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Posts posted by Tigara


    'Cause you're still in the middle of nowhere mountains, Tigara?  Though that could be an interesting coaxing point...  "Mountains!  Trees!  Let's go camping and hide out!"



    Actually, I think the Canada meet might be going camping next summer, but the location hasn't been picked and I'll have moved further east by then, so I'm not guaranteed to go.


    And it's a wee bit late to plan camping for this year (It's already getting cold), so I'll go steal some Albertans for next year. ;D

  2. Aka, my thread to prod along Rps and to keep them in order. (Thank you Elgee for the suggestion ;))


    All major WT RP's will be here until they are finished. Once fininshed, they will be removed. Also, information about who will be in each RP will be listed underneath. If you have something to add, PM me and I'll add it. I want the list as neat as possible.


    Raising of Shevara to Amyrlin (Currently in progress)

    (Sitters of the Hall)


    Zarinen becomes Red HoA (Unplanned)

    (Red Ajah)


    Fire in the Sky (Starting soon)

    (Tigara, Eadon, Jerinia, Rasheta)


    Reds decide to Bond Asha'man (Planning)

    (I need to poke said Reds for info)


    Reds & Asha'man Bonding (Planning)

    (Same as above)


    Cleansing the Taint (Planning)

    (Bonded sisters, unsure of who else)


  3. Jasmyne was sure her jaw dropped. The woman wanted her to sick up? She had never heard of any Aes Sedai teaching like that! Wasn't she worried about Jas burning herself out? Or losing control of the weave? Women grew in power gradually, not forcefully! But...she was the Aes Sedai. Can't have Larindhra thinking that her submissive attitude was all a scheme.


    She took a deep breath and embraced the Source. She took the largest flows of water she could muster and wove the freezing weave. The water flows were just as big as she had before - pinky sized. She was so surprised that she actually lost the Source. The weave dissipated and she blinked a few time. She gave her teacher an unsure look and embraced the Source again. She wove again and once again, the flows were pinky thick! Her face was lit up by one of her few genuine smiles. We wove it into the pond and it started to freeze over at a considerably higher rate than before. She nearly jumped up and down with excitement. It was like learning to channel for the first time! She pointed excitedly as the pond was quickly being coated in a two inch thick crust of crystalline water. "Look! Look! Look, Jagen Sedai! I'm doing it!"

  4. Well, Melianna is completely obsessed with ter'angreal, easily distracted, and daydreams enough for 7 Saldean farmgirls. Couple that in with her soon-to-be-discovered Talent for Knowing ter'angreal, there's no way she could be anything but a Brown. And to think when I made her, she was planned to be a Blue or White. O_O


    Jasmyne is high-tempered, power hungry, and irritable. I made her planning on having a Green. Well, throw a few RPs in and have her meet Deanne, she got turned away from that. She could mediate, but she'd likely beat her clients. She has no Talent whatsoever for Healing. She would kill herself finding a cause if she were blue. She abhorres Whites and Browns bore her. Red was the only option. And she's also going Black, but that must have been obvious before she turned evil.


    Ophelia was tailored to be Gray. She was made to fill a leadership gap and I've always had a little but of a Gray side to me. I'm a Gray at another site. ^_^

  5. The dreadlady awoke Terra and she got up immediately. She did her usual grooming, which wasn't much, took care of nature's call, then tried to get back on that cursed horse with far too long of legs. She tried to hop up, got her foot in the stirrup, then lost her balance and flipped upside down. She struggled a bit then her foot leg go of the stirrup and she plopped onto the dirty ground. She picked herself up, brushed her cloak off, and tried again. Foot in stirrup, hand on pommel, pulling up....not strong enough. once again, her back was on the ground and she was staring at the sky. She tried once more and through a series of awkward struggles, she did make it onto the horse.


    The dreadlady handed her a packet of food after she was on and stable.Just some bread and dry meat. It was better than other meals she had had. She nearly shivered as she recalled some of the food she had eaten back in the slums. They rode on and she was given a few instructions. She did as ordered and practiced grasping and releasing the Source. It was difficult to do at first, especially the latter part, but it grew easier the more she did it. After she thought she had that part sorta down, she moved onto the elements. Three of them came along far easier than the other two. Liadin pointed them out to her as Air, Fire and Spirit. Water was a little harder and Earth a little harder than that, but all of them seemed close to the same amount of effort to use. They seemed...balanced.


