on a spit. He wasn't sure how he would like a meal of only meat. Whenever he had meat before, it was always with a good helping of fresh veggies or a bowl of fruit. But it did smell good.


    "Life as a Tinker? There isn't really a lot to it. We wander the world looking for the song. No one had found it yet, though. I'm starting to wonder if the song still exists. I've thought it was the song the Ogier sing to trees, but the elders said it's not. If that's not it, I don't think it exists." He paused to put another stick on the fire. "Other than that, we do little else. We like to sing and dance and play instruments. I particularily like to dance. And I'm sure you know that we abstain from violence and we mend pots. That's about it for me." He paused and thought a bit. "In my dream, the wolves called me Leaf Dancer. What does Nightfall know about me?" he said motioning to the great beast.


    Seth Roses

  3. OOC: Alright, we'll bandage up the deer and call it good, then.




    Ikki added the last few herbs to the mix and started to run the strips of cloth through it. It was almost thick. Like a runny paste. He held the cloth out in front of him and walked towars the fawn. "So just put it on the wounds?"

  4. Saeric frowned at his note and threw it in the corner. He couldn't take his sword. He pondered. No, a mace would not be well hidden under his cloak, not would a spear, nor a bow, or anything useful. He was mostly limited to daggers. He grabbed two curving daggers and slipped them in his belt. He pulled his cloak on, the brown one with the ratty fring on the bottom, and strode off down the halls with a purpose.


    Once in the city, he was rather lost. Broken anchor sounded like it should be in one of the harbors.But which one? North or south? I'll try north. As he grew closer, the smell of fish and boats grew stronger.  As well as the smell of the people. He had been told Tar Valon was pristine. They had obviously never been to north harbor. He wandered the north side, getting rather annoyed with the tingling on the back of his neck that seemed to tell him he was being followed. He hated asking directions, but it was getting late. He finally found a woman who knew where it was. It was in south harbor. If he could have, he would have kicked himself right in the butt, or maybe the head. Off he went towards south harbor.


    The feeling of being followed disappeared as he grew closer to the center of town. He saw a sign with an anchor on it from afar, but also saw some street toughs hanging around. One had some bandgae around his head and had a slight limp, from what he could tell. Looks like one of the other Trainees met up with him already. Saeric went two streets down then went up and came around the other side and disappeared into the front door. Gaidan and melenis were already there, plus a few others he couldn't remember the names of. What was next in this grand adventure?


    Saeric Talvus

  5. Sharina sounded tired. Tired was putting it lightly. Very lightly. They were about to offer their link to Sharina when she jumped in front of Zari and dug her heels in. What in the Light is that woman doing?! Did she want another hour of this? Zaris ran right into her, flipping over her back and landing face first on the hard ground in front of her. It was at this same time that a blonde fellow ran into Zela from behind. Zela tumbled to the right and rolled a bit before recovering into a crouch. Her cheeks were redder than her hair and her eyes could cut fine glass. She ran up to Byron and hauled him up by his coat. She lifted him a bit off his feet by his coat and started screaming at his face. "What in the flamin' Light do you be thinkin' you're bloody doin', you clod-brained lout?!?!?! Do you be wantin' another hour of this? I ought to be kicking your carcass from here to Tear!" She spat at the name of Tear, as Zari did. Normally, they would spit on the ground, but Zela decided to spit in Byron's face at this time.


    Zari picked himself up slowly and he was quite winded. He helped Sharina up, who had fallen in the tumble, then went to calm Zela down before she murdered the fellow. "C'mon Zela. Let him go. Nice and easy now."

  6. Hmmmm. Ikki pondered as he walked over to where he was going to form his 'army'. What would make a good defense? Opposites, perhaps? Earth to block Air, Fire to block Water, and vice-versa. Mix with spirit? Yes, spirit is good. He wove earth into the ground and brought six manequins up in front of him. Arath launched a fireball at him. Ikki quickly wove a shield heavily loaded with spirit and water, with traces of earth. It smooshed against the shield and the weaves dissipated. Yes! Ikki was much better at defending and stuff like that than he was at attacking. Lightning bolt! He wove a grounded shield over the dummy and the lightning disappeared into the ground. Yes, he had been practising.


    And the games went on. He blocked the fire with bubbles of water. He blocked water with walls of fire. Air was blocked by thick earth walls. Earth was blocked by heavy air shields. He had lost one of his dummies, but some had lost all thiers already. Arath was weaving something very complicated looking, from afar at least. There was a lot of earth. Too much for an easy battle weave. Was it...? No, he wouldn't, would he? The ground shook under his feet and it was getting harder faster. Ikki paniced. How in the Light do you block something coming thought the ground? He assessed his options quickly. He could either attack Arath back to distract him, or her could.... yes! he wove a complex weave of air, fire and spirit, and sent it straight at the flow going into the earth. Arath's flow was cut clean through. But boy was that complex! However, the ground still shook under him. His weave had done it's duty. A dummy fell over and shattered into several pieces. Wasn't there a weave to stop earthquakes? Or to stablize things? He was sure there was, but he had no clue what they were. He wove random earth into the ground and did manage to make the legs of the manequin stronger. He only lost two of his manequins. That was good. Arath looked finished with this part of the lesson, to Ikki released the source.