    She did that for a while and she started to feel some exhaustion. She took a break to ask questions. "Would you say that I am strong or weak in the Power? Which are the most useful elements? What is this Fortress like?"

  6. Basic Information

    Handle : Kura

    Character Count : 1

    Contact : MSN: shadowfreak0000@yahoo.com


    Character Information

    Name: Serien Miarada

    Age: 16

    Nationality: Ebou Dari



    Hair: Dark brown

    Eyes: dark

    Skin: Medium tone

    Height: 5’3

    Voice: Very soft, even when her words aren’t

    Other: Scars from various fights and duels, none really stick out.



    Special Skills: Very sociable, if outspoken.

    Knowledge Weakness: Not overly educated, but can still read/write.

    Physical Weakness: N/A

    Personality weakness: A bit of trouble keeping her opinions to herself.


    Personality: Serien is a very sociable, fun loving person. She enjoys talking to people, getting to know them, and being heard. That last trait is what gets her into so many scruffs with the other girls, as she stubborn when it comes to challenges.



    Serien is a middle class girl, born to the owner of a successful inn found in Ebou Dar titled The Lord’s Knife. She was always known to hang around the inn, talking to customers, circulating the tables under her mother’s watchful eye. On these trips around the floor, she developed her skills socially, as well as how to argue for what she thought was right. Not to mention a few choice words involving goats and fire.


    As expected she began actually working at the inn at a young age as well, specifically on her twelfth name day. She’d take the orders, wash the tables, and do her best to keep the conversation light. Unfortunately this job was often made difficult by young girls visiting the capitol from the other parts of Altaria, and often it would come down to a duel, or much more commonly an open fight, when Serien spoke out against these snobbish, at least in her opinion, girls. Despite the frequency of her duels, she never learned to be a fighter, often walking away far more blood lost than drawn. Her mother condoned this behavior, saying it would take a brave man to offer her little girl a marriage knife.


    Still, the boys did of course notice her. When she was fourteen a merchant would often come by the inn and bring his son along to get him to know the people he served, to teach him how to read them. The boy was more interested in the girl who moved between the tables holding up three conversations at once while still managing to get her work done. He introduced himself as Cale, and they struck up a conversation, Serien happy to have a boy her own age to talk to as most of the patrons were a good bit older.


    Over the span of two years, Cale came in more and more often, with or without his father, until he was there almost every day to see the girl. At first they were close friends, confiding in each other the rigors of teen life, but as is often the case, one side held feelings that the other didn’t return. Still, Cale’s feeling didn’t impede on their friendship for a time, aside from the occasional awkwardness. The boy was well mannered, but never accepted that he didn’t have a chance with Serien, and after two years of close friendship, he tried to kiss her.


    The incident ended with him sprawled on the floor after a vicious right hook.


    Needless to say, this did change their relationship, and he didn’t come back for nearly ten days. In those ten days however, an Aes Sedai was visited the inn, and Serien, wanting to get away from the inn asked her what it took to join her order. The woman smiled, and told her to visit her rooms that night, when she did; Serien was told to concentrate on a gemstone swinging from a chain. A few moments into the exercise, she thought she saw a slight flash. The Aes Sedai smiled, and told her that she would take her to the tower when she was done with her business in Ebou Dar. They left as Cale was entering, his eyes were wide, and he looked ready to shed a tear when all Serien said was, “I’m going to the White Tower Cale, I’m going to be an Aes Sedai.”


    Now, enrolled in the Novice Book, she awaits her true training as a member of the elite order to begin…


  7. Terra eyed her teacher as he walked. There was a distinct difference of how people walked. She would have to keep note of that. Read people? Not as easy as reading a book by any means, but it was doable. She had no experience whatsoever in that, but it seemed like it would be easy enough to pick up. Manipulating information that you give? That sounded an awful lot like what Aes Sedai do. If course it was said that the Aes Sedai invented the Game, so it was no surprise.


    How does helping you serve me, what information have I given you, and what do you think has been manipulated?"


    She pondered them a minute. "By helping me, you gain a partner who can hold her own in the world without exposing you. You have given me enough information that I'm beginning to be suspicious of everyone's motives. And I don't think you have manipulated anything."

  8. Ah ha!!! We've been looking for another female initiate! Care to join our merry band?


    From what I've seen, you haven't done your intro. Tig could pick you up and then you can do saidar training with Terra. And then you can come join the group of Arcon/Terra awesomeness!!


    Ya know, if you wanna.....*shuffles feet*

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