  7. Saeric nodded. "My brother Karson is here. he looks like me, but he's taller and not nearly so good looking as I." He have off a chuckle. "I've known I was going to be here for as long as I remember. But unlike my brother, I plan to stay here. Oh, look! I think the Mistress of Trainees is coming." He stood up and saluted the woman approaching him.


    OOC: Ready, Eqwina! ;D

  8. Bow to only the Great Lord and His Chosen? 14 masters? And masters that wouldn't be in her presence nearly any of the time? How can that be? Terra's thoughts swam cirles round her head. The idea og not having one master to obey was freightening to her. Freightening because it was new. And what about confilcting orders? How could she obey an order to drink water and an order to not drink water?Her head began to throb.


    Liadin pulled a crystal out of her cloak. It looked almost smokey. She concentrated fully on it, as the woman told her. Everything went into that crystal. And it almost looked as if the smoke was circling. How could that be? Was this that channeling she was supposed to be able to do? If it was, it felt wonderful! She had never felt so alive! Liadin cleared her throat, which broke her concentration. She was about to break into more apologies for not concentrating, but Liadin nodded before she could. Approvingly at that.


    liadin disappeared behind the hill and Terra followed, not even looking at her Mistress. She was no longer her Mistress.  Liadin had just mounted a black, sleek horse, and there was a dark brown horse beside it. It must be for her. She had never riden a horse before. A pony, yes she rode that once or twice, but that was different. Horses were so much taller and less docile. But she was to obey. She took a run at the horse(which looked more like a waddle) and grabbed onto the other side of the horse. Her legs flailed madly trying to get up on the horse. She eventually hoisted herself up onot the horse's back and took hold of the reins. That hard part was over. She could stay on the horse.


    Liadin had already set off at a considerable pace, so it took Terra some goading to get the mare to catch up. "You may ask whatever you like, but know there are some things I will not answer. We have about a two day ride depending on how well you can sit that horse so you might as well start learning what knowledge you can before the real training begins." Terra had never had much of an opinion before, so questions never crossed her mind. She always thought that she would be told what she needed to know. "Ummm, was what I did before with the crystal, was...was...that channeling?"


    Terra Cyrene

  9. thanks :D




    I would really like to play my Wise One, but I have an ogier and windfinder as well? Up to you :)


    I have something in every div! ;D But it looks like you are heavily loaded to the FL. My FL's are a Hunter of the Horn, a Kinster, and a mercenary (who can't speak). They should all be in my siggy rotation. Anyone you find interesting?

  10. DM Handle: Tigara

    Primary BT Character Name: Ikkiliad sur Paendrag

    Additional BT Character Name: I'm waiting for Ikki to be Asha'man first. Then there will be more.

    Rank: Dedicated

    OP Scores: Skill: 25 Strength: 36 (I've lost my element breakdown. Should I re-send it?)

    Weapon Scores: ??? No idea

  11. The sun rose over the tops of the Sheinarian hills, snow capping the higher ones. Birds, coming out of their sleep, sang merry songs to the flowers, poking their heads through the thawing ground. Spring was a beautiful season, but Terra had never bothered to notice. She noticed little that she wasn’t told to notice. Crows circled over Terra and her mistress. Watching. Just two women crossing the Sheinarian back country. No, nothing suspicious at all.


    The sun grew high by the time the pair stopped. Terra was sweating buckets under her cloak, but knew it would freeze to her if she took it off. Books said that the Borderlands were unforgiving. She found that contradictory, seeing how the Blight was always described as warm. The Blight was the more northerly of the two, yet it was warmer. That puzzled Terra, but she did not ever question anything. “Sit.” Her Mistress said, so Terra quickly crossed her legs and plopped on the squishy ground. She picked a long blade of grass and fiddled with it as her Mistress ducked behind the hill. Terra turned the blade of grass over and around and sideways for nearly fifteen minutes.


    Her Mistress came up the top of the hill and beckoned her. “Come, Terra. There is someone you must meet.” Terra quickly sat up and ran up the hillside, brushing grass and dead leaves off her dress as she went. She reached the crest in a very timely manner, even if the hill wasn’t exceptionally tall. In fact, it was a rather small hill. Her mistress motioned for her to go down the hill, where a dark clad person stood. She took only a few steps down the hill before her boot caught on a protruding stone, and Terra tumbled down the hill. No sooner had she gotten to the bottom she was on her knees, face to the ground. “I’m so very sorry. I am very clumsy. I beg your forgiveness.” She hadn’t bothered to look at the figure, not knowing if she was being scowled at, or perhaps smiled at. She knew her Mistress would be scowling.


    Terra Cyrene


  12. Alright, great! Don, I'll send you a PM or catch you on msn. I think I have you. In case I don't, my addy is sclub7fanatic@hotmail.com


    Tigara wil use the serpentine bracelet with amber eyes.


    Would I have have to wait on the RP with Eadon to finish, or should I just go into training?

  13. Handle: Mayleigh Aes Sedai

    Character Count: 0

    Contact: c00108663@itcarlow.ie

    Character Name: Leighandrin


    Age: 16


    Homeland: Bandar Eban, Arad Doman



    Hair: Medium length, poker straight, dark brown hair.

    Eyes: Greenie blue eyes.

    Skin: Light coppery skin


    Height: 5"9'

    Weight: 9 1/2 stone

    Voice: Medium pitch, sweet, lively

    Other: She has a slender nose, and high cheek bones but her face has some meet on it. She is slim but curvy, she is beautiful but not stunning.



    Special Skills: Expert Tailoring skills beyond her years.


    Knowledge Weakness: She only has basic knowledge of what goes on outside of Bandar Eban and Arad Doman

    Physical Weakness: None

    Personality Weakness: she is very stubborn


    Personality: She loves to have fun, she is very friendly, talks to every one and basically just loves life. She knows she's good looking but doesn't play up to it, She doesn't really care she is who she is and that's it. She does have a stubborn streak running through her though if she thinks she's right no one can change her mind!





    Leighandrin had a very normal up bringing, the daughter of tailors Jessup kanwin and Mayla kanwin. She was their first born and is her fathers pride and joy, she has had some education but that stopped when she was 12, so she could work in her parents shop. She is now the eldest of 3 daughters, her sisters Lana 13 and Mira 8 idolise their big sister and she loves them dearly.


    Every one around knows Leighandrin, she's is kind and warm hearted, and beautiful. Leighandrin is not the most stunning girl around but makes up for it with her personality.

    Like most dominie girls, she was thought how to accentuate her features, walk in a certain way, and give that certain look, but she doesn't really pay much attention to that stuff. She does like to wear domani dresses and a bit of makeup but she is who she is and is happy with that.


    One day shortly after her 16th birthday, she came home from the market. When she entered the shop she saw her mother and farther talking to a young man, she thought he must be about 23 or so. Come here Leigh there's someone we want you to meet. This is Markus. He’s the son of the merchant we buy our dyes from do you remember him? You always followed him around when you where little, well in any case he has just asked for your hand in marriage! It's wonderful we've just been making arrangements. Leighandrin couldn't believe what was happening. She didn't wan to get married, Well not yet, and not to someone she couldn't even remember! She tried to speak up, Farther, Mother I don't…… Hush now child we're trying to speak. But I can’t… HUSH Leigh! She couldn't believe it, they where deciding her future with out her she was so angry, how could they! She felt this strange power well up in side her, she didn't want to get married, the power exploded STOP!!!! she screamed. It was so loud, louder then any natural voice could be. She was shocked what had just happened? She fell to the floor and cried. Her parents and Markus looked at her shocked, they didn't know what to say. Markus bent down to Leigh, its ok, he said and held her close. I know what this is, its noting to be frightened of your just special. Leigh’s parents looked at each other and then at Markus, he turned to them, come we'll all sit down and ill try to explain the best I can.


    They went to the kitchen, all four of them sat down and Markus began to explain. He explained that while travelling with his father, he had visited many places and met many people. He had been to Tar Valon, and seen the great White Tower. He said that what Leigh had done was touch the true source, and that she must go to Tar Valon to become Aes Sedai. He also explained that he could no longer marry her because of this. It was a shock to say the least! but Leigh and her parents agreed that she must go!


    3 days later all the arrangements had been made, and Leigh and her farther where ready to leave. She said her good byes to her mother and sisters and they left. They had just made it to the end of the road, when Markus came running up beside them, they stopped. He turned to Leigh and said, I would of treated you well, id of been a good husband, you may not remember me but I have loved you for many years. With that he kissed her on the cheek and was gone, She held her hand to her cheek and felt her hart warm.


    It was a hard journey over the next weeks but Leigh was excited, she was going to be Aes Sedai. Her father told her every day how proud he was of her. They has almost reached Tar Valon when she caught her first view of the White Tower, it was so beautiful! A few hours later she was at the gates to the tower, her father said good bye's and held her close, they both cried. As her father left and Leigh turned towards the Tower and said "I'm Home."

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